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Buttock muscle pain might originate in the gluteal area, the lower back, the pelvic, or the hip. Buttock pain is frequently linked with lower back and/or hip stiffness, making daily activities difficult. Commonly affected activities include putting on shoes, sitting, standing up from a seated position, walking, and/or driving.

Conditions that cause buttock pain may impact the nerves within the gluteal region, causing symptoms comparable to sciatica in the hip, thigh, and/or leg. Rest, self-care, and medical management are commonly used to address buttock pain.

This blog discusses the possible reasons for buttock discomfort as well as helpful remedies to alleviate it.

Buttock pain stemming from the gluteal area

Buttock discomfort that originates in the gluteal region can be caused by disorders affecting the buttock muscles or issues with the pelvic and hip bones and joints. These conditions include: lower back and pelvic pain, deep pelvic muscle pain, lumbar spinal nerve pain, and sciatic nerve pain.

Myofascial pain Syndrome. Myofascial pain syndrome, which affects the huge gluteus maximus and gluteus medius muscles of the buttock, is a prevalent cause of buttock muscle discomfort. Myofascial pain syndrome is distinguished by the creation of painful muscular knots known as trigger points, which cause acute pain when squeezed or gently touched. The pain from these trigger points might spread throughout the buttocks.

    Trigger points form as a result of muscular fatigue caused by chronic stress or recurrent microtrauma to the buttock, such as through strenuous physical activity. 

The Piriformis syndrome. Piriformis syndrome is a disorder in which the piriformis muscle, which is deep in the buttock, spasms and causes pain in the buttock. The piriformis muscle can also irritate the neighboring sciatic nerve, resulting in pain, numbness, and tingling along the back of the thigh and leg, as well as sciatica-like discomfort in the buttock.

    The most common causes of piriformis syndrome include spasms, tightness, or an increase in volume or mass (muscle hypertrophy) as a result of trauma, overuse, or bad posture.

Ischial bursitis. Ischial bursitis is an inflammation of the ischial bursa, a fluid-filled sac that acts as a cushion between the hamstring muscles and the ischial tuberosity, a prominent component of the pelvic bone’s bottom border. The ischial tuberosities are also known as sit bones because they make touch with the sitting surface and absorb the body’s weight during sitting. Buttock soreness while seated for an extended amount of time is a common sign of ischial bursitis. Pain is also felt while pressing the bony prominence of the lower pelvic rim. 

    Ischial bursitis is caused by hamstring tendon injury. 

Ischiopubic ramus –  Impingement of the ischium on the femur. Ischiofemoral impingement occurs when the outer rim of the pelvic bone (ischium) makes inappropriate contact with the top of the thigh bone (femur). This form of touch, which is more common in females, might induce buttock soreness. 

Buttock pain can be caused by stress fractures of the ischiopubic ramus (the bottom section of the pelvic bone). Other indications of a fractured ischiopubic ramus include worsening symptoms while standing or standing on one foot (on the affected side). If an ischiopubic ramus fracture is suspected, get quick medical attention and treatment from a professional.

Buttock pain originating in the pelvic region

The pelvic floor, sacrum, and coccyx make up the pelvic area. These structures are affected by the following disorders:

  •     Coccydynia. The coccyx is the medical term for the tailbone, which is positioned at the very bottom of the spine. Coccydynia is a condition that produces moderate to severe pain in the coccyx, which is often felt as localised pain along the buttock’s midline. Coccydynia symptoms intensify when sitting, reclining, rising from a seated position, or engaging in any activity that places pressure on the bottom of the spine. 
  •     Dysfunction of the pelvic floor. The pelvic floor muscles support important organs and regulate motion in the hip, sacroiliac (SI) joint, lower back, and trunk. These muscles may produce pain in the buttock, lower abdomen, tailbone area (coccyx), and back of the thigh if they become hyperactive without enough times of rest. Pelvic floor dysfunction is a disorder that is more common in bikers and women following pregnancy. Buttock and thigh discomfort caused by pelvic floor dysfunction might be mistaken for sciatica. 
  •     Endometriosis. Endometriosis is a gynaecological illness that only affects women. The syndrome causes uterine tissues to develop outside of the womb. During menstruation, the condition usually produces moderate to severe lower back pain, pelvic pain, and lower stomach pain.  If the sciatic nerve is affected, some women may also have hip and buttock discomfort during endometriosis. 

Tumours or severe nerve diseases in the sacrum and coccygeal spine, in addition to severe lower back or leg pain, severe numbness and weakness in the buttock/thigh area, nocturnal agony, increasing weight loss, and/or loss of appetite, may produce buttock pain in rare cases. These symptoms suggest a medical emergency and should be addressed by a doctor right once.

Buttock pain from sciatica

Sciatica refers to a group of symptoms that begin in the lower back when the spinal nerves become inflamed, irritated, pinched, or compressed. Mild to severe pain, numbness, changed sensation, and weakness in the lower back, thigh, leg, and foot on one side are all indications of sciatica. Sciatica pain in the buttocks can be caused by disorders such as a pulled muscle in the lower back, sacroiliac joint dysfunction, and spinal nerve compression at the L4-L5 and L5-S1 spinal segments. 

Sciatica-like discomfort in the buttocks can arise as a result of piriformis syndrome, which occurs when an irritated or spasming piriformis muscle presses on the sciatic nerve, causing symptoms similar to sciatica.

How to Get Rid of Buttock Muscle Pain

Over-the-counter (OTC) drugs, heat and/or cold therapy, and modest stretching exercises that target the buttock, hip, and lower back muscles can all be used to treat buttock muscle discomfort. Gently massaging the gluteal region with a foam roller or tennis ball will help release trigger points in the superficial and deep gluteal muscles and reduce buttock discomfort.

Using a supported posture while sitting and avoiding sitting on hard or uneven surfaces are two lifestyle changes that can help alleviate stress on the buttock and pelvic regions. If these self-care measures do not relieve buttock discomfort within a few days or weeks, or if the pain worsens, a medical evaluation is required.

Buttock muscle pain treatment is dependent on the underlying issue that is causing it, which can be effectively diagnosed by a specialist who specialises in musculoskeletal disorders of the spine. Unless a medical emergency, such as cauda equina syndrome or a spinal tumour, nonsurgical treatments are usually explored first before considering more invasive treatments like injections and surgery.


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