You may be worried about your hair, its consistency, and abnormal shedding. Losing a few strands a day is completely normal, but the tables turn when your hair becomes thin.

Losing 50 to 100 hairs per day + regrowth = Normal = Thick hair = Hair Shedding
Losing > 100 hairs per day = Abnormal = Thin hair = Hair Loss

The above equations are the zest of what you will be reading in this article. So let’s get started.

What is hair shedding?

The hair cycle includes a typical phase of hair loss. On average, there are about 100,000 hair follicles in each person. According to the hair follicles’ growth cycle, the average person loses 100 hair strands per day. This is a healthy loss that doesn’t indicate any serious problems. Stress is one such element that can occasionally lead to significant hair loss. You lose more than 100 strands every day in this situation.

Excessive shedding is observed in people who give birth, have a high fever, are recovering from illness, or have had weight loss.

What is hair loss?
In contrast to hair shedding, which is a physiological process, hair loss primarily results from outside influences. When something stops your hair from growing, hair loss results. Anagen effluvium is the medical term for this condition. An event that affects the mitotic or metabolic activity of the hair follicle causes anagen effluvium, which is the abrupt loss of hairs that are in their growing phase (anagen). Although hair loss is reversible, it may take one to three months for the hair to come back. It may potentially result in irreversible alopecia in severe situations.

So, we can say that,

Short-term hair fall = hair shedding
Long-term hair fall = hair loss
Let’s further understand the causes of hair loss and shedding, individually.

Causes of hair shedding

1.Stress: One of the main causes of uncontrollable hair shedding is stress. A lot of stress raises your body’s androgen levels. This may cause strands to fall out and turn your hair grey.

2. Age: If you are approaching menopause, you may notice that you are shedding a lot of hair. The body’s hormonal shifts are to blame for this. Your hair gets thinner as you age, making it more prone to shedding.

3. Hormonal Imbalance: Your hair development cycle is thrown off by hormonal imbalance, which also results in excessive hair loss. Your hair cycle becomes shorter and sheds more when testosterone levels in your body rise.

Causes of hair loss

  1. Nutritional imbalance: Often, a poor diet is responsible for the nutritional imbalance. Serious hair loss can result from a lack of vital nutrients like vitamins B3, and D, iron, proteins, and fats. Maintain a healthy diet by eating fresh fruit and vegetables every day. You could also add nuts and seeds to your diet to enhance hair development. Avoid eating unhealthy and overly processed meals.

2. Heredity: The most common cause of hair loss is a hereditary condition that happens with aging. Androgenic alopecia, male-pattern baldness, and female-pattern baldness are the names for this disorder. It typically happens gradually and in regular patterns, with men experiencing a receding hairline and bald spots and women experiencing thinning hair at the top of the head.

3. Intake of certain medications: The medications tend to hinder or prevent hair from growing. The drugs used for cancer, arthritis, depression, heart problems, gout, and blood pressure may cause hair loss. Treatments like chemotherapy may also cause excessive hair loss.

4. Use of heat and styling products: Excessive use of heat dehydrates hair and damages hair follicles. This may also alter the internal protein structure of the hair and lead to excessive hair loss.

The causes can be several, but what you have to do is take adequate care of your hair. Even if the causes are not visible, you may be able to reverse extreme conditions.

Pro tips to prevent hair loss and hair shedding

1.Nourish your scalp: You must keep your scalp well-hydrated and nourished to maintain healthy hair.

2. Protect your hair from direct sunlight and UV light.

3. Control excessive smoking, alcohol intake, and poor lifestyle habits that destroy hair follicles from the inside.

You can use ayurvedic herbs like reetha, coconut oil, turmeric, etc. that deliver a good amount of vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, amino acids, and antioxidants to the hair follicles.

To sum up, if you are experiencing excessive hair loss and notice hair thinning, you might be experiencing hair loss. Keep one thing in mind, no matter what the underlying condition is, you can always reverse hair fall issues.

As an ayurvedic practitioner for the past 15+ years, there were individuals with bald scalps, but guess what, they were able to re-grow hairs once again. There is no doubt that it takes months to get normal growing hair, but what actually matters is the efforts you put in to maintain your lifestyle.

If you also want to reverse your hair loss and maintain better hair health, book a consultation call at Let’s make your hair grow again.