Basis of Ayurveda:
Every individual has a different body composition with respect to the five basic elements which are fire, Earth, ether, water, and air. The doshas determine the unique body type which defines the mental, physiological, and physical aspects of an individual. Every
an individual has a different proportion of each of the three doshas that make up their constitution. According to Ayurveda the Sharira (body), Manas (mind), and Prana (life force); are supported by Dhatus, which are seven in number – Rasa, Rakta, Mamsa,
Asthi, Medha, Majja, Shukra Dhatu.
Nervous System in Ayurveda:
Principally, the nervous system is governed by Vata Dosha and is composed of Majja Dhatu, which includes the brain, spinal cord, vertebrates, and skull. Majja Dhatu is responsible for the regulation and controlling of the function of the brain and nervous system
overseeing the physical attributes, strength, and bone nourishment, as well as mental and emotional state.
When Prana is in harmony, then bodily functions are at their optimal level and this is the desirable state that one should be in. But the problem arises when Prana is slowly deteriorated, which indicates a problem in Majja dhatu. Any problem related to Majja
Dhatu creates an imbalance in Prana and thus, the body goes out of balance.
When Vata Dosha is in excess, it leads to improper formation of tissues and one can have Prana-related problems.
When Pitta Dosha is in excess then there is an occurrence of inflammation because of which tissues are formed faster than normal. This causes swelling in tissue which leads to swelling of neuritis.
When Kapha Dosha is in excess, it fastens the process of the formation of tissues. It causes thickness and heaviness of Majja Dhatu which slows down the rate at which neurons communicate with each other.
When Majja Dhatu is in harmony, it has a positive effect on psychology. This means that one feels like everything is right in the world and feels peaceful. There are no negative feelings, and in case any negative emotions hinder, the person is able to divert their attention because of good focusing.
On the other hand, if Majja Dhatu is not in harmony, it gives hollow feelings or dissatisfied feelings. If Majja Dhatu is in excess, it leads to feelings of stagnation and loss of motivation in life that keep one away from performing well.
The endocrine system in Ayurveda:
When speaking of Ayurveda, the major roles are played by Tridoshas – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha Dosha.
Vata Dosha is important as it plays an intimate role with adrenal glands and hormones. It is responsible for good and bad moods as well as stress. Today’s fast life and technology aggravate Vata Dosha, which hinders other Doshic functions.
As per the chemical nature of hormones, they fall under the category of Pitta Dosha. Pitta Dosha is involved in chemical processes in the body like digestion, molecular catalysts, and hormones. Pitta governs the liver and blood, where many transformations take place. Anything that affects pitta will affect hormones.
Kapha Dosha impacts mainly mucus, muscle, skin, and fat. Kapha Dosha is mostly accumulated due to a sedentary lifestyle and heavy diet, which slows down the digestion process and blocks the flow of nutrients. This heaviness is pushed by Vata Dosha leading
to slow thyroid, bloating, etc.
Correlation between Nervous System and Endocrine System:
The activities and function of vata Dosha can be correlated with the activity of the Central and peripheral nervous system. Pitta Dosha which encompasses processes of digestion, metabolism, and food absorption, conversion of nutrients into energy in the tissues represents the function of the autonomic nervous system. Kapha Dosha’s functions can be related to three fluid compartments: intracellular fluid, extracellular fluid, plasma including lymph, and anabolic process involving tissues.
The basis of both endocrine and nervous systems are the same, that is they are governed by Tridoshas. As Vata is responsible for good and bad moods, which is the release of oxytocin and adrenaline, respectively; in the endocrine system. Further, accumulation of vata dosha causes the release of stress hormones from adrenal glands which are part of the nervous system. Similar connections are seen for Pitta and Kapha Dosha which are responsible for digestion and bloating. All these lead to hormonal changes within the body and are the cause of responses to situations.
Thus, the endocrine system and nervous system are closely related to one another. The response of one system is the response of another, due to a common imbalance occurring in the body. Thus, one should keep track of health with respect to diet and lifestyle, to maintain a healthy life force (Prana).