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Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) can affect any skin patch with hair follicles. Although the area behind the ear is not typically affected, HS symptoms might appear in unexpected places. Several of our patients have reported facial, neck, ear, and scalp issues. “I’ve had things behind my ear that I’ve wondered about,” a patient wrote. “Every now and then, I get a painful and large cystic bump behind my ear,” said another. It appears to be a typical mild HS boil.”

A nodule or abscess behind your ear could be associated with HS or not. Similar symptoms in this location can be caused by other skin disorders. Here are some potential issues to explore with your doctor to help you get to the bottom of the problem.

How HS Develops in Different Areas

HS is caused by inflammation and obstruction in the hair follicles, therefore symptoms can appear almost anywhere on the body. Humans are born with over 5 million hair follicles, which are tubelike holes located in the top two layers of skin. Aside from being the site of hair growth, hair follicles also aid in the restoration of damaged skin and the formation of new blood vessels and neurons.

The armpit, groin, buttocks, and breast are the most commonly afflicted locations by HS, particularly where perspiration accumulates or skin rubs together.

Blackheads (typically more than one), painful pea-sized lumps under the skin, and seeping sores that eventually break open are all examples of HS lesions.

Hormones, genetics, family history, and risk factors (such as smoking) all have a role in HS.

Flare-ups occur behind ears as well as on other portions of their face and neck. “My 16-year-old son would get really large ones on his face, back, chest, everywhere you could possibly imagine,” said one of the patients. “He would get large painful boils and cysts at the same time.” He has a lot of facial hair for his age, and he couldn’t cut it since it would encourage more to grow.”

Another person said, “I’ve not had them on the front of my face, but I get them on my neck and ears and under my chin.”

How Can HS Behind the Ear Affect Daily Life?

Lesions behind the ear, like other HS symptoms, can be painful and have an unpleasant odor. If your HS is visible, you may be concerned about what others think. An uncomfortable HS lump behind your ear, depending on your sleeping posture, can make it difficult to have a good night’s sleep.

The possibility of misdiagnosis or misconceptions at the doctor’s office is one of the more aggravating elements of obtaining HS in less common regions of the body. “Unfortunately, many doctors are unaware that HS can occur anywhere on your body.” “They think it’ll only be in your groin or under your arms,” our doctor explained. “You can’t see any scars, but HS caused me to have my ear lobe removed from my face!” It returns on a regular basis and drips via my ear piercing.“

Other Potential Behind-the-Ear Problems

HS is not the sole possibility for cysts or pimples behind the ear. A benign ear cyst is a noncancerous tumor in the ear. These cysts can form behind the ear, on the earlobe, or inside the ear due to dead skin cells and skin oils. They often grow slowly and may resolve on their own. If the cyst becomes uncomfortable or infectious, you should seek medical attention.

A keloid is a lump that develops on a region of your ear where you have a piercing. Scarring is what causes keloids. If a keloid is surgically removed, it may reappear, making these growths notoriously difficult to treat.

Lipomas are soft, fatty tissue growths that can appear behind the ears. They are normally non-harmful and do not necessitate treatment.

A growth behind the ear may be cancerous in rare situations. Swollen lymph nodes caused by an infection, such as an ear infection, tooth infection, or a cold, are more typical causes. Ear infections that go untreated can progress to bacterial infections of the mastoid bone, which is located behind the ear. Ear infections can occur in adults, but they are more common in children.

Behind-the-Ear Treatment for HS

Hidradenitis Suppurativa Treatment with Ayurvedic Methods

Ayurveda takes a holistic approach to treating Hidradenitis Suppurativa, addressing the underlying cause and improving general well-being. The treatment aims to balance the Kapha and Pitta doshas while also cleansing the body and mending scars. It consists of a combination of internal drugs, exterior applications, and lifestyle changes that are suited to each person’s particular Prakruti (constitution) and Vikruti (imbalance).

Detoxification of the Body

Body detoxification is an important part of Ayurvedic treatment for Hidradenitis Suppurativa. This entails ridding the body of toxins and impurities that contribute to the condition’s growth and progression. Detoxification is aided by a variety of ways, including:

Panchakarma: Panchakarma is an all-encompassing detoxification therapy that consists of a series of specialized procedures. 

Herbal preparations: Detoxification is also aided by Ayurvedic herbs and formulations. These herbs have cleansing and purifying characteristics that aid in the elimination of pollutants and promote cellular renewal. 

Internal Medications

Internal drugs are important in balancing the doshas and treating the underlying imbalances in Hidradenitis Suppurativa. Ayurvedic practitioners recommend personalized herbal formulas depending on the Prakruti and Vikruti of the individual. Herbs having anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and immune-modulating activities may be included.

External Therapies

Ayurvedic treatment for Hidradenitis Suppurativa also includes external therapies. These applications aid in the healing of sores, the reduction of inflammation, and the prevention of infection. 

 You can also talk to our patients about their experiences getting their ailment treated by us and Ayurveda in general. We are dedicated to delivering compassionate care and assisting you on your path to wellness.


Know More About Ayurveda Treatment for Hidradenitis suppurativa.