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Autoimmune blistering skin disorders are rare. However, for those suffering from these chronic illnesses, they can cause significant discomfort, including itching, pain, and impairment. If left untreated, they can potentially be fatal.

Autoimmune blistering skin illnesses, also known as autoimmune bullous disorders, are caused by the body’s immune system attacking healthy skin tissue inadvertently. This can cause blistering sores on the skin and mucous membranes such as the mouth, eyes, and nose. Autoimmune blistering skin conditions do not spread. While there is no cure for these ailments, doctors can prescribe medications to help heal the blisters and put the diseases into remission.

Clinic for Chronic Autoimmune Skin Diseases

EliteAyurveda, the state’s one of its kind, offers specialized and professional treatment as well as lifelong care of these types of skin disorders.

“Autoimmune blistering skin diseases can appear suddenly, spread quickly, and be difficult to treat,” explains Dr. Adil, Lead specialist at EliteAyurveda Clinics. “If not treated effectively and in a timely manner, they can lead to infections and other complications that may require hospitalization.”

“We are experts in treating these rare diseases and use the best Ayurveda practices which are driven by research with various ayurveda institutes in the country to provide the best outcomes for our patients,” said Dr. Adil. “Many of these diseases are chronic, life-long illnesses.” Our goal is to put patients in long-term remission and eventually reduce the patient’s reliance on immunosuppressive medications. Our patients can also participate in research trials, which allow them to try cutting-edge therapies that are not yet available to the general public.”

What are the causes of autoimmune blistering diseases?

Doctors are unsure what causes the immune system to malfunction.

As previously stated, many skin disorders originate when the immune system incorrectly targets the skin. More specifically, your immune system produces proteins known as antibodies, which generally combat germs and other foreign invaders that may cause you to become ill. The immune system creates proteins that attack the components that hold the inner and outer layers of the skin together in this group of autoimmune skin disorders. This causes the two layers to split and allows fluid to collect, resulting in the formation of blisters.

Some persons are thought to have genes that raise their risk of acquiring certain illnesses. In other circumstances, it could be caused by factors such as:

Taking certain medications, such as blood pressure medication or antibiotics

The following are some of the most common conditions addressed at the clinic:

Bullous pemphigoid is a type of pemphigoid.


Pemphigoid of the mucous membrane

Bullous epidermolysis

Hailey-Hailey syndrome

Late Porphyria cutanea

IgA disease with a linear pattern

Herpetiform dermatitis

Dr. Adil talk about the three most prevalent skin disorders they find in their practice.

Bullous pemphigoid 

Bullous pemphigoid is the most frequent autoimmune blistering illness, with fewer than 20,000 cases reported each year in India.

This skin ailment is more common in older people aged 60 to 80.

Typical symptoms include:

Itchy skin that might appear weeks or months before blisters appear

Large, hard, fluid-filled blisters along skin creases or folds, most commonly on the abdomen, upper thighs, or armpits.

Skin that is red or black in tone around the blisters

Blisters on the lips or other mucous membranes

Bullous pemphigoid can be induced by some blood pressure medications, antibiotics, or even cancer treatments.

The blisters will go on their own within a few months. Others, on the other hand, may stay for five years or more.


Pemphigus comes in two varieties: pemphigus vulgaris and pemphigus foliaceus. Pemphigus vulgaris is more common in India, where it primarily affects middle-aged and older persons.

Due to genetic and environmental causes, Pemphigus foliaceus is more widespread in nations such as Brazil and some portions of South America. There is also a higher prevalence in places like Turkey and North Africa.

The following are the primary symptoms:

Sores that blister and crust and travel from the mouth to the skin and genitals.

Blisters that hurt but don’t itch

Blisters and sores that appear unexpectedly These lesions are occasionally misdiagnosed as herpes. If left untreated, the illness can be lethal.

Pemphigus is a chronic illness that, with proper Ayurveda treatment, can go into long-term remission. 

Pemphigoid of the Mucous Membrane

Mucous membrane pemphigoid is one of the most uncommon immunocompromised blistering skin diseases. It is a chronic illness that affects approximately 2 cases per million people each year. 

The following are the primary symptoms:

Blisters, ulcers, and scars in the eyes, mouth, nose, genital area, and other mucous membranes

Blisters, ulcers, discomfort, and gum inflammation (gingivitis)


Severe cases can result in scarring, swallowing difficulties, and blindness.

“Mucous membrane pemphigoid is a potentially devastating disease that can result in permanent disability,” said Dr. Adil. “Early detection and treatment are critical.” Patients who exhibit symptoms of this condition should be sent to a board-certified dermatologist for evaluation.”

Treatment consists of a mixture of immunosuppressants targeted at swiftly controlling active inflammation and transitioning to safe and effective long-term treatment.

“Treatment with long-term immunosuppression puts these patients at risk for infection; therefore, coordination with a specialized Ayurveda treatment to avoid complications is recommended,” Dr. Adil said. “While the goal of treatment is to induce remission, or temporary recovery, there is the possibility of long-term relapse.” This emphasizes the necessity of getting the disease treated from a  doctor who is familiar with treating this disease for life.”


Know More About Ayurveda Treatment For skin Dermatology.