HomeCurated ArticlesRedefining Psoriasis Management Through Ayurveda at EliteAyurveda

Redefining Psoriasis Management Through Ayurveda at EliteAyurveda




Redefining Psoriasis Management Through Ayurveda at EliteAyurveda


Psoriasis is a persistent autoimmune skin disorder characterized by red, flaky patches that often bring discomfort and itching. This condition commonly affects the scalp, elbows, knees, and lower back, but its impact goes beyond the skin, affecting overall health and quality of life. This article delves into the Ayurvedic approach to psoriasis, focusing on its root causes, clinical implications, and comprehensive management strategies.

Understanding the Root Causes of Psoriasis

Psoriasis stems from an overactive immune system that mistakenly targets healthy skin cells. This triggers a rapid turnover of skin cells, leading to the accumulation of dead cells on the skin’s surface, forming thick, scaly patches. While genetics, environmental factors, and lifestyle choices can contribute to its onset and severity, the Ayurvedic perspective highlights the significance of internal imbalances.

Relevant Shloka: “प्रसिद्धि: सर्वरोगाणां, दोषेष्वेव न संशयः।
सर्वेषां हि विकाराणां, हेतुर्येषामसंशयम्॥”
(Charaka Samhita, Sutrasthana 20.4)
“All diseases undoubtedly arise from the imbalance of doshas. There is no doubt that they are the root cause of all disorders.”

The Necessity of Treatment

Psoriasis, though chronic and incurable, can be managed effectively to alleviate symptoms and enhance quality of life. Without proper care, psoriasis can lead to severe physical discomfort, emotional distress, and increased risk of associated conditions such as psoriatic arthritis, cardiovascular diseases, and metabolic syndrome.

Common Comorbidities:

  • Psoriatic Arthritis: Joint inflammation linked to psoriasis.
  • Cardiovascular Diseases: Elevated risk of heart-related conditions and stroke.
  • Metabolic Syndrome: A combination of conditions like obesity, high blood pressure, and insulin resistance.
  • Mental Health Issues: The emotional toll of living with a chronic condition, often leading to depression and anxiety.

Ayurvedic Insights on Psoriasis

From an Ayurvedic standpoint, psoriasis is often associated with an imbalance in the Vata and Kapha doshas, compounded by the accumulation of Ama (toxins) in the body. These imbalances disrupt the skin’s natural processes, leading to the inflammation and scaling typical of psoriasis.

Key Ayurvedic Concepts:

  • Dosha Imbalance: Vata and Kapha disturbances are closely linked to skin disorders, including psoriasis.
  • Agni (Digestive Fire): A vital force for digestion and metabolism, whose weakness can lead to toxin buildup.
  • Ama (Toxins): Resulting from poor digestion, these toxins block the body’s channels (Srotas), exacerbating skin issues.

Relevant Shloka: “दोषा दोषसमुत्थानां, क्षीणे मार्दवमुत्तमम्।
ततो विकाराणां हन्ति, तत् कालं च स्वयं हरेत्॥”
(Charaka Samhita, Sutrasthana 28.47)
“When the doshas are balanced, it brings about the best of health. It then eliminates disorders and balances itself over time.”

Ayurvedic Treatment Approaches for Psoriasis

1. Detoxification: Clearing the Path to Healing

Detoxification is a cornerstone of Ayurvedic treatment for psoriasis, focusing on cleansing the body of accumulated toxins that contribute to the disease’s progression.

  • Ayurvedic External Therapies: Techniques designed to purify and rejuvenate the body.
  • Herbal Medications: Formulations with cleansing properties that promote detoxification and cellular renewal.

Relevant Shloka: “सर्वे रोगा: दोषदुष्टा, दुष्टेष्वपि पुनः श्रुताः।
तस्मात्तेषां प्रलेपः स्याद्, दोषदोषहरेषु वा॥”
(Charaka Samhita, Chikitsasthana 15.106)
“All diseases arise from the imbalance of doshas, hence the application of therapies that balance these doshas is essential.”

2. Internal Herbal Medications: Restoring Balance from Within

Ayurvedic internal treatments focus on balancing the doshas and addressing the specific imbalances driving psoriasis. These individualized herbal formulations are tailored to each patient’s constitution (Prakruti) and current state of imbalance (Vikruti).

  • Anti-inflammatory and Immune-Modulating Herbs: To calm the immune system and reduce inflammation.

3. External Therapies: Soothing and Healing the Skin

Ayurvedic external applications are crucial in managing psoriasis, offering remedies that aid in healing, reducing irritation, and preventing infections.

  • Herbal Pastes and Medicated Oils: Used to soothe inflamed skin and promote healing.

4. Lifestyle Modifications: Supporting Long-Term Health

Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of lifestyle changes to complement treatment and support long-term management of psoriasis.

  • Dietary Adjustments: Focused on balancing Vata and Kapha doshas.
  • Stress Management: Incorporating yoga, meditation, and pranayama to alleviate stress and enhance overall well-being.
  • Hygiene Practices: Using natural skincare products and maintaining cleanliness to avoid flare-ups and infections.

Relevant Shloka: “रोगा: सर्वेऽपि मंदाग्नौ, क्षीणे तु बलवर्जिते।
बलस्योत्पादनं तेषां, हेतुर्मेध्या: प्रकीर्तिता॥”
(Charaka Samhita, Sutrasthana 18.49)
“All diseases arise from a weak digestive fire. Strengthening the body and intellect is the remedy for all conditions.”

Achieving Long-Term Remission and Management

At EliteAyurveda, our focus extends beyond symptom relief. We strive to address the root causes and triggers of psoriasis to achieve long-term remission. Our approach includes:

  • Identifying Core Causes: Understanding and treating the underlying factors that contribute to psoriasis.
  • Regulating Body Response: Adjusting the body’s response to treatments and lifestyle changes to maintain balance.
  • Ongoing Support: Providing guidance and motivation to help patients adhere to lifestyle modifications and, when necessary, preventive treatments to sustain remission.


Psoriasis is a complex condition, but with the right approach, you can manage it effectively and live a fulfilling life. Awareness and understanding of psoriasis are crucial in reducing its stigma, and proactive management can prevent the progression of associated comorbidities.

Ayurveda offers a holistic and individualized approach to managing psoriasis, focusing on restoring balance and promoting long-term health. At EliteAyurveda, we are dedicated to offering compassionate care and guiding you on your journey to wellness. To learn more about our treatment plans and hear from our patients, connect with us today.

Embrace the wisdom of Ayurveda for effective, long-lasting management of psoriasis at EliteAyurveda.


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