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Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is a long-term skin condition. Acne inversa is another term for it. It results in painful, boil-like masses under the skin. It is most common in locations where the skin rubs together, such as the armpits and groin. The lumps swell and become uncomfortable. They frequently rupture, resulting in abscesses that drain fluid and pus. Scarring of the skin can occur while abscesses heal.

What are the causes of hidradenitis suppurativa (HS)?

The lumps in HS are caused by hair follicle obstructions. Bacteria become trapped in the clogged hair follicles, causing irritation and rupture. The majority of the time, the source of the blockages is unknown. Genetic, environmental, and hormonal factors all have the potential to have a role. Changes in some genes produce some cases of HS.

HS is not caused by poor hygiene and cannot be passed on to others.

There is no one-size-fits-all treatment regimen for this or any other autoimmune disease or ailment. This can make it tough to locate a treatment that works for you. It is also possible that your treatment will gradually lose its effectiveness. This could happen suddenly or gradually.

Here we discuss the issues that our patients ask before coming to us for Ayurvedic Treatment for Chronic Skin Diseases such as Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS).

What factors contribute to the failure of allopathic / conventional treatments?

There are several major reasons why a Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) medication may eventually stop working or become less effective at managing your symptoms. 

1. Drug intolerance

Your body may develop resistance to topical medicines after a period of continuous use. Topical therapies are substances that you apply directly to your skin. Tolerance lowers their effectiveness. This can be caused by both corticosteroids and non-steroid topical treatments. The medical word for this condition is tachyphylaxis.

2. Toxicology

According to study, when traditional systemic drugs are used to treat Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) for an extended period of time, toxins can accumulate in the body and with their long term use harm other organs. Due of toxicity, long-term phototherapy has also been linked to the development of skin cancer.

3. Anti-drug antibodies (ADAs)

The body can develop antibodies in response to both classic systemic medications and newer biologic therapy. ADAs are chemicals produced by the body to counteract the effects of medicines. Biologics are newer medications developed in the last two decades that are created from living cells and are intended to target specific immune system components.

4. Biological depletion

The tendency of biologic drugs to lose their potency after continuous use is referred to as biologic fatigue. Medical researchers are unsure why this occurs in some people but not others, or why it occurs with certain drugs but not others.

5. Side effects of biologicals

Biologics have a significant impact on the immune system and can increase the risk of infection. As a result, they are usually used after all other options have been explored. The body may develop a resistance to them over time.

6. Skin infections

Skin infections can stymie treatment progress, and some Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) medications can make an infection worse. If you see any signs of an infection, such as crusting or oozing, contact your doctor right once.

7. Misdiagnosis

Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) can be confused with infections, boils, acne & folliculitis. whether you’re not responding to treatment or it’s no longer working, consult your doctor to see whether this is a possibility.

8. Missing doses

There are a variety of reasons why you could miss a medication pill or two. Some prescriptions can handle the occasional missed dose, but others must be taken on a regular basis. If you frequently forget to take your medication, consider using an app or a calendar tool that alerts you when it’s time to take your medication for the day. 

Money is also an issue, as many allopathic treatments are quite expensive (biologicals), putting them out of reach for the majority of patients.

9. Stress 

Stress can exacerbate Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS), so learning how to manage it effectively can make a big difference in your skin — and your life!

10. Combinations

Treatment for Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) may require more than one medicine. Improperly administered combination drugs, often in individuals with multiple comorbidities, result in long-term side effects of pharmaceutical interactions.

11. It takes more time.

Although topical therapy can sometimes help with moderate Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) in a matter of days, biologic medications can take weeks or even months to function. Phototherapy can require 15 to 25 treatments to be beneficial, according to the National Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) Foundation. Sometimes patience is all that is required to see effects from your treatment. Ayurveda can provide better treatments with apparent outcomes in as little as 20 days.

When should you think about changing treatments?

There are several signs that it is time to recess your Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) treatments. Perhaps the treatment does not work immediately, or perhaps it stops working after a while. Perhaps there are toxicity issues, or your body starts producing ADAs. You may not want to deal with severe side effects, or you may simply dislike some aspect of the treatment, such as frequent injections or time-consuming cream applications. There is no singular set of symptoms that suggests it is time to switch, nor is there a set period for doing so.

Every person is unique. For reasons that medical researchers do not completely understand, the same medicine can have varied effects on different people. Here are seven indicators that it’s time to reconsider your Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) medication.

1. Your treatments are becoming ineffective.

Not all treatments are suitable for everyone. Some therapies may not work for you. Some topical creams and systemic medicines may not help clear up your skin. If you’ve given your treatment plenty of time to work and still haven’t seen any difference, it’s time to try something new.

2. Your treatment is no longer working.

At first, everything appeared to be going smooth. Your skin started to clear up. The symptoms reappeared weeks, months, and sometimes years later. This is a story that all past Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) sufferers who were on conventional treatments have heard. While taking topical treatment, the body may develop resistance to the medication over time. The body may produce ADAs that impede the drug’s effectiveness after months, if not years, of treatment with both traditional systemic medicines and biologics. The exact reason why a drug loses its effectiveness is unknown. The data provided by ADAs may be incomplete. Only two of the four biologics studied in a 2013 study published in the British Journal of DermatologyTrusted Source revealed a relationship between ADAs and reduced treatment response. When your current treatment no longer works for whatever reason, it’s time to think about changing. To avoid recurrence of symptoms, our experts recommend switching even before the medication stops working.

3. Your Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) is becoming worse.

The course of Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) is unpredictable and poorly understood. Certain cases of Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) can be stable for years, according to a 2018 study published in the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology. In other cases, the sickness can quickly deteriorate, affecting organs such as the heart, liver, kidney, and intestines, as well as joints and muscles. If your Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) worsens, your existing medication may become ineffective. You should then contact with your doctor about alternative remedies.

4. The emergence of toxicity or negative repercussions

Both traditional systemic medications and biologics have the potential for severe side effects. Methotrexate, a typical drug, has been associated to liver toxicity, whilst cyclosporine has been linked to kidney damage. Because of this risk, basic systemic medications like methotrexate, oral retinoids, and cyclosporine are typically taken for a limited time. Biologics, too, have side effects. Because they depress the immune system, they can increase the risk of diseases such as tuberculosis and pneumonia, as well as staph and fungal infections. If your doctor discovers any of these toxins or serious adverse effects, you will almost certainly need to switch therapies.

5. New circumstances emerge.

Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) has been connected to the following comorbidities:

Cardiovascular disease, depression, kidney and liver disease, Diabetes, osteoporosis, and a variety of cancers, including lymphoma and melanoma

Even therapies that appear to be harmless, such as phototherapy, may increase your risk of developing skin cancer. If you have light-sensitive skin or a family history of skin problems, consult a dermatologist. If you develop another illness, make sure your Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) treatment is coordinated with your new medication. It may need a modification in your treatment for Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS).

6. You are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) will not endanger your pregnancy or baby, although certain medications may. Some biologic and systemic medications, as well as coal tar and other topical therapy, should be avoided during pregnancy. If you want to get pregnant, you may need to stop or adjust some of your Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) therapies for a few weeks, if not months, before trying. Discuss your options with your healthcare providers. It will be easier if you try to control your Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) before becoming pregnant. This means fewer flare-ups and fewer drug changes during your pregnancy.

7. Your treatment is not achieving your goals.

Even if you have moderate to severe Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS), you should be able to design a treatment plan that clears your skin, has few side effects, and compliments your lifestyle. This anticipation, according to a 2015 study published in Dermatologic StudyTrusted Source, was not always practical. Persons with Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) were required to endure some skin problems as well as a wide variety of pharmacological side effects prior to the development of biologics. 

The Most Important Thing

Finding the right treatment for your Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) may take some time, but it is doable. Make an appointment with our Ayurvedic doctor if you believe your present treatment is no longer working. Discuss why your current treatment isn’t working for you and how our Ayurvedic treatment might be a better fit.

The Conventional Wisdom: Control vs. Reversal

The traditional method to managing Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) focuses on symptomatic treatment. Flare Ups are tracked and drugs are recommended to assist prevent them. While this therapy can minimize acute difficulties and provide some control, it does not address the underlying fundamental causes of Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS).

Immune-modifying drugs, such as biologicals, play an important part in this control-centric strategy; additionally, most traditional practitioners use a functional approach to treat Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) in order to make informed decisions about micromanaging dose, medication control, and dietary choices. Individuals who rigorously follow their prescribed diets and meds may have their flare ups return to normal in certain situations. 

This seeming success can be misleading since it frequently amounts to control rather than actual treatment. As we have observed more and more people suffer from long-term negative effects from their drugs, they are never truly in remission.

Uncovering a Common Myth About Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) Reversal

Many conventional Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) practitioners focus on symptoms through diets, drugs, and monitoring. This symptom-focused technique, however, typically overlooks root-cause treatment, and medicating the symptoms does not result in remission. It is crucial to realize that this method of treating Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) does not constitute actual HS reversal. 

True reversal of Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) is about restoring equilibrium to the body’s basic processes, not merely symptom relief.

As a result, practitioners are more concerned with diabetes control than with complete reversal of the condition. The medications utilized have high side effects, and the practitioner’s responsibility is now to cycle or alter their treatment to new classes of medicines available as the patients’ adverse effects plateau or begin to increase.

Long-term adverse effects of the pharmaceuticals involved can result in a significant deterioration in quality of life and have been linked to issues such as neurological, cardiovascular, and immune system degeneration.

However, allopathic methods of Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) therapy are far from obsolete. We at EliteAyurveda do not entirely switch any patient to ayurveda meds, but rather strive to gradually lower allopathic medications in favor of herbal remedies. Furthermore, in times of emergency, the allopathic system is unrivaled. We are not here to denigrate any medical system, but rather to assist individuals in making an informed decision toward a comprehensive care system that works best for them.

Reversal of Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS)

True reversal of Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) entails more than just clinical control of the disease.

It denotes a situation in which the body can naturally regulate Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) symptoms without the need for external assistance. Unfortunately, once the drug effects wear off, flare ups are common, emphasizing the importance of continuing medication.

Our Approach: Ayurvedic Treatment for Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS)

At EliteAyurveda, we take a different approach, one based on Ayurveda, the ancient holistic medical method. Our approach begins with an awareness of each individual’s unique constitution and imbalances, recognizing that Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) treatment is not a one-size-fits-all illness.

Addressing the Root Cause: Our Ayurvedic treatment looks deeply into the underlying causes of diabetes, which can differ greatly across individuals. Diet, lifestyle, stress, heredity, prakriti and dosha (constitution) imbalances are all issues to consider. We can create a thorough plan by recognizing these fundamental concerns.

Personalized Vedic Diet: Nutrition programs that are tailored to achieve general balance and blood sugar management.

Ayurvedic herbs and supplements that address specific imbalances and promote metabolic health are known as proprietary herbal remedies.

Recommendations for Stress Reduction, Physical Activity, and Mindful Practices such as Yoga and Meditation

Ongoing conversations and revisions to the treatment plan as the patient develops on their path to reversal.

Differentiating Features:

At EliteAyurveda, our Ayurvedic Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) reversal strategy is centered on tailored treatments that probe into underlying causes for remission rather than symptom relief. Individualized treatments based on “prakruti” are essential. Over-the-counter drugs are favored over our proprietary Ayurvedic herbal preparations, which are personalized to each individual. All of our remedies are freshly made to preserve the efficacy of the herbs used. As a result, we can demonstrate better and more consistent results.

From the Doctor’s Office:

The best treatment for you should improve your overall health rather than impose additional negative effects.

Within a reasonable time following treatment beginning, the treatment under consideration should provide benefits and improve general well-being.

The recurrence rate or remission duration should be as short as possible.

Treatment should not be prohibitively expensive in total.

The treatment should address not just the symptoms of the illness, but also the root cause of the ailment in the first place.

By adopting a comprehensive approach to restoring the body and mind to their original state, the appropriate treatment will assist you in discovering true health.

I can personally attest to the efficacy of our Ayurvedic treatment because thousands of people around the world are now disease-free. 96% of our patients reduced their reliance on medicine, 90% had normal scale-free skin after 20 days, and 90% avoided subsequent Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) complications. Furthermore, 96% of patients were able to discontinue all medications, including ours, demonstrating the efficacy of our therapy.

He has always embodied the belief in the transformative power of a medicine-free life, and he has been the lead consultant for Skin diseases at Elite Ayurveda Clinics for the past 15 years.

At EliteAyurveda Clinics in Bangalore, India, Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) is reversible with Ayurveda.0


Know More About Ayurveda Hidradenitis suppurative Treatment.