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Living with hidradenitis suppurativa (HS, also known as acne inversa) can be difficult, particularly when coping with the condition’s adverse effects. Lymphedema (groin swelling) is one of the more uncommon potential adverse effects of HS. This type of swelling can be highly painful and have a detrimental impact on a person’s general well-being and quality of life. Fortunately, there are treatments available for this ailment.

This page will define lymphedema of the groin, how it affects patients with HS, and how it can be treated. If you have HS and develop genital edema, consult our Ayurveda skin specialist. They will be able to determine the root problem and recommend the appropriate treatment.

What Exactly Is Lymphedema?

The lymphatic system is essential to the body’s immunological system. This system transports a fluid known as lymph throughout the body. Lymphedema is a type of swelling, or edema, that happens when the lymphatic system is unable to remove lymph as it should.

Lymph nodes are lymphatic system components that filter away bacteria, cancer cells, and other contaminants. Lymph runs through lymphatic channels, which are similar to lymphatic veins. Lymph cannot drain from the body normally when lymph nodes or lymphatic pathways are not functioning properly. It accumulates and produces lymphedema. Lymphedema can cause swelling, discomfort, a heavy feeling, limited range of motion, local infections, and other symptoms.

How Does HS Patients’ Lymphedema Affect the Genital Area?

When persons with HS have lymphedema, it usually affects their genitals. Men are three times as likely than women to be affected. Lymphedema of the genital tract can affect the groin (where the inner legs meet the abdomen), scrotum, penis, buttocks, perineum, labia majora, vulva, and other areas.

Typically, genital lymphedema causes substantial swelling. It can also cause skin stiffening (induration) as a result of inflammation, as well as lumps on the skin that may be mistaken for a sexually transmitted infection. Lymphedema in the groin will manifest differently in each individual. In rare situations, it may be mistaken for HS breakouts.

Lymphedema vs. Inflamed Lymph Nodes

With HS, groin pain and swelling are prevalent. Lesions or comedones (blocked hair follicles) produced by HS can sometimes damage the lymph nodes. As one of our patients put it, “Right now, I have an abscess in my groin, and all of my lymph nodes are inflamed.”

Lymph node inflammation is not the same as lymphedema, despite the fact that the lymph nodes are part of the lymphatic system. Lymphedema can occur if the lymph nodes stay swollen for an extended period of time.

What Causes Lymphedema in HS Patients?

Lymphedema is more common in persons with a lengthy history of HS and chronic or recurring swelling in their genital region. While experts are unsure how HS causes lymphedema, they assume it has something to do with inflammation.

Chronic Inflammation

Long-term inflammation can ruin lymph drainage channels or clog them, rendering them inoperable. When inflammation is not controlled, lymphatic fluid accumulates in the area, causing swelling.

Physical Lymphatic System Damage

Many HS symptoms, including fistulas, lesions, nodules, cysts, recurring abscesses, ulcers, and more, can harm the lymphatic system. Because HS usually develops in the groin, similar injury can also occur there.

Lymphatic Channel Dilation

Researchers analyzed an instance of vaginal swelling caused by lymphedema in a person with HS in 2011. They discovered that the disease caused dilated (widened) lymphatic vessels.

Dilated lymphatic channels are common in cancer patients who are being treated. They can create a variety of lymphatic drainage issues. However, this is a relatively uncommon HS result.

Treatment for HS

Even though HS can affect much more than your skin, consulting our Ayurveda Specialists who specializes in such skin conditions. “Our Specialists are trained and carry the experience to recognize, appropriately diagnose, and treat hidradenitis suppurativa, with the correct diagnosis, we can manage it appropriately to prevent progression and worsening of HS, relieve pain, and reduce scarring.”

From there, you can work to create a more thorough treatment plan, which may include the involvement of additional healthcare providers to assist you in managing linked diseases.

While HS is still not fully understood, experts believe that emerging research will provide alleviation to those with HS in the future. “While there is still a lot we do not know about HS, there has been a lot of research in the last several years, fortunately, we have made several breakthroughs that have resulted in a wide range of treatment options for this condition.” We hope that more people become aware of this issue so that they can seek treatment sooner and lessen its impact on their quality of life.”

How to Treat Lymphedema Caused by HS

The cardiovascular system may be the first thing that springs to mind when you think of circulation in the body. This system, which includes the heart and blood vessels, is in charge of pumping nutrient-rich blood and oxygen throughout the body and is, of course, necessary for life to exist. However, there is another important circulatory system known as the lymphatic system that has been frequently overlooked up until recently.  

The lymphatic system and its components (lymph, lymph nodes, spleen, and thymus) are essential in supporting the vitality of the human body as well as regulating mental and emotional well-being.

The lymphatic system is directly tied to rasa dhatu and kapha dosha in Ayurveda. The rasa dhatu is a type of biological tissue that includes all body fluids such as plasma, saliva, interstitial fluid, mucus, and lymph. When the rasa dhatu is in good health, one feels pleased and joyful, and one has daily elimination, clear eyes, supple skin, and lustrous hair. The lymphatic system is also linked to kapha dosha since lymph contains the water element, which is contained (together with the earth element) within kapha dosha. The Kapha dosha is steady, peaceful, and powerful. When the lymphatic system is functioning adequately, the immune system’s general health is steady and better able to tolerate both physical and mental stress. The lymphatic system is in charge of pulling wastes or poisons (referred to as ama in Ayurveda) out of the lymph and, ultimately, the body.


Unlike the cardiovascular system, which is constantly pumped by the heart to assist it circulate, the lymphatic system lacks a circulation mechanism and hence relies on body mobility and everyday lifestyle decisions for maintenance. Many Ayurvedic activities, including the following daily rituals, can assist the lymphatic system.

Get some beauty rest! While you sleep, lymph and cerebrospinal fluid can filter plaque and ama from your brain and body.

Drink lots of water throughout the day, beginning with a cup of warm lemon water after tongue washing in the morning. Ayurvedic medicine recommends drinking half your body weight in ounces of water every day, or more if you engage in rigorous activity or activities.

Eat prana-rich foods that are organic and pesticide-free whenever possible.

Whatever you put on your skin is absorbed and filtered through the lymphatic system. As a result, employ organic, earth-based substances on your body. 

Get the lymph moving by doing something like jogging, dancing, stretching, circuit training, or yoga. 

Pranayama, or deep breathing techniques, should be practiced. 

Increase circulation and lymphatic drainage by giving yourself a garshana (Ayurvedic dry brushing) massage.


Since you can see, there is a solid reason why the lymphatic system is receiving so much attention these days, since it plays an important part in both physical and mental health. As a result, it is critical to commit to easy, everyday Ayurvedic practices that will guarantee your lymph is correctly moving and detoxified. May your study of Ayurveda and the lymphatic system motivate you to engage in preventative, radical self-care in 2023 and beyond.

Take Precautions to Avoid Lymphedema

People suffering from HS should be aware that lymphedema is a possible adverse effect. They should exercise attention to avoid acquiring lymphedema in their genital region. This is especially important for people who have had their lymph nodes removed.

To help prevent groin lymphedema:

Avoid wearing anything too tight in the region. Looser underwear may aid in the prevention of the problem.

Keep the skin in the affected area moist with an unscented lotion or moisturizer that does not aggravate HS.

Light stretching is one example of proper exercise. Consult your doctor to determine which exercises are appropriate for you.

Keep a healthy weight. Obesity can put a strain on the lymphatic system.

Find an Effective HS Treatment

Because lymphedema normally develops after years of HS, treating your HS is essential for preventing lymphedema. Consult with your doctor, dermatologist, or other HS professional to identify the best strategy to treat the disease and prevent it from worsening.

Even though HS can affect much more than your skin, consulting our Ayurveda Specialists who specializes in such skin conditions. “Our Specialists are trained and carry the experience to recognize, appropriately diagnose, and treat hidradenitis suppurativa, with the correct diagnosis, we can manage it appropriately to prevent progression and worsening of HS, relieve pain, and reduce scarring.”

From there, you can work to create a more thorough treatment plan, which may include the involvement of additional healthcare providers to assist you in managing linked diseases.

While HS is still not fully understood, experts believe that emerging research will provide alleviation to those with HS in the future. “While there is still a lot we do not know about HS, there has been a lot of research in the last several years, fortunately, we have made several breakthroughs that have resulted in a wide range of treatment options for this condition.” We hope that more people become aware of this issue so that they can seek treatment sooner and lessen its impact on their quality of life.”


Know More About Ayurveda Treatment For Hidradenitis Suppurativa.