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Effectively Heal Avascular Necrosis

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How are we able to Treat Avascular Necrosis

Avascular necrosis (AVN) is a condition of death of bone tissues due to lack of blood supply. It is a painful disease, which does not show any early symptoms. But, when it gets to a worsening stage, it becomes painful such that it makes a person unable to use their joints. The pain starts slowing only while applying pressure to the bone, later it becomes constant and lastly it becomes severely painful.
AVN is also known as osteonecrosis. Because bone is the specific tissue that is deteriorating. AVN can affect any bone, however it is most frequently found in the hip joint.
Avn is not an instance of osteoporosis in which bone deteriorates more quickly.

According to ayurveda, all the three doshas are involved in manifestation of AVN, but Vata dosha is most predominant. Vata dosha resides in bones, and when Vata dosha increases, bone tissues degenerate, which starts the manifestation of AVN. Further, Pitta dosha is involved in pathogenesis of AVN, as it resides in blood. As in AVN there is lack of blood supply to the bones, and pitta cannot be high in the bones, it starts to damage the bones. Moreover, Kapha dosha increases the imbalance in production of fat tissues, and increases blockages in the channels of blood supply to the bones.

Thus, when it comes to treatment for avascular necrosis in ayurveda, it’s all about setting balance between the doshas and elimination of toxins that have blocked the channels. Treatments associated with AVN are deepana, panchakarma, and rukshana. These therapies help in detoxifying the body, nourishing the tissues and bringing back the missing links to ensure proper functioning. Along with this, a proper diet and exercise plan is suggested in order to pacify the effects of vitiated doshas and also avoid symptoms of AVN in the long run.

Our Avascular Necrosis
Treatment Highlights

Understand the Approach that Makes Us the Most Successful Ayurveda Center for Avascular Necrosis Treatment

We strive to enhance the quality of medicines to give you the holistic benefit of latest in treatment knowledge and optimally potent herbal medicines.

Best Treatments

Effectively Treat Avascular Necrosis With a Lasting Remission Phase. With Visible Results in 20 Days

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Awarded Clinic For "Best Ayurveda Centre For Neurological & Endocrine Treatments In India" & Two time Winner For "Best Centre for Ayurveda Treatments In India"

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Continous research and development for more precise treatment techniques as well as herbal medicines for both Prevention & Cure

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Well Known Figures like Dr. Adil Moulanchikkal & Dr. Soumya Hullannavar in Ayurveda Fraternity as part of our Lead Specialists Panel

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AVN Treatment, Naturally -

Every person is unique, hence treatment for the person’s disease must be unique too.
No Over-The-Counter Medication. Unique Customised Proprietary Herbal Medicines

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“The ayurvedic approach of disease looks for the root cause and not merely the symptoms. The basic principles of Ayurveda consider an individual human a specific identity and hence his treatment giving importance to the treatment of the patient rather than the treatment of the disease.”

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“Since Ayurveda focuses on the root-cause of the disease, it effectively reduces the risk of severe health complications arising out of the untreated underlying cause. Patients who complete their Ayurveda treatment have a reduced risk of health complications later.”

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"Heal your body naturally with 5000-year-old knowledge of Ayurveda and Modern Science. From its authenticity, structured approach and personalisation play a very important role in complementing the effect of medicines as well as sustaining the benefit of treatment after the medicines have ended."

Understand how we can help you with Avascular Necrosis


The treatment line for avascular necrosis in ayurveda includes following stages:

  1. Balancing of Vata dosha: As Vata dosha causes deterioration of bones, it is necessary to balance it. It involves indulgence of medications and lifestyle changes.
  2. Balancing of Kapha dosha: As Kapha dosha increases abnormal growth of tissues that causes blockage in channels, it is necessary to treat it. It involves dietary changes accompanied with physical exercises.
  3. Deepana: It involves intake of medications that soothe digestive fire and bringing digestive fire to a capacity to balance other doshas. These medications also help in strengthening digestive fire and eliminate toxins by using maximum essence for its nourishment.
  4. Pachana: Ama that is produced as a result of bad digestion is also put into place to avoid accumulation of ama in channels.
  5. Rukshana: This is a drying therapy which helps in removing the obstruction in channels including the blood vessels and also will cause compactness of body parts, including bones.
  6. Panchakarma: This is a detoxifying therapy which involves snehana, virechana, and vasti therapies. This is a very effective step in avascular necrosis condition.
  7. Other therapies include massage and lubrication with herbal oils; sthanika vasti (oil pooling), dhanyamla dhara (steam pouring), udwarthanam, sneha dhara, lepa, upanaha, etc.

All these treatments are personalized depending on a person's body composition and extent of deterioration.

Summarized Strategy to treat AVN

Help prevent the bone's future deterioration.

Avascular necrosis can occur in any bone, including the humerus, femur, or any other bone. The major goal is to halt the progression of bone deterioration. We must identify the underlying source of the deterioration before we can halt it. Simply put, there is not enough blood supply.

Regarding the Ayurvedic viewpoint. The only tissue that requires reverse feeding is bone. To maintain healthy bones, bone marrow—known as Majja in Ayurveda—is more crucial. Now, the existence of osteoblasts in bone marrow has been demonstrated through studies. This is the reason bone marrow oedema is so prevalent in avascular necrosis. We focus on the oedematous bone marrow.

Some individuals continue to use calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D. The condition AVN, however, cannot be addressed by these supplements. Avascular necrosis refers to the absence of blood flow.

Working to make the blood flow more freely.

This is the issue's fundamental core cause. When it comes to tissue healing and reversing avascular necrosis. Blood must flow to obstructed locations and through blocked areas in order to restore blood flow.

The idea of raktashodhna, or blood purification, is found in Ayurveda. There are some herbs that are recommended for blocking fatty cells, ama, and toxins. Therapies and potent herbs are used to address this problem.

Ensure a sufficient blood flow to the injured bone.

once the damaged part begins to receive blood. The body's inherent ability to heal itself aids in tissue regeneration. This mechanism was thrown off because of the lack of blood flow. The additional bone degeneration is stopped by this restorative process.

Reversal of affected tissue.

Age, the state and progression of the damaged bone, the underlying cause that caused AVN, and other factors all determine how well our treatment works in the process. Once all requirements are completed, patients are periodically asked for MRI and X-ray reports to gauge their development.

Causes of Avascular Necrosis

  1. Improper Lifestyle : When a patient abuses drugs like steroids, excessively drinks, or smokes. Or it results in fat emboli when the body's lipid levels are off. Emboli of fat are fat bundles. These bundles start obstructing the flow of blood when they come into contact with astrocytes. by narrowing the arteries. Blood flow is decreased as a result.
  2. Metabolic Cause : Every bone undergoes ongoing bone remodelling. Osteoblasts and osteoclasts, two different cell types, were involved in this. between these two kinds. The purpose of the osteoblasts is to create new bone. When these cells aren't supplied by blood. Cells begin to decompose. Thus in the early stages of avascular necrosis, the cartilage that is above bone loses support and collapses.
  3. Some Medical Treatments : associated with a transplant of a kidney, organ, or some radiation therapy lead to weakening bones and hence avascular necrosis
  4. Specific diseases : like Gaucher’s disease or Sickle cell anemia can also lead to AVN

Types of Avascular Necrosis

  1. Traumatic avascular necrosis : This is caused after a bone injury wherein someone breaks or has dislocation of bone. It is most common in the cases of hip fractures in which the hip no longer aligns to the joint as it used to be. Causes of Femoral AVN -Because the arteries supplying the femoral head are so small, they are easily damaged, leading to a femoral neck dislocation or a sub capital fracture (close to the head). This causes the femoral head to get insufficient nutrition, which causes necrosis. In the other type, the arteries occluding, the cause of which is unknown. It may be asymptomatic at first, but later on, pain of varying degrees and changes in gait are observed.
  2. Non- traumatic avascular necrosis : If you have a disease or medical condition that prevents blood from going to your bone tissue, this can happen. The same bones on both sides of the body are frequently affected by non-traumatic avascular necrosis. If you have avascular necrosis in your right shoulder, it's likely that you'll also have it in your left. It is most common in medical conditions like osteoporosis, sickle cell anemia, diabetes, cancer, lupus, HIV, or organ transplants. You can get AVN everywhere you have bones and a blood supply. Long bones with epiphyseal ends, such as the femur and humerus, are affected by osteonecrosis. The calcaneum in the heel and the lunate and scaphoid in the wrist joint are examples of tiny bones where it can also happen.

Avascular Necrosis progression

  • Initially, With time, the pain in the vicinity of the injured area may become severe.
  • Knee pain originates in the groin area.
  • Putting weight on the knee or hip will cause pain.
  • Extreme joint discomfort makes movement difficult.

The early phases of AVN do not show any symptoms. As the disease progresses and blood cells die, joint pain and discomfort become visible as symptoms. Microfractures, which are very small cracks in the bone that prevent blood from flowing to particular bone parts, can cause pain to grow quickly. As a result, the bone collapses and eventually develops arthritis. A few months to several years pass between the onset of the first symptom and the development of a mobility limitation. The patient may need surgery to relieve the pain if the pain, mobility, or joint movement worsens.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Our Treatment is a unique customised program. Here are some of the most common questions
patients ask about the program.

Avascular necrosis (AVN) is defined as the tissue decay brought on by a lack of blood flow. In the word "necrosis," "avascular" means "loss of blood supply," and "decay" means "decay."
AVN is also known as osteonecrosis. Because bone is the specific tissue that is deteriorating. AVN can affect any bone, however it is most frequently found in the hip joint.

Yes, Traumatic avascular necrosis is a type of AVN - This is caused after a bone injury wherein someone breaks or has dislocation of bone. It is most common in the cases of hip fractures in which the hip no longer aligns to the joint as it used to be.

Because the arteries supplying the femoral head are so small, they are easily damaged, leading to a femoral neck dislocation or a sub capital fracture (close to the head). This causes the femoral head to get insufficient nutrition, which causes necrosis. In the other type, the arteries occluding, the cause of which is unknown. It may be asymptomatic at first, but later on, pain of varying degrees and changes in gait are observed.

Avascular necrosis and aseptic necrosis are other terminologies related to AVN. Aseptic simply implies free of infection. Because there is no infection present during AVN necrosis.

Avascular necrosis is mostly brought on by a total or temporary interruption of the blood flow to the afflicted area of the bone. This is the root causes of the blood supply issue.
Avn is not an instance of osteoporosis in which bone deteriorates more quickly.

Improper Lifestyle - When a patient abuses drugs like steroids, excessively drinks, or smokes. Or it results in fat emboli when the body's lipid levels are off. Emboli of fat are fat bundles. These bundles start obstructing the flow of blood when they come into contact with astrocytes. by narrowing the arteries. Blood flow is decreased as a result.
Metabolic Cause - Every bone undergoes ongoing bone remodelling. Osteoblasts and osteoclasts, two different cell types, were involved in this. between these two kinds. The purpose of the osteoblasts is to create new bone. When these cells aren't supplied by blood. Cells begin to decompose. Thus in the early stages of avascular necrosis, the cartilage that is above bone loses support and collapses.
Some Medical Treatments - associated with a transplant of a kidney, organ, or some radiation therapy lead to weakening bones and hence avascular necrosis Specific diseases - like Gaucher’s disease or Sickle cell anemia can also lead to AVN

Treatments associated with AVN are deepana, panchakarma, and rukshana. These therapies help in detoxifying the body, nourishing the tissues and bringing back the missing links to ensure proper functioning. Along with this, a proper diet and exercise plan is suggested in order to pacify the effects of vitiated doshas and also avoid symptoms of AVN in the long run.

Some individuals continue to use calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D. The condition AVN, however, cannot be addressed by these supplements. Avascular necrosis refers to the absence of blood flow.

AVN can move through these stages quickly in a few months, or it might take 12 To 18 months. In contrast, osteoarthritis of the hip is a slowly progressing disorder that can take years to develop.

Avascular necrosis cannot spread from one portion of the body to another. However, there are several disorders that induce avascular necrosis in a variety of joints across the body. In some cases, avascular necrosis can damage many bones.

Avascular necrosis is a kind of localized bone destruction. This is a dangerous problem since dead bone sections do not function correctly, are weaker, and may collapse if left untreated. Its not a fatal condition but a debilitating condition.

Nearly all ayurvedic treatments for avn result in symptomatic alleviation, allowing the patient to walk correctly and resume regular activities.
At EliteAyurveda, we have successfully treated a large number of patients at various severities.
Where modern medicines cannot stop progress, Our treatments stop further progress and offer complete treatment of affected area with out surgery.
Hundreds of our AVN patients have experienced AVN reversal globally, with many of them completely avoiding hip replacement surgery.

If you cannot find the answer to your question, please get in touch with us at +91 8884722246 for expert advise,
or email us at care@eliteayurveda.com