Review of Ayurvedic Texts on Pityriasis and Comparative Skin Disorders

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Pityriasis encompasses a variety of skin conditions characterized by flaky, scaly patches, such as Pityriasis Rosea, Pityriasis Alba, and Pityriasis Versicolor. While these conditions are typically benign, they can cause significant discomfort and cosmetic concerns. Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, provides a thorough understanding and treatment approach for these and other related skin disorders. This review explores Ayurvedic texts to elucidate the principles and practices for managing Pityriasis and similar conditions.

Understanding Pityriasis through Ayurvedic Texts

Key Ayurvedic texts like the Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita, and Ashtanga Hridaya offer detailed descriptions of skin diseases (Kushtha) and their management. Pityriasis-like conditions are primarily seen as results of imbalances in the Doshas – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha – which are biological energies derived from the Panchamahabhutas (the five great elements).

Pityriasis Rosea (Resembling Mandala Kushtha)


  • Charaka Samhita: Describes Mandala Kushtha, characterized by circular lesions, similar to the herald patch in Pityriasis Rosea.
  • Sushruta Samhita: Highlights symptoms like redness, itching, and scaling, common in Pityriasis Rosea.

Dosha Involvement:

  • Pitta and Kapha Imbalance: Inflammation and redness indicate a Pitta imbalance, while scaling and flakiness suggest a Kapha imbalance.

Pityriasis Alba (Resembling Shwetakushtha)


  • Charaka Samhita: Describes Shwetakushtha as a condition with hypopigmented, scaly patches, resembling Pityriasis Alba.
  • Sushruta Samhita: Emphasizes dryness and scaling of the skin.

Dosha Involvement:

  • Kapha Imbalance: Dryness and hypopigmentation point to a Kapha imbalance, often combined with Vata aggravation.

Pityriasis Versicolor (Resembling Dadru Kushtha)


  • Charaka Samhita: Describes Dadru Kushtha as having discolored, ring-shaped patches, similar to Pityriasis Versicolor.
  • Sushruta Samhita: Details Dadru Kushtha, highlighting the involvement of fungal infections.

Dosha Involvement:

  • Pitta and Kapha Imbalance: Discoloration and scaling indicate imbalances in Pitta and Kapha, often exacerbated by fungal overgrowth.

Comparative Review of Ayurvedic Texts on Skin Disorders

Ayurvedic texts categorize skin disorders under Kushtha, which is divided into Maha Kushtha (major) and Kshudra Kushtha (minor) based on severity and symptoms. These descriptions and treatments provide a framework for understanding and managing Pityriasis and similar skin disorders.

Maha Kushtha

Key Types:

  • Kapala Kushtha: Characterized by thick, scaly patches.
  • Kaksha Kushtha: Involves extensive lesions with severe itching.


  • Diet and Lifestyle: Emphasizes avoiding Pitta and Kapha-aggravating foods and maintaining a balanced lifestyle.
  • Herbal Treatments: Uses potent herbs like Haridra (Turmeric) and Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia) for their anti-inflammatory and detoxifying properties.
  • Therapeutic Procedures: Includes methods like Virechana (purgation) and Raktamokshana (bloodletting) to detoxify the body and balance the Doshas.

Shloka Reference: “Kapalam kaksham mandalam arishtam sabham mahakashthani sapta samanitaha.” (Charaka Samhita, Chikitsasthana 7.21)

This shloka lists various types of Maha Kushtha, indicating the severity and need for intensive treatment.

Kshudra Kushtha

Key Types:

  • Ekakushtha: Resembles psoriasis with silvery scales.
  • Vicharchika: Characterized by eczema-like symptoms with severe itching and oozing.


  • Diet and Lifestyle: Focuses on maintaining a Pitta and Kapha-pacifying diet and proper hygiene.
  • Herbal Treatments: Uses herbs like Neem (Azadirachta indica) and Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) for their antimicrobial and immunomodulatory properties.

Shloka Reference: “Kushta kshudrani ekakustam vicharchikam arum kachchudram alaji soolika.” (Sushruta Samhita, Nidanasthana 5.11)

This shloka lists various types of Kshudra Kushtha, highlighting their symptoms and treatment approaches.

Integrating Ayurvedic Treatments for Pityriasis

Ayurvedic management of Pityriasis involves a holistic approach, including dietary modifications, lifestyle changes, herbal treatments, and external applications.

1. Diet and Lifestyle Modifications

Diet and lifestyle are crucial for maintaining Dosha balance and supporting a healthy immune system. Ayurvedic texts emphasize a balanced diet aligning with one’s Prakriti (constitution) and the current season (Ritu).

  • Pitta-Pacifying Diet: Cooling, bitter, and sweet foods like leafy greens, melons, cucumbers, and dairy products help reduce inflammation and redness.
  • Kapha-Pacifying Diet: Warm, light, and dry foods like grains, beans, apples, and pears help reduce oiliness and flakiness.
  • Vata-Pacifying Diet: Warm, moist, and nourishing foods like root vegetables, dairy, and whole grains help reduce dryness and itching.

Lifestyle modifications include regular exercise, proper hygiene, avoiding excessive heat and humidity, and ensuring adequate sleep to maintain Dosha balance and support immune function.

Shloka Reference: “Hitahitam sukham dukhamayustasya hitahitam| Manancha tacca yatroktamayurveda sa uchyate||” (Charaka Samhita, Sutrasthana 1.41)

This shloka emphasizes the importance of a proper diet and lifestyle for maintaining health and preventing diseases.

2. Herbal Remedies and External Applications

Ayurveda utilizes a wide range of herbs known for their therapeutic properties to balance the Doshas, detoxify the body, and promote skin health.

  • Neem (Azadirachta indica): Known for its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, Neem helps reduce inflammation and prevent infections.
  • Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia): Excellent for detoxifying the blood and improving skin health.
  • Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis): Its cooling and soothing properties make it effective for treating inflammatory skin conditions.
  • Turmeric (Haridra): Powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, beneficial for managing skin disorders.

Shloka Reference: “Lepanam avagahamcha prakshalayam pradehanam| Samshekamanjanam dhupastathavasagam uttamam||” (Charaka Samhita, Sutrasthana 3.46)

This shloka highlights the importance of external applications in treating skin disorders.


Ayurvedic texts provide a comprehensive understanding of Pityriasis and similar skin disorders, emphasizing the importance of balancing the Doshas through diet, lifestyle modifications, and herbal treatments. By integrating these principles and practices, Ayurveda offers a holistic and effective approach to managing Pityriasis and related dermatological conditions. The timeless wisdom of Ayurveda, combined with modern healthcare practices, underscores the potential of holistic therapies in offering natural and effective solutions for skin health.


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