An Explanation of Fibromyalgia (FM)
Signs of fibromyalgia include widespread muscular and joint pain that persists for a long time and becomes stiff. Stress, worry, and sleep difficulties are other symptoms of the condition. Since FM has both physical and mental symptoms, it is considered a classic example of psychosomatic sickness.
To put it simply, FM belongs to the same group of diseases as rheumatoid arthritis. Diagnosis is based on “questions and situations.”
There is no evidence that the immune system has a role in the development of fibromyalgia. It is thought to be a disorder of the nervous system.
This condition takes longer to diagnose because of its complexity. This situation is deteriorating rapidly.
The signs and symptoms of fibromyalgia are similar to those of other painful conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis, joint pain, sciatica, or low back pain. In order to start the right treatment, it is essential to get a differential diagnosis of the ailment.
Ayurvedic treatment has shown continuous favorable results for patients with fibromyalgia. Ayurvedic medicine’s primary objective is to revive patients’ total well-being. It’s conceivable once the body’s physiology has returned to normal. So, we need to tinker with how the body normally operates. And this is good for the body. It is unrelated to any drugs.
Learning how toxins can clog up blood vessels
Those suffering from FM conditions often experience chronic pain and joint stiffness. Allopathy and homeopathy, for example, have no knowledge of what causes these diseases or how to cure them.
Ayurveda provides a variety of viewpoints on conditions like FM. Obviously, there isn’t a single disease here that shares a name or a catchphrase with anything else. We find some ailments that are much more similar to this syndrome, though, when we look into the Old Sanskrit literature.
One of Ayurveda’s best features is the concept of Doshas. The psychological and physiological functioning of the body is a common topic discussed in dosha texts. Here is where Ayurvedic medicine steps in to bridge the gap between western medicine’s shortcomings and its own limitations. asserting a connection between the physical and mental realms. Only in the context of Ayurveda do toxins and byproducts make any sense.
Insight into the Ama Concept –
“Ama” is a common term for toxins in the human body. Toxins have an effect on both the body and the mind when they are linked to the Doshas.
Ama is the result of poor digestion. Moreover, there has been a great expansion of our understanding of microbiomes in recent years. The connection between the gut and the brain has been scientifically established. So, it’s crucial that we learn more about the link between improper digestion, Ama development, and conditions like fibromyalgia.
The connection between the Ayurvedic Ama state and FM is demonstrated through a comparative study provided by Ayurveda. The Ama obstructs the Vata dosha flow. The Mamsa Dhatu is being influenced by Vata. Thus, it is also analogous to a Mamsavrutta Vata condition.
FM is explained by Ayurveda, and the discipline also provides a variety of Ayurvedic therapies to alleviate the condition. This lends credence to the idea that fibromyalgia and RA are related conditions. Since the digestive systems are also implicated, it is linked to Grahani as well (for example – Irritable Bowel Syndrome).
Negative dietary and lifestyle habits aggravate the doshas. Doshas travel down the esophagus to the stomach, where they mingle with kledaka Kapha. Kledaka Kapha is a subclass of Kapha. Agnimandya, or weak digestion, occurs because of the similarities to a fire and water combination. Agnimandya leads to an abundance of Ama. Ama combines with whichever dosha is predominating. If this is the case, then any time ama is present, the channels will become congested.
Along with the other two Doshas, Vata which is stifled causes disruption when it becomes trapped. Because of this, there is an imbalance of the three doshas.
The same entrapped Vata Dosha carries this potent mixture of ama and dominant dosha to the rest of the body. Because the nutrients from rasa dhatu are used by every sorta and every cell in the body, metabolic disturbances have far-reaching effects.
When Agni is off balance, life as we know it ceases to work normally. This alters the ways in which the body’s vital energy and energy pathways operate.
Toxins’ ability to obstruct blood flow:
The term “channel” might refer to one of two distinct types. The first variety carries food, while the second generates power. Fibromyalgia causes disturbances in both. By adjusting the volume of these FM channels to perfection, the signal can be amplified. This is now a realistic option thanks to detoxification.
Nutritional cleansing—it makes sense only if we can put a stop to the production of new pollutants. Detoxing the body is pointless if toxin production is also maintained. Because of this, we’ll have to combine the two responsibilities. The path to success is rarely straight. It’s a two-for-one deal: cleaning and feeding.
Channel cleansing – The energy channels, however, call for identical preparation. Controlling stress is a difficult task. This is the most challenging component of the treatment, especially for those who suffer from fibromyalgia.
Fibromyalgia treatment centers around four main tenets, all of which aim to enhance the patient’s dietary and energetic habits and so alleviate their symptoms.
- Force the Ama to leave the body.
- Aiding Agni in lowering Ama’s creation
- Third, Vata must find its equilibrium.
- As a means of stress reduction,
Read More Effectively Cure Fibromyalgia
Just to recap –
Fibromyalgia patients who opt for Ayurveda treatment report feeling better and more energetic after just a few sessions. EliteAyurveda has developed a thorough protocol for the treatment of fibromyalgia based on years of evidence-based treatment using the usage of strong herbs and their extracts based on classical ayurveda, having treated the complicated condition of fibromyalgia in hundreds of patients.
Although there are many potential treatments for FM, Ayurveda has proven to be the most beneficial. The initial objective of treatment should be to alleviate suffering and restore confidence by informing patients of the current state of knowledge regarding how the problem can be successfully treated with herbs or natural therapies like yoga poses. Second, knowing that there are many types of FM is essential, even if some seem to be more vulnerable than others; this knowledge will help both the patient and their carers navigate the complexities of the condition and its treatment.
Currently, the author works as a Lead Ayurveda Specialist with EliteAyurveda Clinics. The treatment of Neurological, Muscular, and AutoImmune Disorders has been a focus for over 15 years.
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