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Is Hidradenitis Suppurativa hereditary?




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This is not an easy solution, but nothing concerning Hidradenitis Suppurativa is. Genetics is difficult to understand, and it is not always correct. Even if you are more likely to receive something, this does not guarantee that you will. Consider it this way. How many people in your family have a chronic condition that you do not? This should demonstrate that not everything that is passable is. And not everything you hear is true for you. The same holds true for your children. I, for example, have HS. Nobody in my family has HS that I am aware of. So genetics is more complicated than I anticipated. Before I begin, I should state that I am not a geneticist. However, here is my understanding from an Ayurvedic standpoint.

HS and genes

First, let’s go over basic genetics terminology.

Chromosomes are DNA and protein-based informational strands. Each parent passes down one pair of chromosomes. They live in your cells’ nuclei and transfer your genes.

Your genes influence which traits you will have. And dominant genes dictate characteristics. If your mother provides you the gene for blonde hair and your father gives you the gene for brown hair, and you have both, your father’s gene was dominant.

The phenotype is the manifestation of a trait (for example, brown hair). This is also true for genetic illnesses. However, occasionally more than one gene influences a trait.

Mutations in a single gene generate a monogenetic disease. Multiple genes interact to produce polygenic traits. Scientists believe that HS is caused by a polygenetic mutation in the genes of the -secretase complex.

What is the genetic basis of HS?

Presenilin is a gene that runs in families. This means that just one parent must have the gene in order for their offspring to inherit it. To complicate matters even more, the mutant gene does not have to come from either parent. De novo mutations, also known as de novo alterations, can result from autosomal dominant genes. As a result, scientists believe that genetics has two effects on the development of HS. 

Currently, there are no genetic diagnoses for HS. Furthermore, scientists do not believe genetics fully explains HS. They believe that this explanation only applies to a small proportion of HS patients and that more research is required.

As previously indicated, the situation is complicated and difficult to forecast.

HS from a Social Perspective

You may say that your genetics put your child at risk of acquiring HS. There’s probably not much you can do about it. However, as you are well aware, the sickness is not the only source of our issues. There is a concept known as the social model of disability when it comes to chronic sickness and disability. According to this paradigm, the majority of disabilities are caused by the environment rather than the condition.

The stigma and limits of our health care exacerbate our illnesses. Guilt and humiliation are serious difficulties. Some doctors are unable or unwilling to recognise HS. As a result, by the time we obtain therapy, the condition is typically progressed. You can, however, help your child with these challenges.

Defending Your Child

I don’t know if your child will develop HS. I am aware, however, that your child will grow up with someone who has HS. They will almost certainly notice it or its effects and grow acquainted with it. They will grow up without the shame of having a disability that no one talks about and no one hides.  If they require future diagnosis and treatment, they will have a parent to advocate for them. You will have the requisite knowledge. And if you’re reading this, I’m guessing you’re well on your way to feeling confident enough to act when the time comes. Unless you’re already there.

There are no simple solutions.

As a result, no one knows. Although there is a genetic link to HS, research is ongoing. So far, it does not appear that if you have HS, your children will as well. However, this is fantastic news. I understand why you are concerned. Many of us had trouble getting a diagnosis. It was also upsetting. More research, however, is constantly on the horizon. This will lead to faster diagnosis and better treatment. You will help in this endeavour.

High school will no longer be the same in the future. As a result, if they have it, they will have more choices. They will have the requisite knowledge and self-assurance to act. And they could notice it soon enough to halt its progression. Perhaps, just maybe, there will be a cure.

Our Prognosis –

EliteAyurveda Clinics has a panel of doctors in many medical disciplines such as endocrine, autoimmune, gynaecology, and so on under one roof. We are well-known for treating chronic and difficult-to-treat illnesses with a holistic and root-cause approach.

To learn more, please contact us.

Hydradenitis suppurativa is a cause of Kapha and Pitta dosha, according to Ayurveda. When the digestive fire (Agni), or Pitta, is out of equilibrium, the Kapha Dosha becomes vitiated, causing metabolism to slow down. Because of the disturbance of fat molecules, they begin to accumulate in muscles and obstruct physiological passages, resulting in painful, swelling sores in the groyne, buttocks, thighs, and armpits.

The goal of hidradenitis suppurativa Treatment in Ayurveda is to restore the body’s natural balance by detoxifying it using effective herbal remedies. 

Elite Ayurveda’s treatment for Hidradenitis Suppurativa includes balancing the Kapha and Pitta doshas as well as restoring metabolism harmony. Body detoxification, internal medications to balance doshas, and exterior applications to repair wounds are all part of the treatment.

The treatment consists of herbal mixtures generated based on individual Prakruti and Vikruti analyses. To learn more, please visit our website.

Connect with us to obtain patient testimonials and to chat directly with our patients about their experience in having their ailment treated by us and Ayurveda in general.

Dr. Adil Moulanchikkal, Lead Ayurveda Specialist at EliteAyurveda Clinics, reviewed the medical records. With over 15 years of experience in Neurological, Skin, and Autoimmune Disease treatment.


Know More About Ayurveda Treatment For Hidradenitis Suppurativa.


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