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The length of sciatica is usually determined by the type and severity of the underlying condition. While sciatica normally goes away in a few weeks, certain medical issues can cause your symptoms to remain for up to two years.

Continue reading to learn about the most frequent causes of sciatica, when your symptoms may worsen, and typical treatments and recommendations to help avoid your back and leg pain from repeating or escalating.

When acute sciatica turns chronic

A common cause of sciatica is a problem in your lower back that irritates or inflames a sciatic nerve root, such as :

  •     Herniated lumbar disc
  •     Spinal stenosis in the lumbar region
  •     Degenerative disc disease of the lumbar spine
  •     Spondylolisthesis
  •     Lower back and/or pelvic muscular spasms and/or inflammation

If you have a recent lower back problem, you will have acute sciatica, which may flare sporadically or remain continuous for up to 4 to 6 weeks, after which it usually goes away on its own.

Sciatica can develop chronic and persistent if left untreated or if the underlying cause is severe, lasting two months or longer. 3 An estimated 20% to 30% of people will have sciatica for another year or two.

Home treatment for sciatica

Sciatica affects everyone differently. In sciatica, several nerve roots may be damaged, each causing pain and/or numbness in a different portion of your thigh, leg, and/or foot. The reaction to a single treatment may also varies amongst persons with the same sciatica diagnosis. Finding the proper treatment is frequently a trial and error procedure.

For effective sciatica pain alleviation at home, combine the following treatments:

    Ice baths. Try putting an ice pack on your back pelvis if you have acute sciatica. Ice therapy relieves pain almost instantly by narrowing blood vessels, slowing blood flow, and decreasing inflammation in the lower back. Pain relievers number 4 and 5. Try topical pain relievers or over-the-counter oral drugs such as NSAIDs: Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs. While oral drugs accumulate in the system and have a generalised effect, topical treatments may function more quickly due to their localised action.

    The use of heat therapy. Heat therapy may help relieve chronic sciatica pain by relaxing tight muscles and boosting blood flow. These effects may also aid in the healing of your lower back tissues. 

Massage. Massage your lower back gently to relieve muscle tension, increase blood circulation, and release endorphins (your body’s natural feel-good hormone). Massage can provide temporary but effective pain relief while also promoting the body’s natural healing processes.

It is also critical to use ergonomically safe and supported postures when sitting, standing, lifting, and walking.

Exercise at home to alleviate sciatica

A regular exercise programme can help reduce acute sciatica pain as well as prevent future flare-ups. Physical therapists can teach you exercises that you can do at home.

Before commencing any fitness programme, it is critical to check with a licenced health practitioner to determine the reason of your sciatica. Exercises for sciatica caused by a herniated disc differ greatly from those for symptoms caused by spinal stenosis, and each type of exercise may worsen or aggravate the underlying reason if performed incorrectly.

Sciatica Allopathic treatment

Typically, the recommended treatment will comprise a combination of:

    Prescription pain relievers for sciatica

    Exercising and physical treatment

    Manipulation by hand

    Injections of steroid into the lumbar epidural space

While surgery is uncommon, it may be recommended for chronic sciatica that does not respond to many weeks of nonsurgical treatment.

Ayurveda Treatment for Sciatica 

Ayurvedic treatment for sciatica focuses on elimination of the root cause of the condition. The treatment involves combination of physical therapy that helps in reduction of pain and inflammation; intake of Ayurvedic herbs and medicines that help in balancing doshas and in sciatica condition; and rasayana therapy (rejuvenation therapy) to maintain natural strength and vitality of the body. Along with this, massage therapy is also given to people with sciatica that helps in improving blood circulation, relaxation of muscles and releasing hormones that act as pain relief. This line of treatment helps in reversing the condition of sciatica in a natural way.


Know more about Ayurvedic Spinal Disk & Radiculopathy Treatments.
