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Effectively Heal Infertility

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How are we able to Treat Infertility

Infertility is the term used when a couple is unable to conceive a baby after having an unprotected sex. This may be due to the reason that one of the partners cannot contribute to conception or either the woman is unable to carry a pregnancy to full term. This can be caused due to low sperm count in men, low sperm mobility in men or abnormal sperm; whilst in women infertility can be caused due to excess intake of alcohol, smoking habits, being obese, exposure to chemicals and excess stress levels. In women the other reasons refer to the medical conditions like PCOS, endometriosis, uterine problems, tubal factors, ovarian factors and age related factors.

According to ayurveda, a female menstrual cycle and fertility are affected due to improper diet, emotional instability, excessive physical exercise, lifestyle and stress; which are responsible for imbalance in the doshas- Vata, Pitta and Kapha. In male, the main cause of infertility can be hormonal imbalances, tumors, infections, defects in tubules that transport sperm, etc.; which causes vitiation of doshas. The main cause for infertility in ayurveda is connected to agnimandya and tridosha dushti.

Ayurveda believes in strengthening the body and helping the body conceive in a natural way. It relies on self-healing and balancing mechanisms which refers to changes in diet, lifestyle and stress management. Other treatments that help in balancing the natural mechanism of the body includes agni deepana and ama pachana, vatanulomana, shodhana and treatments for stress management. The treatment is also associated with intake of certain herbs like ashwagandha, shatavari, amalaki, etc. that help in creating hormonal balance. This line of treatment helps in regaining sync in the body and also conceiving.

Unlike other treatment procedures that jump straight to symptom management, we address the root-cause of the disease. Our treatment for Infertility has proved to achieve a near cure and symptom-free state. We focus on diet, use of potent herbs, meditation, massage with herbal oils and yoga. These classical ayurveda practices have proven & shown sustained results in our Infertility Treatment.

Our Infertility
Treatment Highlights

Understand the Approach that Makes Us the Most Successful Ayurveda Center for Infertility Treatment

We strive to enhance the quality of medicines to give you the holistic benefit of latest in treatment knowledge and optimally potent herbal medicines.

Complete Reversal

Completely Reverse Infertility in 90 to 180 Days With a Lasting Remission Phase. With Visible Results in 20 Days

Awarded Ayurveda Centre in India

Awarded Clinic For "Best Ayurveda Centre For Skin & Endocrine Treatments In India"

Research & Development

Continous research and development for more precise treatment techniques as well as herbal medicines for both Prevention & Cure

Best Ayurveda Doctors Worldwide

Well Known Figures like Dr. Adil Moulanchikkal & Dr. Soumya Hullannavar in Ayurveda Fraternity as part of our Lead Specialists Panel

Our Success in Numbers!


Patients Treated

Among World's leading experts on Ayurveda treatment with over 28k+ patients treated worldwide


Years Experience

Our doctors have combined treatment experience that surpasses 30+ Years


Success Rate

With Lasting Remission Phase & Visible Results in 20 Days

With you,
throughout your treatment journey


Easy Appointments avaliable Online & Offline with the Best Ayurveda Experts in India


Evidence-based Approach for Progressive Health with Dedicated 1:1 Support


Medicines Delivered to your door-step Worldwide Hassle-Free


Structured, AYUSH Vetted Root Level Treatments for Rebalanced Cellular & Metabolic Conditioning


Personalised for Changes on a Deeper Level that will have a Long-Lasting Impact on your Health

Infertility Treatment, Naturally -

Every person is unique, hence treatment for the person’s disease must be unique too.
No Over-The-Counter Medication. Unique Customised Proprietary Herbal Medicines

Root Cause Treatment

“The ayurvedic approach of disease looks for the root cause and not merely the symptoms. The basic principles of Ayurveda consider an individual human a specific identity and hence his treatment giving importance to the treatment of the patient rather than the treatment of the disease.”

Wisdom of Ayurveda

“Since Ayurveda focuses on the root-cause of the disease, it effectively reduces the risk of severe health complications arising out of the untreated underlying cause. Patients who complete their Ayurveda treatment have a reduced risk of health complications later.”

More Than Just Medicines

"Heal your body naturally with 5000-year-old knowledge of Ayurveda and Modern Science. From its authenticity, structured approach and personalisation play a very important role in complementing the effect of medicines as well as sustaining the benefit of treatment after the medicines have ended."

Understand how we can help you with Infertility ..

Treatement for infertility:

Our program for couples who wish to conceive a healthy baby. Healthy, not only in terms of weight and
physical features, but also a sound mind, and a pure soul. Ayurveda describes a step-by-step program for both parents to
ensure an ‘Ayurvedically’ healthy baby.

Created by Dr. Soumya Hullannavar, Our Treatment is a unique program based on millennia old Ayurvedic procedures and medicines defined in Charaka and Shushruta Samhitas. This program is a modern rendition of the same invaluable science of creating a healthy progeny.

Before the program commences, our health coach will compile a case history and then counsel you on what you can expect by the end of the program and what steps will be taken throughout the program.

As a couple it is important that you commit to undo the effects of stress, bad diet & pollution on your reproductive health. Our Treatment creates the ideal reproductive environment for conception.

Our doctor will connect with you at a personal level to understand your expectations from the process of pregnancy and evaluate how the program can be made perfectly right for you.

Ayurveda for infertility:

  1. Ama pachana and Agni deepana:

Many ailments are caused by ama formation (toxins produced when undigested food develops in the stomach) caused by an imbalance in Agni (digestive strength). As a result, Ama therapy must always involve Agni treatment, which includes the use of digestive and carminative Ayurvedic formulations, as well as consuming meals on a regular schedule. Panchakarma therapies in Ayurveda assist to eradicate Ama and hence rectify Agni. A healthy Agni will help to maintain a healthy Ojas.

  1. Vatanulomana:

Vata is the principal dosha related to infertility. As a result, Vatanulomana (correcting Vata functions) is critical in the treatment of infertility. Vatanulomana can be aided by ayurvedic medicines, regular exercise, and a rigorous food plan.

  1. Shodhana:

Prior to shodhana, appropriate sneha- sweda are performed. Then, depending on the patient's state, therapy techniques such as Vamana (emesis), Virechana (purgation), Vasti (medicated enema), and Uttara Vasti special enema delivered via urethral or vaginal channels) are used. Peyadi krama must be followed by the patient (strict dietary regimen to be followed after Sodhana). This detoxification treatment aids in the removal of toxins from the body. These treatments aid in the treatment of infertility caused by ovarian, tubular, and uterine issues.

  1. Treatments based on Ayurveda aid in the release of stress and the removal of toxins from the body. They hydrate the body, refresh the mind, and boost the immune system. They help to relieve stress by supporting all of the body's dhatus and calming Vata.

Along with this, special diet and exercise regimen are suggested in order to keep the entire process in sync and reverse infertility.

Reasons for infertility:

    1. Reasons for female infertility:
      1. Age: 21 – 32 is the age where women have strong ability to conceive, which then falls after the age of 32.
      2. Obesity: This is the most common factor that has an effect on infertility in both men and women.
      3. Sexually transmitted infections: Chlamydia has ability to damage the fallopian tube in women that causes infertility.
      4. Mental stress: Stress highly affects female ovulation and also leads to reduction in sexual activities that lead to infertility.
      5. Ovarian disorders: Ovarian disorders like PCOS, premature ovarian failure, poor egg quality, hyperprolactinemia, thyroid problems and chronic conditions like AIDS or cancer, can lead to infertility.
    1. Reasons for male infertility:
      1. Low sperm count: The sperm count below 15 million is considered as low sperm count, and becomes a cause for infertility.
      2. Low sperm mobility: In this condition, the sperm is not able to swim and neither is it able to reach the egg.
      3. Abnormal sperm: In this condition, the sperm is of irregular shape that makes it difficult to move and fertilize eggs.
      4. The conditions like testicular infection, cancer, over- heated testicles, ejaculation disorders and hormonal imbalance, also leads to infertility in men.
      5. Genetic factor: In Klinefelter’s syndrome i.e. when a man has two X chromosomes and one Y chromosome, the testicles develop abnormally and leads to low testosterone and low sperm count or no sperm.
      6. Other reasons like mumps, hypospadias, cystic fibrosis, radiation therapy, diseases like diabetes and thyroid, etc. add on to the reasons for infertility in men.
      7. Problems with uterus or fallopian tubes: Surgery that causes damage to fallopian tubes, submucosal fibroids, endometriosis or previous sterilization treatment, all tend to affect fertility in women.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our Treatment is a unique customised program. Here are some of the most common questions
patients ask about the program.

Infertility is the term used when a couple is unable to conceive a baby after having an unprotected sex. This may be due to the reason that one of the partners cannot contribute to conception or either the woman is unable to carry a pregnancy to full term.

The infertility can be caused due to low sperm count in men, low sperm mobility in men or abnormal sperm; whilst in women infertility can be caused due to excess intake of alcohol, smoking habits, being obese, exposure to chemicals and excess stress levels. In women the other reasons refer to the medical conditions like PCOS, endometriosis, uterine problems, tubal factors, ovarian factors and age related factors.

The inability to become pregnant is the most common sign of infertility. A menstrual cycle that is either too long (35 days or more), too short (less than 21 days), irregular, or nonexistent may indicate that you are not ovulating. There may be no additional indications or symptoms.

Yes. You can have infertility while still having a monthly menstruation. The majority of fertility issues are caused by an ovulation condition, which can affect your menstruation. However, other things might be causing your difficulties with conception.

a. Intake of food must be rich in antioxidants
b. Have bigger breakfast
c. If having PCOS, then cut down on carbs
d. Have intake of more fiber
e. Have good amount of protein each day
f. Choose high fat dairy
g. Avoid trans fats
h. Maintain regular exercise and breathing
i. Maintain healthy lifestyle
j. Practice meditation

According to ayurveda, a female menstrual cycle and fertility are affected due to improper diet, emotional instability, excessive physical exercise, lifestyle and stress; which are responsible for imbalance in the doshas- Vata, Pitta and Kapha. In male, the main cause of infertility can be hormonal imbalances, tumours, infections, defects in tubules that transport sperm, etc.; which causes vitiation of doshas. The main cause for infertility in ayurveda is connected to agnimandya and tridosha dushti.

Ayurveda believes in strengthening the body and helping the body conceive in a natural way. It relies on self-healing and balancing mechanisms which refers to changes in diet, lifestyle and stress management. Other treatments that help in balancing the natural mechanism of the body include agni deepana and ama pachana, vatanulomana, shodhana and treatments for stress management. The treatment is also associated with intake of certain herbs like ashwagandha, shatavari, amalaki, etc. that help in creating hormonal balance. This line of treatment helps in regaining sync in the body and also conceiving.

Therapies like Swedanam and Vamanam; and herbs like banyan tree bark, ashwagandha, kapikacchu, pala gritham, shatavari, guduchi, triphala, gokshura, etc. are very beneficial in the treatment of infertility.

To boost the quality of egg and sperm as well as invigorate the reproductive system for optimal ovulation, fertilization, and conception, nourish with a mix of herbs such as Ashwagandha, shatavari, kumari, lodhra, asoka, kapikacchu, and others.

  1. Agni deepana and Ama pachana
    Ama formation (toxins created when undigested food forms in the stomach) by the imbalance in Agni (the power of digestion) lead to many diseases. Therefore, the treatment of Ama must always include the treatment of Agni, including the use of digestive and carminative Ayurvedic formulations, eating meals at proper time following an appropriate schedule. Ayurveda Panchakarma treatments help to eliminate Ama thus corrects Agni. Healthy Agni will also contribute to healthy Ojas.
  2. Vatanulomana
    The main dosha involved in infertility is Vata. So Vatanulomana (correcting the functions of Vata) is very important in the treatment of infertility. Ayurvedic formulations, following routine exercises and strict diet schedule will help in Vatanulomana.
  3. Sodhana
    Suitable sneha-swedas are done prior to sodhana. Then treatment modalities like Vamana (emesis), Virechana (puragation), Vasti (medicated enema) and Utharavasti special enema administered through urethral or vaginal routes) are done as per the condition of the patient. The patient has to follow peyadi krama (strict dietary regimen to be followed after Sodhana). This detoxification therapy helps in the expulsion of the toxins from the body. These therapies help to correct ovarian, tubular and uterine problems causing infertility.
  4. Ayurveda treatments help in releasing tension and removing impurities from the body. They nourish the body, revitalize the mind and strengthen the immune system. They are beneficial in reducing stress, nourishing all dhatus of the body and pacifying Vata.

If you cannot find the answer to your question, please get in touch with us at +91 8884722246 for expert advise,
or email us at care@eliteayurveda.com

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