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Diabetes is a disease that affects the vast majority of Indians today, whether they are young or old. Unfortunately, this long-term condition characterised by elevated blood sugar levels also causes a slew of medical complications, the most famous of which is diabetic neuropathy. 

Consistently high blood glucose levels frequently injure the tissues of the nervous system. This damages the body’s nerves, particularly in the extremities of the feet, resulting in diabetic neuropathy. Diabetic neuropathy raises the risk of foot ulcers, sensory loss, and numbness in the legs and feet, as well as urinary incontinence, high blood pressure or hypertension, digestive issues, and even reduced sexual function in both men and women. It also produces unpleasant symptoms such as tingling in the hands, blurred or double vision, and a lack of concentration, memory, and focus. Many herbs that treat the symptoms of diabetic neuropathy and efficiently lower blood sugar levels for better diabetes control are listed in the renowned manuscripts of CharakaSamhita, AshtangaHridaya, and SushrutaSamhita in Diabetic Neuropathy Treatment in Ayurveda.

Ayurveda perspective on Diabetic Neuropathy

There is no direct link between Ayurvedic Vyadhi and the disease diabetic neuropathy. However, the complexities of Purvaroopa and Prameha have a comparable Lakshana. Lancinating pain, burning sensation, tingling sensation, and numbness in the hands and feet are the primary symptoms of diabetic neuropathy.

Among the symptoms of diabetic neuropathy is the term “pain” symbolising “Ruk.” Vayu is inextricably linked to all sorts of sorrow. Pain is employed to designate “Ruk” in AstangaHridaya’sVataprakopakaLakshaas. Vayu is inextricably linked to all sorts of sorrow. AstangaHridaya categorises it as VataprakopakaLakshanas. Daha is suffering from a scorching sensation. Pitta is commonly associated with Daha of any kind, and in this case, Padadaha is generated by Vata’s Ashyapakarsha of Pitta. The VataNanatmajaRoga is also mentioned in Ayurvedic Diabetic Neuropathy Treatment.The words for “tingling” or “clanking” are Jhanjhanaya and Chimchimayan. Harsha is the result of the VataChalaGuna in this scenario. Jhanjhanaya is also described in Chakardatta by VatavyadhiCikitsa. Supti is the Hindi word for “numbness.” Supti is a SnayuSiraKadraDushti sign. The VataNanatmajaRoga describes Supti. Suptata (numbness) and Daha (burning feeling) in specific body parts, particularly the hands and feet, are referred to as Purvarupa of Prameha in classical Ayurvedic scriptures. Prameha’s complications show these indications and symptoms.

Diet & Diabetic Neuropathy

Diabetic Neuropathy Treatment in Ayurveda mentions several home remedies such as bitter gourd or Momordicacharantia, which is an excellent ayurvedic treatment for diabetes symptoms. Drinking a small amount of bitter gourd juice has been demonstrated to successfully lower blood sugar levels and increase insulin activity due to the bioactive molecule polypeptide-2, which has hypoglycemic characteristics. This reduces nerve function loss and, as a result, diabetic neuropathy. Trachyspermumammi, or tiny, aromatic ajwain seeds, provide good incentives for treating diabetes symptoms. Because of its carminative characteristics and rich plant-based components, ajwain water is excellent in decreasing indigestion, bloating, and flatulence.In this approach, Ajwain promotes healthy digestion and treats stomach difficulties caused by diabetic neuropathy.

Gurmar is a tried-and-true ayurvedic treatment in Kerala for diabetes, according to Diabetic Neuropathy Treatment in Ayurveda. Gurmar, also known scientifically as Gymnemasylvestre, is high in anti-diabetic chemicals that assist it improve insulin sensitivity, stimulate insulin release from pancreatic beta cells, and lower post-meal blood sugar spikes. Gurmar also aids in weight loss, obesity management, and minimising the unpleasant symptoms of diabetic neuropathy. Withaniasomnifera, often known as ashwagandha, is a revitalising herb that can treat a range of health problems, including diabetic neuropathy. Consuming warm water decoctions of ashwagandha powder enhances blood flow to the nerves, relaxes tense muscles, aids in fatigue relief, and improves stamina in diabetics.

Treatment for Diabetic Neuropathy

NidanaParivarjana is the main Chikitsa of all ailments, Shamsodhana, and Shamshamana, and it also relates to Diabetic Neuropathy Treatment in Ayurveda. NidanaParivarjana should be avoided as Kapha vardhaka Ahara Vihara, according to all Ayurveda Acharyas such as Madhura, Sheeta, Snigha, Guru Ahara, and others. It is critical to avoid undesirable habits such as laziness, sloth, and sedentary behavior. Purification of the body by panchakarma results in the maintenance of equilibrium. After the MriduSnehana, the ShalishastikaPindaSwedana is done. Vamana and Virechana then perform Samshodhana. Nasya, Basti, ShastikaPindaSweda, and PatrapindaSweda are excellent treatments for diabetic neuropathy. Ayurvedic anti-diabetic compound containing herbs from the Tridoshashamaka, specifically Vatashamaka, Shothahara, Nadibalya (Nervine), and VedanaSthapaka, which are useful in diabetic neuropathy.Bala, Atibala, Ashwagandha, and TilaTaila are nourishing and emollient herbs that may work by regenerating myelin sheaths. They feed the Snayu and improve its skills. All of these drugs possess the Vatanashaka property, which may improve the ability to rebuild myelin sheaths and the speed of nerve conduction, hence enhancing overall health and, in particular, the neurological health of Diabetic Neuropathy patients.

Shyama, Kodrava, Uddalika, Godhum, Chanaka, Aadak, and Kullatha are traditional meals that Madhumeha (Diabetes) patients can ingest. Bitter-tasting vegetables (Tikta), animal meat and bird eggs from desert-like places (Jangalamamsa), boiling Yava and its preparations, Mudag, Shali, and Shastika are all suitable foods. Avoid using Shauviraka (fermented gruel), Sura (beer), buttermilk, oils, milk ghee, jaggery, foods treated with sours, sugarcane, juice, flour-based foods, and meat from marshy areas.

According to Ayurvedic Diabetic Neuropathy Treatment, the following acts can help reduce diabetic neuropathy:

  • Maintain a well-balanced diet
  • Avoid smoking and limit your alcohol consumption.
  • whole grains instead of refined grains
  • Avoid skipping meals.
  • Consume a lot of fruits and vegetables.
  • Reduce your sugar and fat intake.
  • Eat smaller meals more frequently rather than larger ones.
  • Keep an eye on your carbohydrate consumption.

Ayurvedic treatment for diabetic neuropathy at our center which is well known for Diabetes Reversal Program worldwide we have been able to completely reverse the condition with many patients now living disease free. We have a well organized approach to treating diabetic neuropathy at EliteAyurveda. We tailor each patient’s treatment to their specific problems.


Know More About Ayurveda Diabetes Reversal Treatments.