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PCOS is a prevalent hormonal disease that affects 10% of reproductive-age women. Women with PCOS have higher quantities of male hormones androgens, as well as high levels of insulin, a hormone used to manage blood sugar.

Patients with PCOS/PCOD have a lot of worry, as well as misconceptions and falsehoods. So, let us dispel some of their concerns about the following.

Myth #1: A single symptom indicates PCOS.

PCOS is a syndrome or a collection of symptoms, hence a single sign or symptom cannot be used to make a diagnosis. Women with PCOS will meet two of the following three criteria:

Period irregularity or, at times, scanty bleeding

Excessive hair growth, acne, and hair loss are some of the symptoms of high androgen levels (hormones that impart “male” features).

Polycystic ovaries are swollen ovaries with many tiny follicles holding immature eggs that can be observed with a pelvic ultrasound scan.

Myth #2: If you have PCOS, you can’t become pregnant.

This is not the case in all cases with PCOS. Ayurvedic medications and therapies can increase ovulation, which is important for women with PCOS and infertility.

If you have PCOS and are having difficulty getting pregnant, focus on regular ovulation, ovum quality, endometrial lining, and balanced hormones. A comprehensive strategy. 

Myth #3: All women with PCOS are at risk of metabolic problems.

PCOS is related with insulin resistance, and if ignored, the risks of developing type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome* are significant (*collection of variables including high blood pressure and low cholesterol levels).

Some women who are diagnosed with irregular menstrual cycles and polycystic ovaries but do not have excess androgen may not have metabolic issues or weight gain. 

Myth #4: PCOS makes it difficult to lose weight.

Because of insulin resistance, there is a link between PCOS and weight gain. Women with PCOS are more likely to be overweight than women who do not have the illness.

While many women with PCOS report difficulty losing weight and a greater propensity to weight gain, weight management therapies such as diet and lifestyle change programmes have shown that women with and without PCOS lose the same amount of weight.

Myth #5: You Can Get Rid of PCOS If You Lose Weight

Unfortunately, this is not the only treatment for PCOS, however lowering weight can assist to control hormone levels in overweight and obese persons. Otherwise, therapy is used to treat symptoms.

A variety of ayurvedic therapy alternatives can aid in the prevention of prospective complications. Using Panchakarma Detox not only helps to regulate hormones, but it also benefits in weight loss.

Myth #6: You did something to contribute to it.

When it comes to PCOS, one thing is certain: you are not to blame. However, a number of factors, including genetics, are thought to play a role.

Androgens, or male hormones, regulate the development of male characteristics. PCOS women have higher levels of androgens than normal, which can both prevent and complicate regular menstrual periods.

Insulin resistance is common in PCOS women. Women who are overweight or obese, have poor diet and exercise habits, or have a family history of type 2 diabetes are more likely to develop this condition. Women who have mothers and sisters are more likely to contract this disease.

Myth #7: Women with PCOS do not require contraception.

Most women with PCOS have difficulty conceiving naturally and require medication to help them ovulate when they want to conceive. However, many PCOS women conceive spontaneously and have the ideal family size. They cannot estimate the exact timing of ovulation because their menstrual cycles are unpredictable. Although it is more difficult to become pregnant with PCOS, many women still ovulate irregularly, making contraception necessary.”

Ayurveda is the best System of Medicine to treat PCOS.

A 24-year-old woman came into EliteAyurveda for help with her severe acne and weight gain. She had skipped four cycles in the previous six months and had gained more than eight kilogrammes. She also expressed concern over the growth of facial hair. The blood test revealed high fasting blood sugar levels, and the scan proved PCOS. She has shed weight and shown significant changes since she began treatment at EliteAyurveda. Her cycles were regularized, and her current symptoms improved significantly.


Know More About Ayurveda PCOS Treatment.