Every reaction that takes place, may be within the body or outside the body, produces some by- products. Some by-products are essential for further reactions, but some are not necessary and need to be removed. In the body, the essential by-product that is formed in the metabolic and catabolic reactions is the Ojas (energy) also known as Prasada Bhaga and the unnecessary by- product is the waste generated during a metabolic process. Prasada Bhaga is to be stored within the body. This waste is known as Mala or Mala Bhaga of the body, which needs to be eliminated on a daily basis from the body.
The metabolic process takes place on micro cellular level to the macro organ level. Macro processes produce heavy wastes which are ejected from the body in the form of fecal matter, urine and sweat. In micro processes, the waste is generated by the Dhatus (tissues) of the body. Every Dhatu generates waste of different forms and at different sites within the body.
Let’s study each of them in detail.
1.Rasa Dhatu:
It is the white blood cells (WBC), serum and lymphatic system of the body. It can also be considered as the juice or the plasma of the body. It is nourished from the food we intake. When Rasa Dhatu is in harmony, it induces physical and psychological satisfaction. The main element of Rasa Dhatu is Jala (water) and it is proportional to Kapha Dosha. It produces waste in the form of Phlegm.
2.Rakta Dhatu:
Rakta Dhatu corresponds to red blood cells (RBC) of the body. When Rakta Dhatu is in harmony, it results in a healthy passion for life with happiness and energy. The main element of Rakta Dhatu is Agni (fire) and is proportional to Pitta Dosha of the body. Blood passes through the liver before it gets converted into Rakta Dhatu by the action of Raktagni. An imbalance in Rakta Dhatu may cause dullness, cold feeling and constipation. Thus, skin loses it’s glow and becomes pigmented with rashes and acne. These accumulation of dirt on the skin and Pitta that it produces during its formation are the wastes generated by Rakta Dhatu.
3.Mamsa Dhatu:
Mamsa Dhatu corresponds to muscles, skin and ligaments of the body. Balanced muscles give courage, fortitude, strength and self esteem. Mamsa Dhatu comprises Prithvi (earth) and Agni (fire) elements and is proportional to Vata Dosha. Rakta Dhatu gets converted into Mamsa Dhatu by the action of Jatharagni and Mamsagni. The waste generated by Mamsa Dhatu are Netra Mala (sticky discharge under eyes), Kana Mala (ear wax), Nasya Mala (nasal discharge), Asya Mala (Oral discharge) and Roma Kupa Mala (Sebum). An imbalance in Mamsa Dhatu causes weakness, lack of courage and self esteem.
4.Medha Dhatu:
Medha Dhatu corresponds to fatty tissues of the human body. When Medha Dhatu is in harmony, it gives a good stability to the body, internal lubrication and also regulates internal body temperature. It comprises Jala (water) and Prithvi (earth) Mahabhutas. Medha Dhatu is created from Mamsa Dhatu, by the action of Jatharagni and Medhaagni. The waste generated by Medha Dhatu is Sweda (sweat). An imbalance in Medha Dhatu results in lethargy, reduced metabolism and sluggish digestion.
5.Asthi Dhatu:
Asthi Dhatu corresponds to bones within the body. It has a solid and rigid structure. When Asthi Dhatu is in harmony, it results in strong bones and joints and steadfastness during adversity. It is composed of Prithvi (earth) and Vayu (Air) Mahabhutas. By the action of Jatharagni and Asthyagni, Medha Dhatu is converted to Asthi Dhatu. The waste products generated by Asthi Dhatu are Roma (hairs) and Nakha (nails). When Asthi Dhatu is imbalanced, it causes excessive hair loss or gain, weak nails, over attachment to things, shrinking to background, and stubbornness.
6.Majja Dhatu:
Majja Dhatu corresponds to bone marrow which is an hematopoietic tissue within the body. It is associated with the nervous system. When Majja Dhatu is in harmony, there is a sense of fulfillment and happiness. It is composed of Jala (water) and Vayu (air) Mahabhutas. When Majjagni acts on Asthi Dhatu, Majja Dhatu is formed and remnants in this reaction are known as
Mala. Malas (waste products) of Majja Dhatu are Netra Vit (secretions under the eyes), Pureesha Sneha (mucus of feces) and Charma Sneha (Sebaceous secretions). An imbalance in Majja Dhatu causes lack of motivation, feeling emptiness. When secretions get accumulated, they become host for diseases.
7.Shukra Dhatu:
Shukra Dhatu corresponds to the reproductive system of human beings. It describes male sperm and female eggs. When Shukra Dhatu is in harmony, it ensures a sense of confidence and vitality with skin and eyes. The luster within the person can’t go unnoticed. It is composed of Jala (water) Mahabhuta. Majja Dhatu gets converted to Shukra Dhatu by the action of Jatharagni and Shukragni. No waste is formed in this process. An imbalance in Shukra Dhatu leads to lack of glow, lack of courage, irritation and sporadic behaviour.
Thus, everything has an impact on our overall health. Malas are necessary to be removed from the body on a regular basis. If it is not so, then it may result in diseases. In Ayurveda, there are numerous ways for treatment of a disease, but the basic remains intact, that is to eliminate toxins. Whatever treatment we go through, it speeds up or promotes removal of waste from the body by any openings. “Therefore, to stay healthy- live healthy, eat healthy and eliminate waste”.