HomeCurated ArticlesSeven Home Remedies for HS Pain

Seven Home Remedies for HS Pain




Use these home remedies to help reduce the symptoms of hidradenitis suppurativa and boost your self-care.

If you have hidradenitis suppurativa (HS), you may find yourself trying with strategies to relieve this persistent skin problem on top of your HS treatments. Who could blame you for seeking a competitive advantage: According to a new study, roughly 84% of HS patients report discomfort as one of the most challenging elements of dealing with the inflammatory condition’s boil-like lumps and other skin lesions. To aid you, we consulted experts for science-backed, at-home remedies that you may apply whenever you need a little extra TLC.

Recognising and Treating HS Pain

Whether you have a mild or severe case of HS, you may notice the following pattern: When lumps (called nodules) form, they are first sensitive, then burn and throb as they enlarge. According to one study, this can cause varying degrees of pain, but the phrases most typically used by people with HS to describe it include “shooting,” “itchy,” and “blinding.” Of course, your first line of defence against pain is to take the meds that your doctor has given. The home remedies suggested below may also be beneficial.

Keep Your Skin-Care Routine

“It’s most important to maintain a healthy skin-care regimen,” adds Dr. Adil. This is due to the possibility of bacteria or other micro-particles entering an open wound, producing flare-ups and more pain. To begin, Dr. Adil suggests cleansing the problematic areas once a day with a gentle cleanser free of harsh ingredients like alcohol or exfoliants. Use an antiseptic cleaner, such as neem soap, on a daily basis to reduce the number of dangerous microorganisms on the skin.

Use warm compresses.

A warm compress, according to Dr. Adil, can work wonders for pain relief. It’s as simple as applying warm water from the tap or tub to a clean washcloth. Check that it isn’t too hot! Wring out the excess water and apply the washcloth for 10 minutes to the affected area. The benefits are twofold: The warmth relieves pain while also encouraging any sores to drain.If the affected region becomes excessively hot, Dr. Adil suggests placing a heating pad against it and wrapping it in clean fabric.

Try green or black tea in your compress.

This warm compress alternative, according to our experts, may sound unusual, but it works. How? Green and black tea leaves contain polyphenols that fight inflammation, and the warmth of the compress promotes pus outflow. Steep a tea bag of green or black tea for 10 minutes in hot water (make sure it’s pure tea with no additives). “Use a soft cloth and pour the tea over it,” recommends Dr. Adil. The compress drill is then performed again: Wring out the towel and place it on the HS area for up to ten minutes.

Take an Epsom Salt Sitz Bath.

“If you have painful nodules in your groyne or buttocks area, sitz baths can also help soothe discomfort,” Dr. Adil says. A sitz bath is a plastic seat that doubles as a mini-tub that fits on top of your toilet. According to Dr. Adil, fill it with a few inches of warm (not hot!) water, then sit down and allow the warm water to touch your posterior to relieve pain, gently cleanse the area, and promote circulation, helping it to recuperate more rapidly. You can also add Epsom salt to the sitz bath, which is a common treatment for HS. Soak for 15 minutes before thoroughly drying off.

Think about taking a zinc supplement.

A study published in the Journal of Clinical Dermatology found that patients with HS had lower zinc levels, and those lower levels were associated with higher disease severity. Indeed, when researchers gave subjects with mild to severe HS 90 milligrammes (mg) of zinc daily, along with 30 mg of nicotinamide (a water-soluble form of vitamin B3), their symptoms and pain decreased dramatically after 12 weeks. However, before taking any supplement, check with your doctor to see if it is safe for you.

Scars That Heal

Burst and draining nodules can cause scars on the skin. Some experts believe that rubbing raised scars can lessen their height and hence potential friction with clothing. Try massaging your fingers in a circular motion twice a day for no more than five minutes per session. One crucial note: Do not use lotion or oil. It is crucial to avoid applying anything to open wounds. If your scars ache and there are no open wounds, you can apply ice packs.

Rethink Your Beauty Supplies

With so many personal care products on the market, it’s tough to know which ones are safe for your skin. Dr. Adil also advises avoiding strong deodorant ingredients such as alcohol, baking soda, dyes, fragrances, and parabens. These substances can irritate the skin, increase discomfort, and impede the healing process.

Self-Care Is Essential

Dr. Adil believes that HS can have a huge impact on your mental health, which is why self-care is critical. You’ll also want to reduce your stress because HS is an inflammatory condition. This could include journaling, developing a bedtime ritual, or even meditation. Studies have demonstrated that meditation and yoga not only ease stress but also lessen pain. 

Our Prognosis –

EliteAyurveda Clinics has a panel of doctors in many medical disciplines such as endocrine, autoimmune, gynaecology, and so on under one roof. We are well-known for treating chronic and difficult-to-treat illnesses with a holistic and root-cause approach.

To learn more, please contact us.

Hydradenitis suppurativa is a cause of Kapha and Pitta dosha, according to Ayurveda. When the digestive fire (Agni), or Pitta, is out of equilibrium, the Kapha Dosha becomes vitiated, causing metabolism to slow down. Because of the disturbance of fat molecules, they begin to accumulate in muscles and obstruct physiological passages, resulting in painful, swelling sores in the groin, buttocks, thighs, and armpits.

The goal of hidradenitis suppurativa Treatment in Ayurveda is to restore the body’s natural balance by detoxifying it using effective herbal remedies. 

Elite Ayurveda’s treatment for Hidradenitis Suppurativa includes balancing the Kapha and Pitta doshas as well as restoring metabolism harmony. Body detoxification, internal medications to balance doshas, and exterior applications to repair wounds are all part of the treatment.

The treatment consists of herbal mixtures generated based on individual Prakruti and Vikruti analyses. To learn more, please visit our website.

Connect with us to obtain patient testimonials and to chat directly with our patients about their experience in having their ailment treated by us and Ayurveda in general.

Dr. Adil Moulanchikkal, Lead Ayurveda Specialist at EliteAyurveda Clinics, reviewed the medical records. With over 15 years of experience in Neurological, Skin, and Autoimmune Disease treatment.


Know More About Ayurveda Treatment For Hidradenitis Suppurativa.


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