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Effectively Heal Migraine

Why EliteAyurveda

How are we able to Treat Migraine

Migraine is a neurological problem in which a person experiences pulses of headaches on one side of the head, which are more serious than normal headaches. The condition of migraine gets worse with any kind of physical activity, lights, sounds or smell. The duration for which migraines lasts is an hour to even some days. It causes symptoms like pain, tiredness, nausea, visual disturbances, numbness, difficulty in sleeping, temporary loss of vision and many more. Sometimes, it is also accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

“Suryavartha soola” is the term for migraine in Ayurveda, where ‘surya’ means ‘sun’ and ‘avartha’ means ‘arise of affliction’. Hence, it is aggravation of pain with light and heat. According to Ayurveda, migraines are caused due to imbalance in Pitta and Vata dosha. When Pitta dosha gets aggravated, it manifests symptoms like burning, shearing, and sharp pain within the body. This trigger to heat in the body also triggers migraines. The main reasons for Pitta imbalances are digestion, accumulation of digestive toxins, exposure of environmental pollution which is found in food, air and water. It is also triggered by stress, anger, frustration and mood swings.

The treatment for migraines in Ayurveda starts with Panchakarma procedures for detoxification in the body, which includes treatments like shirodhara, shiroabhyanga, sirovasthi, etc. Further, nasya treatment is given to eliminate the toxins accumulated in sinuses. The migraines in Ayurveda are managed by suggesting proper diet and exercise plan along with some breathing exercise that helps in avoiding this condition in future.

Our Migraine
Treatment Highlights

Understand the Approach that Makes Us the Most Successful Ayurveda Center for Migraine Treatment

We strive to enhance the quality of medicines to give you the holistic benefit of latest in treatment knowledge and optimally potent herbal medicines.

Best Treatments

Effectively Treat Migraine With a Lasting Remission Phase. With Visible Results in 30 Days

Awarded Ayurveda Centre in India

Accredited Member of National Psoriasis Foundation® & Awarded Clinic For "Best Ayurveda Centre For Skin & Endocrine Treatments In India"

Research & Development

Continous research and development for more precise treatment techniques as well as herbal medicines for both Prevention & Cure

Best Ayurveda Doctors Worldwide

Well Known Figures like Dr. Adil Moulanchikkal & Dr. Soumya Hullannavar in Ayurveda Fraternity as part of our Lead Specialists Panel

Our Success in Numbers!


Patients Treated

Among World's leading experts on Ayurveda treatment with over 28k+ patients treated worldwide


Years Experience

Our doctors have combined treatment experience that surpasses 30+ Years


Success Rate

With Lasting Remission Phase & Visible Results in 20 Days

With you,
throughout your treatment journey


Easy Appointments avaliable Online & Offline with the Best Ayurveda Experts in India


Evidence-based Approach for Progressive Health with Dedicated 1:1 Support


Medicines Delivered to your door-step Worldwide Hassle-Free


Structured, AYUSH Vetted Root Level Treatments for Rebalanced Cellular & Metabolic Conditioning


Personalised for Changes on a Deeper Level that will have a Long-Lasting Impact on your Health

Migraine Treatment, Naturally -

Every person is unique, hence treatment for the person’s disease must be unique too.
No Over-The-Counter Medication. Unique Customised Proprietary Herbal Medicines

Root Cause Treatment

“The ayurvedic approach of disease looks for the root cause and not merely the symptoms. The basic principles of Ayurveda consider an individual human a specific identity and hence his treatment giving importance to the treatment of the patient rather than the treatment of the disease.”

Wisdom of Ayurveda

“Since Ayurveda focuses on the root-cause of the disease, it effectively reduces the risk of severe health complications arising out of the untreated underlying cause. Patients who complete their Ayurveda treatment have a reduced risk of health complications later.”

More Than Just Medicines

"Heal your body naturally with 5000-year-old knowledge of Ayurveda and Modern Science. From its authenticity, structured approach and personalisation play a very important role in complementing the effect of medicines as well as sustaining the benefit of treatment after the medicines have ended."

Understand how we can help you with Migraine

Types of Migraine

  1. Migraine without Aura: It is commonly called ‘common migraine’ or ‘episodic migraine’. The symptoms of this type of migraines is pulsating headache or moderate to severe intensity in one side of head and is caused due to physical activities, nausea, sensitivity to light and sound.
  2. Migraine with Aura: aura simply means alarming signs that are seen before migraines like normal headaches. This type of migraine usually causes irritability while exposure to lights or sometimes the vision is lost for some period. The ability to speak, sensory disturbances, motor problems are observed in this type of migraines.
  3. Chronic migraine: When migraines are more frequent (eg. More than 15 times in a month), it is called chronic migraine. The reasons for this type of migraine may be changes in hormones, increased stress, illness or side effects of certain medications.
  4. Abdominal migraine: This type of migraine causes symptoms like abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting. This is the type of migraine that does not cause headache but causes severe pain in the abdomen.
  5. Acephalgic or Silent migraine: This is a silent type of migraine in which the classical symptoms of migraines are manifested, but there is no headache. The symptoms include blurred vision and alterations in color perceptions.
  6. Migraine with Brainstem aura: The symptoms of this type of migraine is slurred vision, vertigo, unsteadiness, and numbness. The pain usually starts from a minor headache, which then develops into the noted symptoms.
  7. Hemiplegic migraine: This is a very rare type of migraine in which there is pain in one side of the body and is accompanied by disturbance in speech and vision. This type of migraine runs in family and passed on to generations.
  8. Retinal migraine: As the name suggests, there is disturbance in vision that causes temporary blindness only in one eye. This is also accompanied by headaches that may last up-to three days.
  9. Status migrainosus: This is a severe type of migraine that lasts for three days and is accompanied with dizziness and strong headaches.


Ayurveda focuses on eliminating the root cause of migraines. The line of treatment includes:

  1. Panchakarma treatment: It includes procedures like shirodhara, shiroabhyanga, sirovasthi, etc. This helps in complete elimination of toxins from the body and also balances the vitiated doshas.
  2. Nasya: It is a procedure in which herbal formulations are ingested via nasal route to eliminate the toxins accumulated in sinuses.
  3. Oil pulling: It is also known as Kavala Graha. This treatment has powerful detoxifying effects that help in relief from migraines.
  4. Shirodhara: In this procedure, there is continuous flow of warm oil over the areas where the nerves are highly concentrated. This continuous flow helps in mental relaxation and releases the pressure from nerves.

Along with this, special focus is also given in maintaining proper diet and exercise routine that will help in balancing doshas and avoid further accumulation of toxins in the body. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Our Treatment is a unique customised program. Here are some of the most common questions
patients ask about the program.

Migraine is a primary headache disorder characterized by recurrent headaches that are moderate to severe. The episodes of migraines affect one side of the head, are pulsating in nature, and last from a few hours to three days.

The symptoms of migraines are food cravings, depression, fatigue, low energy, and hyperactivity.

Migraine can progress through four stages-

  1. Prodrome
  2. Aura
  3. Attack
  4. Post-dome
  5. Stress, is perhaps the biggest cause of all, triggers for almost 70% of people with migraine. Dehydration, dieting or skipping meals may also trigger migraines and cause nauseous feelings along with it.
  1. Use a heating pad or hot compress.
  2. Ease pressure on your scalp or head.
  3. Dim the lights.
  4. Try not to chew.
  5. Get some caffeine.
  6. Take some Ginger.

Migraine is caused by vitiation of vata (or vata and kapha). Ayurveda aims to stabilize these doshas through holistic treatments.

In Ayurveda, Migraine is referred to as ‘Sooryavarta’. Soorya means ‘Sun’ and avarta means ‘Affliction’ or ‘Blockage’. Some therapies which are followed in Ayurveda: Shirolepa— application of herbal pastes. Shirodhara—pouring of a thin stream of liquid over the scalp.

Acupuncture has a small effect in reducing migraine frequency, compared to sham acupuncture, a practice where needles are placed randomly or do not penetrate the skin.

A migraine usually lasts from 4—72 hours if untreated. It can cause severe, recurrent, and potentially disabling headaches that typically last upto 3 days.

In ayurveda, the line of treatment for migraine is the nasya karma, followed by whole body oil massage, intake of mild and soothing herbs and sweating therapy.

Migraines sufferers do best when they follow a routine. Regular meal times, regular sleep patterns, regular menstrual cycle and regular exercise schedule can prevent migraine. Very often, modest “tweaking” of lifestyle can result in huge decreases in the frequency and severity of headache.

If you cannot find the answer to your question, please get in touch with us at +91 8884722246 for expert advise,
or email us at care@eliteayurveda.com

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