In other words, bone death, or osteonecrosis. This is a life-threatening disorder in which bone tissue dies from a lack of oxygen and nutrients. As bone marrow’s sole function is to furnish the skeleton with abundant support and nourishment via these capillaries. The loss of all of this crucial tissue might be fatal. Our ayurvedic treatment of osteonecrosis with Ayurvedic medicine helps patients avoid total hip replacement surgery wherever possible.

We at Eliteayurveda do not do the following as part of AVN treatment

Patients are not subjected to traction and pulling., Using cupping methods, Use non-yoga exercises.

Our primary focus is on re-establishing blood flow to the damaged bone.

As a result of our Ayurvedic Treatment, the bones are healed.

The goal of EliteAyurveda’s Ayurvedic treatment of osteonecrosis of the hip is not merely to postpone the need for surgery. The primary focus of treatment is to stop the progression of the disease.

At EliteAyurveda, we adhere to these four guidelines since they are grounded in the scientific exposition of the issue.

Ayurvedic Treatment of Osteonecrosis

Osteonecrosis, also known as Avascular Necrosis.

Osteonecrosis, like all diseases, can arise from a wide variety of causes and ultimately manifest itself clinically in previously healthy tissues.

When this happens all over a person’s body in a select few bones. Several terms for this condition exist, such as avascular necrosis (AVN), aseptic necrosis, and ischemic bone necrosis.

Avascular necrosis is typically discovered late in the course of the disease. Only when a patient experiences sudden pain or sensitivity in a particular place will they go to the doctor. All other medical issues have been ruled out as potential causes of the pain.

When bones are subjected to tremendous force, fractures may occur. They usually have more than one injury. Broken bones, dislocated joints, and scrapes and bruises all fall under this category (bruising).

While it’s true that most broken bones may mend on their own without any lasting effects, this isn’t the case for every single bone. But, if the blood supply to other parts of the body, such as the femur head, is severely cut, they may not be able to perform as well.

Despite the fact that these types of accidents might cause osteonecrosis. On the other hand, most cases do not start with an immediate onset of pain following an injury, but rather a slow development of unusual symptoms.

Read More Completely Ayurvedic Treatment for Avascular Necrosis

What factors lead to hip osteonecrosis?

Adults in their mid to late-thirties are most likely to develop osteonecrosis. This age group is also more prone to be affected even in the absence of localized trauma. Similar to the medical community’s current state of uncertainty regarding many other diseases.

We don’t yet know why some people get Avascular Necrosis in their prime while others never get it.

The combination of alcohol and steroids does not cause avascular necrosis in everyone. This is because the human body is always changing, making accurate predictions difficult.

On the other hand, it appears that specific risk factors may influence who gets it. On account of their personal history.

There are a number of things that can raise your risk of developing osteonecrosis, and one of them is having a preexisting health condition (such as HIV). Using bone-decaying drugs like steroids. As well as external trauma, such as a vehicle crash, that causes internal bleeding. Maybe even minor injuries that wouldn’t normally result in Osteonecrosis.

It is unclear at this time if dietary factors play a role in the progression of this condition. Within the population of people who have a higher than average risk of developing it because of their genes. Nonetheless, many doctors believe that estrogen levels significantly affect bone health. The same connection also contributes to its beginning. In most cases, a correct diagnosis won’t be made until the disease has already progressed significantly. on par with at least the third-grade level. Despite the fact that they’d been dealing with the underlying problem long before it became so severe.

So how does avascular necrosis manifest itself?

Because bones serve as a framework for the rest of the body, the skeletal system is sometimes compared to scaffolding. Yet just like these metal pillars, you need to keep an eye on their condition at all times to prevent injuries or a sudden collapse. When a bone or group of bones loses its ability to receive oxygenated blood, a condition known as ischemia sets in place. Osteonecrosis is typically caused by direct trauma to the bone or by an underlying disease such as cancer.

Several parts of the affected bones will experience inflammation. They begin to wither and die until ultimately they are useless and nothing remains inside. Time allows the body to reabsorb the dead tissue. So that it can put its remaining mineral reserves to better use, such as in the formation of new bone. When a patient has bilateral femoral head osteonecrosis, the deterioration typically begins in the hip. And it travels down to affect their knees as well.

When does osteonecrosis start to show symptoms?

In contrast, AVN almost never manifests until middle age or later. Medical professionals have come to recognize its prevalence on par with those of other orthopedic disorders including avascular necrosis (AVN) and aseptic necrosis. Avascular necrosis sufferers typically have symptoms in both hips at the same time. Among the most frequently experienced symptoms of this illness are:

Symptoms include hip and groin pain and discomfort (usually severe)

Sound or movement that sounds like it’s clicking or popping close to the affected region (often indicating some sort of dislocation)

Swelling and/or redness of the skin

Discoloration of the skin in the vicinity of the injury. More so if its new location subjects it to an excessive amount of sunshine.

Osteonecrosis typically manifests first with relatively mild symptoms before progressing to more severe ones later on. It’s also rather common for people who are dealing with this ailment to display no symptoms at all. Till severe hip and leg pain and stiffness have been encountered. When you get to this point, though, it’s too late to do anything about it because your bones have already begun to deteriorate.

If the hip is more prone to osteonecrosis, why is that the case?

Several different parts of the body are prone to severe occurrences of osteonecrosis, as was previously indicated. Although it can happen everywhere on the body, it seems to be more common near the hip joint because of its function as a bearing point. As well as the tremendous pressure it’s under on a regular basis. Because of these variables, the femur head exerts a great deal of force on the acetabulum. In the absence of trauma, this may cause AVN.

This condition often affects both hips equally over time. A shortage of blood flow occurs over time, rather than suddenly, as in an acute injury or disease. Yet, a condition like diabetes might cause the problem to affect only one hip. Causes of bilateral femoral head osteonecrosis include this factor. Where there is severe degeneration of both the left and right hip joints because of inadequate blood flow.

Is AVN treatable, and if so, how?

Despite the fact that suffering from this illness can be a terrible ordeal. There is no correlation between it and a high death rate.

In most cases, medical professionals will advise a total hip replacement as the best course of action. In order to keep your legs and hips from being irreversibly harmed. Even while this method only provides marginal comfort to people with AVN, it is better than nothing. In other words, it doesn’t address the underlying issue(s) that are leading to their illness.

Osteonecrosis is the direct result of weakened bones and obstructed blood supply to the bones’ capillaries and arteries.

The goal of the Ayurvedic Treatment of Osteonecrosis is to increase the supply of oxygen-rich blood to the bones. In a very fundamental way, this aids in reversing this disease. This also means not having to completely repair the damaged portions. Thousands of people with Avascular Necrosis have benefited from this holistic approach, which has allowed them to avoid the painful and expensive hip replacement surgery that provides only temporary relief.

EliteAyurveda Offers Ayurvedic Treatment for Osteonecrosis

To avoid having to undergo joint replacement surgery, Ayurvedic Treatment of Osteonecrosis involves unblocking arteries, increasing blood flow to the bone marrow, reversing Osteonecrosis, and stimulating the creation of new bone.

  • Detoxifying herbs for unclogging arteries
  • Supplement the area with healing herbs to promote better blood flow.
  • Third, use healing herbs to stimulate bone regeneration in the injured location.
  • Fourth, stop the bone damage caused by avascular necrosis (AVN) by reversing it.

Cleaning out blocked arteries using detoxifying herbs

Ayurveda explains how to use natural herbs to purify the blood and increase its flow. Guduchis the most notable of these. Enhancing the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to stem cells housed in the bone marrow. We have preparations that are tried and tested among various cases of AVN.

Treatment of Avascular Necrosis with Ayurvedic Drugs

Herbal remedies boost blood flow to the affected area.

Here, we use herbs like Manjistha, and Giloya, Guggal, to achieve this goal. Long-term use brings comfort from discomfort and a decrease in edema. Different kinds of preparations are formed by them. The primary focus should be on minimizing swelling and restoring blood flow to affected areas. This should occur simultaneously with everything else.

Use of therapies to restore the bone structure

The practice of panchakarma is crucial to this transformation. Panchakarma facilitates this change. The body can only function properly if the primary metabolites are supplied when they are needed.

When performing Panchakarma, the use of fat-based medicines aids in this healing process. It is now accepted that adipose tissue cells (fat cells) are superior at bone formation. This is associated with Ayurveda’s clarification of Dhatus. According to Ayurveda, adipose tissue, or Medo Dhatu, is the progenitor of the Asthi (bone). Patients can get better all the way around with the use of this Vedic knowledge. The connection between bone density and body fat has also been scientifically confirmed by recent medical studies.

Hip replacements are absolutely avoided. To put it simply, this is about more than just alleviating discomfort or restoring mobility; it’s about restoring full bone health. The results of a hip replacement are always negative. You can avoid this by going through our Ayurvedic Treatment for Osteonecrosis.