HomeCurated ArticlesFive Ways to Maintain the Health and Happiness of Your Spine

Five Ways to Maintain the Health and Happiness of Your Spine




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Whether it’s a herniated disc, spinal stenosis, or strained muscles, diagnosing and treating the causes of back pain can take some time. In addition to your back pain, you are navigating health insurance, work and family obligations, and daily stresses.

Here are five essential steps you can take to enhance your comfort and pain relief.

Allow your spine to fully relax during sleep.

While lying down, the structures of your spine that have been working diligently all day can finally relax and regenerate. To make the most of this time, you’ll need a mattress and pillows that enable your spine to relax and feel supported.

Consider the following while you sleep:

    Use either a firm or medium-firm mattress. The majority of individuals prefer a mattress that is sufficiently substantial to support their spine over an old or soft mattress that causes the spine to sag. There are numerous mattress varieties available to help you select the optimal support and sleeping position for your condition.

    Mattresses and Sleep Positions for Every Back Pain Diagnosis

    Maintain a neutral spine position. Back sleepers can reduce stress on the lower back by positioning a pillow between their knees. Try placing a pillow between your knees if you lie on your side to keep your hips balanced. 1 Additionally, some individuals may benefit from a cervical spine support cushion. Examine various types of pillows to determine which you favour.

It is essential to get sufficient rest and prepare for another day of coping with heavy spinal burdens.

Train your core to strengthen your abdominal and back muscles.

Your lower back and abdominal muscles, which support your spine and alleviate pressure on your lower back, must be strong and flexible.

Unfortunately, the majority of people do not use their abdominal muscles enough during daily activities. These muscles must be conditioned through specialized exercises. Consult a physician, physical therapist, or other health professional to determine which exercises are appropriate for you. This website also contains numerous core exercises that can assist with back issues.

Your footwear should offer spinal support.

The shoes you wear can help support your lower back, whether you’re walking for exercise or simply to get somewhere. Good shoes provide a foundation that supports the spine and body’s alignment. Check that the portion of the shoe that suits your heel is snug, but not too tight. A proper fit prevents overpronation and supination, or foot shifting inwards or outwards.

If you require additional balance or support, consider using shoe orthotics or inserts.

Take advantage of the benefits of massage.

A decent back massage provides a number of therapeutic benefits, including increased blood flow, the release of tight muscles and connective tissues, and the promotion of feelings of relaxation. Some research indicates that a moderate-level massage is more effective at relieving tension than a light-touch massage, despite the fact that a massage does not need to be intense to be relaxing. 

Even though it is not the same as visiting a professional massage therapist, having a massage chair at home can be a convenient and inexpensive way to enjoy the benefits of shiatsu or Swedish massage.

Sit with proper ergonomics and limit your total seated time.

Because the discs in your lower spine are more heavily loaded when you are seated than when you are standing, protracted sitting can cause or exacerbate a painful back condition. 4 Moreover, regardless of whether we are seated at a desk or viewing a computer screen, our natural tendency is to slouch and incline forward, which places additional strain on our lumbar discs.

Choosing the proper office chair and maintaining good posture while situated are essential for supporting the natural curves of your back.

Additionally, it is essential to avoid reclining for extended periods. At least once per hour, get up and move around, try working at a standing desk intermittently throughout the day, or pace while on the phone. The spine is designed to move in order to maintain health, and movement provides vital nutrients to the spine.

This section contains simple strategies to improve your spine and overall back health. Try to remember the basic things you can do for your back, even if you are in excruciating pain and undergoing extensive medical procedures; even minor adjustments can aid in the healing process over time.


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