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With Personalised Skin Treatments

Stay Healthy With Ayurveda

Skin / Dermatology



Skin / Dermatology Speciality Treatments

Over hundreds users every year entrust their faith in EliteAyurveda for the best skin & hair treatment in India. With 18+ years of dermatology experience. With treatments available for every skin concern, EliteAyurveda is considered to offer the best skin care for women and men. We look at the underlying cause for each symptom and improve your overall wellbeing

Understand how we can help you with Skin Conditions ..

What are Skin Conditions?

Skin conditions refer to a variety of issues that affect the skin, such as eczema, psoriasis, acne, dermatitis, and more. These conditions can cause symptoms like itching, redness, inflammation, and pain, affecting overall skin health and appearance.


The treatment for skin conditions at EliteAyurveda includes:

As the root cause lies in dosha imbalances and accumulation of toxins (Ama), they are rectified, and skin conditions are managed with a treatment plan that includes detoxification through Ayurveda external therapies, intake of herbal medications to balance the doshas, maintaining a proper diet and exercise regimen, and external application of herbal lepa or oils to reduce inflammation and promote healing. This approach helps in managing the condition from its root cause and prevents recurrence.

The treatment for skin conditions is as mentioned below:

  1. Detoxification: This is achieved by ingestion of herbal formulations that clear up Ama from the body.
  2. Internal medications: These are provided to set back all the doshas in line with bodily functions. The medications may include Manjishtadi Kwath, Khadirarishta, and other formulations based on individual needs.
  3. External applications: These include massage of herbal oils and formulations on the affected area to soothe inflammation and aid healing.

Along with the line of treatment for skin conditions, a side treatment is suggested by health professionals regarding the diet and exercise routine. This helps in fixing the unmanaged metabolism and also helps in balancing doshas within the body.


Skin conditions are believed to result from various factors, including genetic predisposition, environmental factors, lifestyle habits, and dosha imbalances. Ayurveda attributes them to imbalances in Pitta and Kapha doshas, leading to inflammation and irritation of the skin.


Skin conditions can vary in severity and may progress through different stages:

  1. Mild: Symptoms are manageable with topical treatments and dietary changes.
  2. Moderate: Symptoms are more persistent and may require regular medical intervention.
  3. Severe: Symptoms are severe, significantly impacting quality of life and requiring intensive treatment.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our Treatment is a unique customized program. Here are some of the most common questions patients ask about the program.

Skin conditions refer to a variety of issues that affect the skin, such as eczema, psoriasis, acne, dermatitis, and more. These conditions can cause symptoms like itching, redness, inflammation, and pain, affecting overall skin health and appearance.

Skin conditions are believed to result from various factors, including genetic predisposition, environmental factors, lifestyle habits, and dosha imbalances. Ayurveda attributes them to imbalances in Pitta and Kapha doshas, leading to inflammation and irritation of the skin.

Skin conditions can be serious and may significantly impact the quality of life due to their chronic nature and potential complications such as severe inflammation, infection, and scarring. Proper treatment and management are crucial.

Yes, the severity of skin conditions can fluctuate over time. Patients often experience periods of flare-ups and remission. Various factors, including diet, stress, infections, and medication adherence, can influence these fluctuations.

Yes, skin conditions can be associated with other health conditions, including arthritis, eye inflammation, and psychological issues. It is important to address these conditions holistically to prevent further complications.

Yes, Ayurveda offers effective treatments for skin conditions by addressing the root cause and balancing the doshas. Ayurvedic treatments focus on detoxification, herbal remedies, and lifestyle modifications to promote long-term skin health.

Ayurvedic treatment for skin conditions focuses on balancing the doshas, detoxifying the body, and using herbal formulations to reduce inflammation and promote healing. Dietary modifications and lifestyle changes are also recommended to support overall health.

Dietary recommendations for skin conditions include avoiding foods that aggravate Pitta and Kapha doshas, such as spicy, oily, and processed foods. A diet rich in fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains is beneficial. Hydration and maintaining a balanced diet are also important.

Stress can trigger or worsen skin conditions by impacting the immune system and hormone levels, leading to increased inflammation. Managing stress through relaxation techniques, mindfulness, yoga, and meditation is crucial in the holistic management of the condition.

Natural remedies for managing skin conditions include using aloe vera, turmeric, neem, and sandalwood for their anti-inflammatory properties. Maintaining proper skin hygiene and hydration is also important. It's essential to consult with an Ayurvedic practitioner before starting any natural remedy.

Ayurvedic treatment can be combined with conventional medicine, but it is important to do so under the guidance of both an Ayurvedic practitioner and a conventional doctor to ensure there are no adverse interactions and that both treatments complement each other effectively.

Ayurvedic treatment for skin conditions offers several benefits compared to conventional treatments. Ayurveda focuses on the root cause of the condition, providing holistic care that includes diet, lifestyle, and herbal remedies. It avoids synthetic chemicals, reducing the risk of side effects. Ayurvedic treatments aim for long-term relief and prevention of recurrence, promoting overall well-being rather than just symptom management.

The duration of Ayurvedic treatment for skin conditions varies from person to person depending on the severity of the condition, individual constitution (dosha), general health, and adherence to the treatment plan. Consistency and commitment to the prescribed regimen are key to achieving long-term benefits.

Maintaining the benefits of Ayurvedic treatment for skin conditions in the long term involves following the prescribed diet and lifestyle recommendations, practicing stress management techniques such as yoga and meditation, and continuing the use of any supportive herbal formulations. Regular follow-ups with the Ayurvedic practitioner to monitor health and make necessary adjustments to the treatment plan are also important.

Yes, dietary changes can significantly impact the management of skin conditions. Avoiding foods that aggravate Pitta and Kapha doshas, such as spicy, oily, and processed foods, while incorporating fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can help manage the condition.

The chronic nature of skin conditions and their impact on daily life can lead to emotional distress and mental health issues such as depression and anxiety. Proper treatment, support, and stress management are necessary to address these mental health concerns alongside managing skin conditions.

Long-term complications of skin conditions can include severe inflammation, infection, scarring, and increased risk of other health issues such as arthritis and eye inflammation. Ongoing medical care and regular screenings are important for managing these risks.

To get started with Ayurvedic treatment for skin conditions at Elite Ayurveda, you can book a consultation with our experienced practitioners. The consultation can be conducted online or offline, and our team will create a personalized treatment plan based on your specific needs and health condition. Contact us today to begin your journey towards holistic healing and improved skin health.

If you cannot find the answer to your question, please get in touch with us at +91 8884722246 for expert advice, or email us at care@eliteayurveda.com