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Allergic Rhinitis is one of the most prevalent respiratory infections that people suffer from. According to Ayurvedic practices, disease recurrence occurs mostly when the relevant dosha is not treated and is not completely destroyed. Under these conditions, such doshas can remain in the body, even if latent. When doshas are exposed to conditions that aggravate them, they can reoccur with the same disease. Ayurvedic treatment for allergic rhinitis is thorough and long-lasting. Ayurvedic treatment for allergic rhinitis can help tackle the problem by combining purification, pacification, and rejuvenation techniques.


Allergic Rhinitis is caused by an allergic reaction to the nasal membrane. As a result, one may have a running nose, congestion, increased sneezing, and itching. Not only may the illness impact the nose, but it can also affect the sinuses, eyes, ears, and throat. A common sign of the illness is ear pain, a burning sensation in the eyes, and a headache. The illness can be triggered by exposure to particular allergens or by genetic factors. Chronic allergic rhinitis is rarely dangerous, although it can impair a person’s ability to smell and produce headaches, earaches, and weariness. Ayurvedic treatment for allergic rhinitis is beneficial since it encourages long-term healing approaches.


Ayurveda classifies allergic rhinitis as PratishyayaRoga, which is mostly a Kapha condition. The ayurvedic treatment for rhinitis is based on the idea of increasing immunity and removing toxins from the body. To counteract the negative consequences of the disease, you should seek Ayurvedic treatment. To reduce the impact of Kaphadosha, the protocol focuses on treating weak digestion and increasing body immunity. In Ayurveda, the first line of treatment for Allergic Rhinitis is to balance the three doshas in the body. In addition to cleaning the sinuses, eliminating accumulated mucus in the body, and thorough detoxification to balance the doshas, this is done. Nasal drop therapy and panchakarma are also part of a proper rhinitis ayurvedic treatment. Although anyone can acquire an allergy, a family history of allergies and illnesses such as asthma make one more prone to Allergic Rhinitis.


Ayurvedic treatment for Allergic Rhinitis commonly includes VamanaPanchakarma and Virechana. This is generally done in circumstances where the symptoms are severe and chronic. The therapy approach aids in the balance of Tridosha.

Nasya therapy may be effective in circumstances where the patient’s digesting strength is normal to good. Herbal oils are used to deliver nasal drops therapy. Following these therapies, a doctor may prescribe Ayurvedic medicine for allergic rhinitis to assist enhance respiratory immunity and upper respiratory tract strength.

In addition to these therapy regimens, Ayurvedic rhinitis treatment focuses on nutrition and lifestyle management for greater progress and recovery.

How Do You Manage Your Diet While Receiving Ayurvedic Treatment?

Ideally, one should consume light foods, lukewarm water, lentils, soups, and other foods. Heavy foods, fermented foods, foods that produce congestion, non-vegetarian foods, bananas, curd, ice creams, yellow grammes, and other foods should be avoided. Alcohol and cold beverages should be avoided. Food that is too hot or too cold for the body might be detrimental.

Changes in Lifestyle

Ayurvedic principles for rhinitis suggest that numerous lifestyle modifications can be made to improve one’s condition. Here are a few examples:

•Regular application of Nilgiri oil to the chest to avoid the onset of an episode •Inhalation of steam to relieve symptoms of congestion •Regular exercise

•Getting enough rest but not sleeping during the day

Ayurvedic medicine can also be used to treat rhinitis. Ayurvedic remedies used to treat Allergic Rhinitis include the following:

Haridrakhand’s main component is Haldi or turmeric, which acts as an anti-allergic, anti-histaminic, anti-oxidant, and anti-inflammatory medicine. In Ayurveda, it is an ideal remedy for the treatment of Allergic Rhinitis for Kaphadosha. It can help to alleviate nasal congestion and sneezing.

SitopladiChurna: It is a traditional Ayurvedic medication for Allergic Rhinitis, beneficial for treating immune system and respiratory disorders. Its anti-inflammatory qualities can aid in the treatment of chest congestion.

AbhrakBhasma is a mineral complex made up of calcium, potassium, magnesium, silicon, and other minerals. Regular use of this medication helps to build lung tissues and improve overall lung health.

Chyawanprash Rasayana is a dietary supplement derived from herbs, herbal extracts, and minerals. It aids in the strengthening of the body’s defence mechanisms, allowing it to combat any form of external stimuli.


Ayurveda offers the most effective and long-lasting treatment for Allergic Rhinitis. Changing one’s diet and lifestyle choices are two approaches to treat the illness and enhance one’s immune system. For the greatest outcomes, contact the specialists at EliteAyurveda for assistance and support in addressing the condition.


Know More About Ayurveda Treatment For Allergic Rhinitis.