The major sign in this condition is the occurrence of seizures which happen when our brain cells that communicate through electric impulses start sending out the wrong signals. Having just one seizure does not mean you have epilepsy. Generally, the occurrence of several seizures is a clear indication of epilepsy.

Epilepsy and Ayurveda

Epilepsy is called Apasmara (Apa = loss, smara = memory, knowledge, or even consciousness). Akshepaka is a condition characterized by seizures. The convulsions are caused in Ayurveda due to an imbalance of the Vata dosha. Pitta dosha can be attributed to the loss of consciousness in terms of doshic effect. When one lacks consciousness immediately upon seeing the colors red, blue as well as black and recovers rapidly, this is recognized as a sign of Vata disturbance. Likewise, Pitta hallucinations are caused by seeing light or dark red or yellow colors and recovering with intense sweating.

Convulsions in Apasmara are accompanied by a loss of consciousness and a flush in the mouth. Epilepsy or epileptic seizures are generally known as ‘falling disorder’ or ‘fits’ due to the cardinal sign of loss of consciousness or memory.It is a serious disorder of the central nervous system that affects both children and adults alike. It is often overlooked as a habit or inherited cause. This has a significant effect on the development and well-being of women suffering and the people concerned with it. On a good outlook, though, it is treatable and can bring about a great change in the person affected by it.

Types of Epileptic Seizures

Seizures are categorized into two major categories:

1. Focal seizures are part of the brain. They may be:
Easy partial seizures, please. Symptoms can include involuntary twitching of muscles or arms and legs; vision changes; dizziness; and odd tastes or smells. The person is not losing consciousness.

2. Generalized seizures affect a lot more or the overall brain. They may be:
Absence of seizure (petit mal). Symptoms may involve gazing and a brief loss of consciousness.
The myoclonic seizures. Symptoms can involve wheezing or twitching of the limbs on either side of the body.
Tonic-Clonic seizures (grand mal). Symptoms often include loss of consciousness and loss of bladder.

Causes of Epilepsy

According to Ayurveda, the causes of epilepsy may be kama (passion), krodha (anger), lobha (greed), moha (temptation), harda (ectasy), soka (grief) chinta (worry), udvega (anxiety), etc. Today, we can largely describe the causes as:

  • Influences inherited
  • Severe shock or brain or nervous system damage
  • Meningitis and typhoid diseases
  • Allergic responses to certain food compounds
  • Circulatory conditions such as a stroke or heart attack
  • Fever
  • Drug misuse or overuse: chronic alcoholism, lead poisoning, hallucinogens, and stimulants such as cocaine, antidepressants, or sleeping aids such as benzodiazepines and barbiturates.
  • Mental conflict: long-term sorrow, passion or rage, subconscious fear or hatred
  • Deficient mineral assimilation such as insufficient hemoglobin or important minerals such as magnesium
  • Consumption of junk/processed food and lack of a daily lifestyle pattern for people with epileptic tendencies

Symptoms of Epilepsy

  • Pre-symptomatic stage
  • Involuntary wiggling of eyebrows and quick deviating movement of eyes
  •  Drowsing
  • The tension of the muscles
  • Fatigue
  • Feeling spasm or congestion in the heart
  • Lack of interest in food
  • Hallucination or hearing of noises or voices
  • Body pain

Symptomatic Phase

  • In the case of petit mal, there is a momentary decrease of consciousness with no convulsions and a mild stiffness. In this scenario, the attack will stop within a few seconds.
  • On the other hand, Grand Mal has a more pronounced effect. Aggressive convulsions, followed by the sudden loss of consciousness, twitching of muscles, biting of the lips, distorted attachment of limbs, rotation of the head, and deviation of the eyes continue for much longer.
  • Mild sometimes intense shaking of arms and legs
  • Head retraction on one hand
  • Constrictions of fingers
  • Anxiety
  • Accidental urine
  • Make noises like crying or whimpering
  • Vomiting that may be rubbed around the mouth or emesis of the stomach contents
  • Loss of consciousness or blacking out of consciousness

Effects of Epilepsy on Everyday Life

Living with epilepsy can be stressful and can cause a lot of social problems for the sufferer. An individual suffering from such a disorder typically often suffers from depression attacks, isolation from society, loss of health due, among other things, to irregular eating habits. Those with well-controlled seizures have a different set of complications than those faced by those with poorly controlled seizures. It is a fact that having epileptic seizures may have an effect on the patient’s lifestyle. For example, young people pursuing academic goals, acquiring a driver’s license, seeking jobs, and traveling may all be difficult.

Top of epilepsy treatment tips may be to practice meditation and other calming techniques. Yoga and pranayama, along with meditation, may have a calming effect on brain chemistry by counteracting the effects of stress that often disrupt electrical activity in the brain. Learn about it as much as you can, contact the treatment centers and keep a personal trigger log so that you can prove your protection yourself.

Ayurvedic Treatment of Epilepsy

A doctor’s consultation is important for the successful diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy. Medication, therapy, and lifestyle go hand in hand in order to provide a full clinical experience. The good news is that there is a cure for epilepsy in Ayurveda – at least to a large degree, it can be treated to lead a perfectly normal life.

  • Counseling: Assistance and guidance help to overcome depression and anxiety and can also improve the effects of drugs.
  • Panchakarma: In such situations, strong detoxification procedures are strongly recommended. The type of purification method chosen to restore brain function to normal will depend on the particular dosha that is vitiated.
  • Vata dosha: In this situation, the body is cleansed by using enema (basti) to regulate Vata dosha. This dosha is exacerbated by stress, lack of sleep, and acute mental stress. Constipation and complications of the GI tract can also cause this form of epilepsy. Vata is calmed by the use of a medicated oil massage (abhyanga) as well as by pouring a stream of oil on the head (shirodhara)which can calm the mind. Herbs like shankhapushpi, ashwagandha, and brahmi are used to normalize brain activity.
    Pitta dosha: the aggravation of the dosha is cured by purgation (virechana). Usually, this dosha is disrupted by high humidity. Possible causes of epilepsy due to Pitta Dosha may be diseases such as encephalitis and inflammation of the head.
    Kapha Dosha: Toxins are eliminated from the body by causing vomiting (vamana). This is mostly caused by a blockage of the nervous system. Excessive secretion of saliva can be one of the key symptoms of Kaphic epilepsy. It may be set in motion by a sedentary or inactive lifestyle. Tulsi and calamus root are widely used for the treatment of Kapha epilepsy.
  • Rejuvenation and revitalization by Rasayana therapy decrease the recurrence of attacks and encourages full synchronization of mind and body for a healthy life. The healthy treatment of Ayurvedic epilepsy is Panchayagavya Ghrita, Mahapanchagavya Ghrita, Vachadhya Ghrita together with the various other herbs.

Know about our time-tested Ayurvedic approach for Epilepsy Treatment by Dr. Soumya Hullannavar, the lead consultant at EliteAyurveda


Doctor consultation is a must for diagnosing and treating epilepsy effectively. Medication, counseling, and lifestyle go hand in hand to have a complete therapeutic experience. book an appointment @ and ensure a better assurance and guidance by ayurvedic experts to soon overcome depression and anxiety and may also enhance the effects of the medications. 

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