Our body is sustainable when we nourish the body by food. But just intake of it is not enough, the waste has to be thrown out of the body. Our body undergoes some changes when our metabolism and elimination of wastes are not in sync. At that time, irregularities act as signals of something wrong within the body.
So what are the terms of these wastes in Ayurveda?
How does our body give us signals before an upcoming disease?
Let’s get answers to these questions.
In Ayurvedic terms, this waste is called Mala. Mala means dust, dirt, secretion or impurity. This is formed after the metabolic process. These metabolic wastes are collected at respective sites and then excreted out from the body. The different types of waste products mentioned in Ayurveda are:
● Fecal matter
● Urine
● Sweat
● Gases of various kinds
● Bile
● Nasal discharge
● Coating on tongue
● Secretions of mouth
● Oily secretions on skin
● Discharge through hair follicles
● Nails, etc.
Sama Mala
Sama Mala means the excreta. These are produced in large quantities on a daily basis, and are eliminated from the body. These are formed after the metabolic process. Thus, these are also known as Sthula Malas. The three types of Sthula Malas are:
1.Pureesha (stools)
2.Mutra (urine)
3.Sweda (sweat)
Sama Mala – The excreta associated with ama: All the above-mentioned three types of Malas should be eliminated from the body on a regular basis. If it is not so, and get stagnated in the body, they may cause disease. When Ama is associated with excreta, it becomes difficult to get it expelled from the body. This is due reason of feeling of dissatisfaction or incomplete evacuation of waste from the body. Many people do not sweat well and end up with blood diseases. This is all because of incomplete evacuation of waste from the body.
Sama Pureesha (stools):
This comprises Prithvi Mahabhuta. The feces in which ama is present are heavy in nature, while those without ama are lighter in nature. The heaviness of ama causes feces to sink in the water, while those without ama do not sink in water. The feces with ama in it have a foul smell and are sticky. Thus, it won’t be easy to get rid of it and will take a lot of time for excretion. It may also produce pain in the anal region, bleaching, indigestion, and other forms of discomfort.
Sama Mutra (Urine):
This comprises Jala and Agni Mahabhutas. When Ama is present in urine, it gets contaminated. The urine gets heavy, and dirty and has an abnormal colour with a foul smell. In this case, urine won’t be expelled easily, rather it may cause some burning sensation and other discomfort. This may be a sign of stones in urine, diabetes, etc.
Sama Sweda (Sweat):
It comprises Jala Mahabhuta. When Ama is present in sweat, it is eliminated with difficulty. This sweat causes sweat ducts blockages and clogs the skin pores. Thus, the unwanted water and salt won’t be eliminated properly. These then get deposited within the skin layers and cause infections and skin damage. The blood supply and nerve connectivity within the skin cells are obstructed, and cause damage in senses of touch and temperature. This may cause a change in colour, texture, fade in complexion and skin becomes a victim of certain diseases.
Thus, above information lays a deep context on why wastes are necessary to be eliminated from the body. Waste formed in the body carries impurities, and if not eliminated, can harm the body. Hence, regular formation and elimination of wastes is necessary to maintain the body’s physiology.
If wastes aren’t released properly, then it may cause:
1.Bleeding Disorders (Raktapitta) – The primal symptoms of Raktapitta includes spots (red, yellow or green) on the body, urine, sweat, nose secretions, excretion from mouth, ears, etc.
2.Obstructed urinary disorders (Prameha) – The increase in ama specially from the sweat pores, is considered and primary symptom of Prameha.
3.Madhumeha (A kind of Prameha) – The turbidity and discoloration of urine are the primary symptoms of Madhumeha.
4.Krimi (Parasites and microorganisms) – The accumulation of waste within the body is suitable for the growth of parasites. These originate from excreta, blood, or mucus.
5.Fever (jwara) – Constipation and excessive urination are the primary symptoms of fever.
6.Skin diseases (Kushtha) – An important factor in the diagnosis of skin diseases is Sweat.
7.Jaundice (Kamala) – The change in color of stools is primarily a symptom to diagnose jaundice.
Thus, it becomes necessary to eliminate waste from the body on time, before it turns into any disease. Also, if we observe any changes in our excretion or feel discomfort, it acts as a signal of upcoming disease. Hence, it lays an important context on why we should understand our bodily changes and what could be its future effects. Once we get signals from our body, we can prevent a disease from happening, rather than curing it.