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Womanhood should be recognised at every stage of life. Unfortunately, some of us will be unable to experience the true essence of womanhood due to the physical, mental, and emotional pain we will face throughout our reproductive lives. Menstrual abnormalities are a significant contributor to this.

The irregularities could be caused by a number of factors, including menstrual disorders. PMS, PMDD, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, menorrhagia, menometrorrhagia, and other problems might occur.

Although each person may experience symptoms of all of these in a different way, the presenting problems may be complementary to one another.

In this section, we will talk about PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome).

PMS is the term used to describe the physical, mental, and emotional difficulties that women experience just before or during their menstrual cycle.

PMS’s exact cause is unknown. PMS symptoms can include the following:

  • Hot flashes
  • Appetite changes
  • Nausea, vomiting, bloating, diarrhoea, and other gastrointestinal problems
  • Acne and other skin problems
  • Depression, anxiety, and mood swings are examples of psychological symptoms.
  • Instability in one’s emotions
  • Headache
  • Disturbances in vision
  • Libido decline
  • Fatigue

However, in Ayurveda, we classify it based on enhanced doshic participation.

  • Low backache, lower stomach pain, distention, anxiety, fear, insomnia, and mood swings are all symptoms of Vata type PMS.
  • Pitta-type PMS is characterised by breast discomfort, urethritis, rashes, hot flashes, irritability, and, occasionally, a burning feeling when passing urine.
  • As PMS causes water retention and lethargy, Kapha-type PMS breasts swell and become painful. The lady may feel sick or vomit before or during her periods.

PMS can be successfully managed with the following therapy techniques and lifestyle changes.

In all circumstances, begin the preventive programme one week before your expected period date.


Drink dashamoola tea for 10 minutes (12 teaspoon dashamoola in a cup of boiling water). Take twice daily.

You can also take 1 tablespoon aloe vera gel with a dash of black pepper three times each day before eating.


In the morning, take a teaspoon of sukumara grutham or dadimadya grutham on an empty stomach.

It is also beneficial to consume Aloe-Vera gel (1 tablespoon) with a sprinkling of cumin powder.


Consume about 10 cherries everyday on an empty stomach before your menstruation is due.

You can also take 1 tablespoon aloe-vera gel with a pinch of trikatu (a classic Ayurvedic mixture includes equal parts black pepper, pippali, and ginger).

Recommendations in general

Warm pure cow’s ghee in your nostrils (5 drops in each nostril). This will activate natural hormones and aid manage system equilibrium.

Warm castor oil packs on the lower belly are advised for abdominal bloating and cramps. Castor oil generates a gentle, long-lasting heat that is both comforting and restorative.

Warm up 3 tablespoons castor oil and pour it onto a handkerchief or other soft material, spreading it evenly. Apply this compress to your lower abdomen. You could also apply a few drops (5-10 drops) to your navel. You may keep the pack warm by placing a hot water bottle on top of it.


1) Engage in regular physical activity. Ensure that you get regular exercise throughout the month, such as half an hour of walking or other aerobic exercise.

2) Yoga and stretches can also help.

3) Breathing exercises, pranayama, and meditation are also beneficial in dealing with mood fluctuations.

Ayurveda advises against exercising or practicing yoga during the menstrual cycle. Rest, read, and relax as much as possible!

4) A well-balanced diet is required to combat premenstrual symptoms.

5) Adequate rest and sleep are also required.

6) Staying hydrated is essential, especially during your period.

Treatment in Ayurveda for PMS 

Shathayu Ayurveda provides an effective PMS treatment plan that ranges from 30 to 90 days and includes personalised therapies and internal herbal medications that have a long-term effect, correcting the negative effects of PMS. Ayurvedic PMS treatment also involves advice from our specialists on the proper diet and lifestyle modifications.


know More About Ayurveda treatment for Gynecologists condition.