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Psoriasis is caused by the vitiation of Vata and Kapha, although the exact aetiology of the disease is still unknown, according to Ayurvedic customs. Vata and Kapha are the two fundamental forces that keep our body’s balance, according to Ayurvedic norms. Psoriasis can also be severely impacted by genetic disorders, UV sensitivity, and severe upper respiratory tract streptococcal illness. Ayurveda says that these ailments are capable of causing some discernible alterations in neuroticism, which are mostly caused by the accumulation of dooshivishas or mild injuries. However, there is no better or more successful ayurvedic treatment for psoriasis in India or anywhere else in the world than this one.

Unwanted and unhealthy food ingredients, using groceries in an unsafe combination, consuming too much yoghurt, dark grain, seafood, salty or crunchy meals, and so on, can all contribute to the pathogenesis of psoriasis. Psoriasis can be brought on by a variety of factors, including stress, lifestyle, alcohol, and tobacco use. The most effective ayurveda treatment for psoriasis is the use of customised ayurveda treatments based on individual prakruthi, which include traditional ayurveda methods for the body’s overall cleansing and the beneficial removal of toxic substances from the body.

Psoriasis definition

Psoriasis is a skin condition caused by an autoimmune disorder that can be very uncomfortable. The illness may manifest as observable symptoms including skin scales and rashes. This occurs when the immune system is overactive, which accelerates the growth of skin cells. In a month, normal skin cells completely form and shed. Skin cells that have psoriasis accomplish this in just three or four days. The skin cells pile up on the skin’s outer layer as opposed to falling off. Some people claim that their psoriasis plaques sting and tingle. Although plaques and scales are typically found on the scalp, knees, and elbows, they can appear anywhere on the body.

How does Ayurveda approach Psoriasis treatment

The most effective ayurveda treatment for psoriasis is administering blood purifiers to patients in order to reduce the amount of toxins already present in their bodies. This is a well-known benefit of neem capsules and natural powders like rishthas in traditional medicines. Second, liver consideration is the main focus of treatment. Several therapies, such as Vamana or Virechana, which target the body’s sensitivity, are used to detoxify the liver.

The best ayurvedic therapy for psoriasis is avoiding improper infectious agents with the help of personalised medications to prevent their side effects on various body parts. Effective natural medications that provide a similar function as anti-infection medicines are present in Ayurveda and don’t have any side effects. Gandhak Rasayan, Panchathikthagrtha Guggulu, Chandra Prabha Vati, and other plants are among them. With almost all of the benefits, a variety of domestically grown sedative oils and plants are used in accordance with the traditional Ayurvedic treatment. Herbs that are strong immune system modulators, such as ashwagandha, brahmi, shatavari, and amla, are used to rejuvenate cells.

Ayurveda places a strong emphasis on the proper rejuvenation, relaxation, and training of the sensory system through various neuro-tonic herbs such as Tagar, Shankhpushpi, Brahmi, and Jatamansi, among others, for additional treatment.

Psoriasis & its comorbidities 

Treatment for Psoriatic Arthritis with Ayurveda

Ayurvedic treatment for psoriasis arthritis states that Vata irregularity, Rakta (blood), and Kushta (skin disorders) are the causes of psoriatic arthritis. It is acknowledged that Kushta Rogas, or psoriatic joint inflammation, can benefit from ayurvedic medications for Kushta. Panchakarma therapy is often the main ayurvedic intervention used to treat Vatarakta. Using restorative oils, this treatment involves purging and detoxification methods that can be administered orally or virtually. By addressing the underlying reasons at their root, our treatment ensures that the condition does not spread further.

The regimen usually consists of the following: ● Eating medicated ghee ● Cleaning ● Head massage with medicated buttermilk ● Applying lepam or a drug and herbal powders combination ● Undergoing bowel purges, through a sedated procedure

In order to achieve each patient’s optimal level of wellness, various systems are also used in the treatment of psoriatic arthritis.

Treatment for Scalp Psoriasis with Ayurveda

The optimal approach to treating scalp psoriasis is linked to the condition known as “Ekakushta,” which arises from the imbalance of the three doshas, primarily Kapha and Vatadoshas, in your body. Ayurvedic medications for psoriasis of the scalp include:

Ghritapana entails consuming ghee that has been home-made and is sedated. Ghee may also comprise Guggulutiktakghritam, Panchathiktagrthta, Mahathiktagrtha, and so forth.

● Vamana: It has emesis techniques to help your body rid itself of pollutants. In any event, your Ayurvedic specialist can also do virechana, or purgation, if needed.

● Shamana Aushadha: This involves applying and consuming herbal ayurveda medications to the skin or regions that are afflicted.

Treatment for Eczema along with Psoriasis condition

Psoriasis and eczema are treated completely  with Ayurveda, which holds that internal cleansing is essential to curing the condition since accumulated toxins frequently manifest as skin irritation. To support the new purifying therapies and help the body progress, it may be necessary to follow a vedic clean diet. Ayurveda offers a variety of benefits, including customised therapies, a comprehensive purification procedure, and a combination of yoga and meditation to strengthen the body and soothe the mind to manage stress.


Know More About Ayurveda Psoriasis Treatment.