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This is not an easy answer, but neither is anything else about Hidradenitis Suppurativa. Genetics are hard to understand, and they are not always true. Even if you are more likely to get something, that doesn’t mean you will. Think about it like this. How many of your family have a long-term illness that you don’t have? This should show that not everything that can be passed on is. And not everything you hear doesn’t come true for you. The same is true for your kids. I have HS, for example. No one in my family has HS that I know of. So, genetics is more complicated than I thought it would be. Before I start, I want to say that I am not a geneticist. But here is my understanding from an Ayurvedic Perspective.

Genes and HS

First, let’s examine some genetics-related terminology.

Chromosomes are informational filaments composed of DNA and protein. One set of chromosomes is inherited from each parent. They reside in the nucleus of your cells and transport your genomes.

Genes determine which characteristics you will possess. And dominant genes determine attributes. If your mother gives you the gene for blonde hair and your father gives you the gene for brown hair, and you also have brown hair, this indicates that your father’s gene was dominant.

The phenotype is the manifestation of a trait (brown hair, for example). This also applies to genetic diseases. But sometimes, more than one gene determines a trait.

A monogenetic disorder is caused by mutations in a single gene. Polygenic traits result from the interaction of multiple genes. Scientists believe that HS is caused by a polygenetic mutation in the -secretase complex of genes.

What genetic relation does HS have?

Presenilin is an autosomal dominant gene. This means that only one parent must possess the gene in order to pass it on to their offspring. And to further confound matters, the mutated gene need not originate from either parent. De novo mutations can arise from autosomal dominant genes, also known as de novo changes. Therefore, scientists believe that genetics influence the development of HS in two ways. 

There are currently no genetic diagnostics for HS. Moreover, scientists do not believe genetics entirely explain HS. They believe that this explanation only applies to a limited number of HS patients and that additional research is required.

As stated, the condition is complex and difficult to predict.

A Social Perspective on HS

You could say that your genetics indicate that your infant is at risk for developing HS. There is likely little you can do to change that. However, as I am confident you are aware, the disease is not the sole cause of our problems. Regarding chronic illness and disability, there is a concept known as the social model of disability. This model suggests that the environment, and not the condition, is responsible for the majority of disabilities.

For you and I, the stigma and limitations of our health care worsen our conditions. Guilt and shame are significant issues. Some physicians lack the ability or knowledge to recognise HS. Consequently, the disease is frequently advanced by the time we receive treatment. However, you can assist your child with these issues.

Advocating Your Child

I am unsure if your child will develop HS. However, I am aware that your child will grow up with someone who has HS. They will likely observe it or its effects and become acquainted with it. They will grow up without the stigma associated with having a condition that nobody discusses and everyone conceals.  If they require diagnosis and treatment in the future, they will have a parent who can advocate for them. You will have the knowledge necessary to do so. And if you are reading this, I assume you are well on your way to having the confidence to act when the time arrives. Unless you already are, that is.

No Simple Solutions

Therefore, nobody knows. There is a genetic link to HS, but research is still ongoing. So far, it does not appear to be a certainty that your offspring will develop HS if you do. However, this is excellent news. I can appreciate why you might be anxious. Many of us had difficulty being diagnosed. And it was also traumatic. However, more research is always on the horizon. This will result in faster diagnosis and improved treatment. You will contribute to this endeavour.

High school will not be the same in the future as it is now. Therefore, if they have it, they will have more options. They will have the knowledge and self-assurance necessary to act. And they may discover it soon enough to halt its development. Or perhaps, perhaps, there will be a cure.

Our Outlook –

Under one roof, we at EliteAyurveda Clinics have a panel of specialists in numerous dimensions of medical domains such as endocrine, autoimmune, gynecology, and so on. We are well-known for taking a multifaceted and root-cause approach to treating chronic and difficult-to-treat disorders.

Contact us to learn more.

According to Ayurveda, hidradenitis suppurativa is a cause of Kapha and Pitta dosha. When the digestive fire (Agni), or Pitta, is out of balance, the Kapha Dosha becomes vitiated, which slows down metabolism. Due to the disruption of fat molecules, they start to build up in muscles and impede bodily passageways, causing painful, swollen sores in the groin, buttocks, thighs, and armpits.

In Ayurveda, hidradenitis suppurativa Treatment is to restore the body’s natural equilibrium by detoxifying it with potent herbal therapies. 

The treatment for Hidradenitis Suppurativa at Elite Ayurveda comprises balancing the Kapha and Pitta doshas, as well as providing harmony to the metabolism. The treatment comprises body detoxification, internal drugs to balance doshas, and external applications to heal scars.

The treatment involves combinations of herbs created based on individual Prakruti and Vikruti analysis. Visit our website to know more

Connect with us to get our patient testimonials and also to speak with our patients directly about their experience in getting their disease treated by us and by Ayurveda as a whole.

Medically reviewed by Dr Adil Moulanchikkal, Lead Ayurveda Specialist at EliteAyurveda Clinics. With over 15 years of experience in treating Neurological, Skin & Autoimmune Diseases.


Know More About Ayurveda Treatment For Hidradenitis Suppurativa.