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Treatment and physician / doctor are synonymous terms. In addition, their activities and outcomes are interdependent, interconnected, and inseparable. The same idea applies to both humans and nature. We are familiar with the prevalent health of living organisms and of Mother Nature. Both are in danger and attempting to overcome and recover. Between all of them, however, there lies a major matter about which we must ponder carefully. Otherwise, it could lead to a worse scenario than the current one; this is a concern for Endangered Humanity. Humanity is threatened, and the repercussions are evident all around us.

As the equilibrium of the Tridoshas is necessary for a healthy body, so too is the equilibrium between all living things and nature the essence of EliteAyurveda.

विकारो धातुवैषम्यं, साम्यं प्रकृतिरुच्यते।
सुखसंज्ञकमारोग्यं, विकारो दुःखमेव च।।

—- CharakSamhita, Sutrasthanam, 9/4

The disorder is characterised by an imbalance of Tridoshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) and a disproportion of the seven elements, Sapta Dhatu (the body’s supporting and structural units). The quality and quantity of these seven tissues are regarded as the Prakriti (healthy type of human body). Health is the true source of happiness, whereas disease is the source of sorrow.

Treatment and Physicians

Once upon a time, physicians were regarded as Divine Spirits. Humans once worshipped Doctors as they do God. If we are discussing medical systems and their practitioners, then Ayurveda is the oldest and its practitioners are known as Vaidyas. They had studied, acquired, and consistently exercised the best human and Healer characteristics. According to their traits, knowledge, and actions, the Ayurveda writings define the fundamental conditions for an effective therapy.

Granted, it was centuries ago, but the significance of doctors remains evident at various periods throughout the final years of a person’s life. We are all witnesses to one of these most recent events. The 2020 pandemic, which has been affecting people since the first week of this year, has not yet subsided. During the earliest phase of this lethal pandemic, physicians were the sole fighters and were seen as more valuable than the supreme power. But, due to the actions of a few unprofessional and unethical medical professionals, the public has begun to distrust doctors.

It’s quite disheartening to see how and why practitioners of such a clean and beautiful activity can bring disrepute to the entire profession. So, this is an attempt to recall the ideas of the medical profession, who are regarded God’s angels, so that humanity and trust might be re-established.

What is Treatment?

चतुर्णां भिषगादीनां शस्तानां धातुवैकृते।
प्रवृत्तिर्धातुसाम्यार्था चिकित्सेत्यभिधीयते ।।

—- CharakSamhita, Sutrasthanam, 9/5

When the Dosha, Dhatu, and the functioning of the body’s organs are disturbed, a doctor’s activities based on his extensive knowledge and experience are referred to as treatment.

For a comprehensive comprehension of this concept, let’s explore some ancient passages on effective treatment and the significance of the physician. Ayurveda has established the four pillars of an efficient treatment, each of which must exhibit certain traits to adequately alleviate disease. What are these pillars and what characteristics do they have?

Four Treatment Elements

Charak Samhita is one of the core texts of Ayurveda, the traditional Indian system of medicine. Not only does it provide a comprehensive explanation of the diseases and their efficient treatment with herbs, but it also includes teachings for promoting Humanity and the benefits of Nature. To return to our issue, we shall go to the ninth chapter of the Charak Samhita, which specifies the four key therapy pillars.

भिषग्द्रव्याण्युपस्थाता रोगी पादचतुष्तयम्।
गुणवत् कारणं ज्ञेयं विकारव्युपशान्तये।।

—- CharakSamhita, Sutrasthanam, 9/3

The four pillars of treatment are Vaidya (Physician / Doctor), Aushadhi (Drug / Medication), Paricharak (Nursing Staff), and Rogi (Patient). When these are all endowed with their unique properties, it aids in the treatment of all diseases.

After learning the names of the four essences of treatment, let’s move on to their potent attributes and characteristics. Thus, the names and characteristics of these pillars are enumerated and discussed below:

Physician / Doctor

Medication / Medication 

Nursing Personnel


Qualities of Four Pillars of Treatment

1. Physician / Doctor

श्रुते पर्यवदातत्वं बहुशो दृष्टकर्मता।
दाक्ष्यं शौचमिति ज्ञेयं वैद्ये गुणचतुष्टयम्।।

—- CharakSamhita, Sutrasthanam, 9/6

A Vaidya should be proficient in theoretical knowledge (that has been taught), have considerable practical experience, dexterity, and purity (of body and mind).

2. Drug / Medicine

बहुता तत्र योग्यत्वमनेक विधकल्पना।
सम्पच्चेति चतुष्कोअयं द्रव्याणां गुण उच्यते।।

—- CharakSamhita, Sutrasthanam, 9/7

 Abundantly available, therapeutic (ability to treat disease), adaptable to any form and formulation, fresh and free of insects, and abundant in characteristics, potency, and flavour. A medication should have these four characteristics.

3. Nursing Staff

उपचारज्ञता दाक्ष्यमनुरागश्च भर्तरि।
शौचं चेति चतुष्कोअयं गुणः परिचरे जने।।

—- CharakSamhita, Sutrasthanam, 9/8

Love for the patient, Alertness, Intellect, and Mental and Physical Purity are listed as the four characteristics of the nursing staff.

4. Patient

कारणं षोडशगुणं सिद्धौ पादचतुष्टयम्।
विज्ञाता शासिता योक्ता प्रधानं भिषगत्र तु।।
मृद्दण्ड चक्र सूत्राद्याः कुम्भकारादृते यथा।
नावहन्ति गुणं वैद्यादृते पादत्रयं तथा।।

—- CharakSamhita, Sutrasthanam, 9/10-13

Meaning: the sixteen traits possessed by the four pillars are responsible for the successful therapy. The physician is the one who knows, governs, and manages them. Hence, the physician is regarded as the head. As the clay, wheel, yarn, and stick cannot create earthenware until the potter manages them all, earthenware cannot be created. Similarly, neither the patient, the nursing staff, nor the herb can treat the ailment without a competent physician.

Parting words…

With the aforementioned passages and explanations, it is hoped that the significance of a physician in the treatment process and his or her preeminence over all other pillars are evident. Last but not least, it is important to note that if you want to practise a profession, you must master its fundamentals before applying; otherwise, you will not only violate professional ethics but also make it unpleasant for everyone.

Moreover, according to additional verses from the same chapter of the Charak Samhita, it is recommended that all individuals examine the attitude and behaviour of a physician towards other people before receiving treatment from him. Receiving treatment from an irrational physician may be costly without yielding any positive results.

Knowledge only attains Ethical Values and Human Importance when it is utilised by the excellent Human Sense.

To be a Great Physician, one must first be a Good Person.


Know More About Ayurveda Treatments.