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“A 25-year-old female had irregular bowel function for two years, complaining of alternate constipation and diarrhea on a regular basis, as well as abdominal pain, disturbed sleeplessness, and fatigue.”

 This is the most common symptom among persons suffering with IBS. Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a common reason for patients to visit their primary care physician or a gastro-intestinal specialist. IBS causes people a considerable deal of distress. It is a functional gastrointestinal motility condition that is idiopathic.

GRAHANI is the Ayurvedic term for IBS. 

Grahani/IBS is classified into four ayurveda categories based on your bowel habits:

  • Grahani (Vataja) is characterised by constipation.
  • Diarrhoea is the most common Grahani (Pittaja) symptom.
  • Grahani (Kaphaja) with prevalent dysentery
  • All of the above symptoms together (Tridoshaja)

The symptoms vary from patient to patient and are distinguished by:

  • Irregular Bowel Habits – bowel habits that alternate between diarrhoea and constipation, Undigested food particles moving, feeling the want to move immediately after eating.
  • Pain in the abdomen 
  • Distension
  • Bloating 
  • Nausea
  • Feeling of insufficient evacuation.

 Upper gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms such as heartburn, chest pain, and dysphagia may also occur.

Somatic and psychological symptoms such as weariness, irritability, headache, anxiety, sadness, and even urologic dysfunction and gynecologic symptoms may be present.

The following are the primary causes of IBS / GRAHANI:

  • Toxins accumulate in tissue, obstructing circulation.
  • Poor nutrition, such as eating too much, overeating, eating the wrong foods, drinking too much liquids, or eating foods that are too cold.
  • Poor digestion as a result of eating the wrong foods at the wrong times, skipping meals, or eating while not hungry.
  • Nervous system imbalance, aberrant intestinal motor and sensory activity, and so on.
  • Physical and emotional stress buildup
  • Natural resistance and immunity are weakened.
  • Natural biological rhythm disruption

Who is more prone to developing IBS?

IBS affects women up to twice as much as it does males. It’s more common in those under 50, although those over 50 can get IBS too.

The following factors can enhance your chances of developing IBS:

Having an IBS family member

A history of stressful or challenging life events

You have a serious infection in your digestive tract.

Ayurvedic treatment for Grahani or IBS has three components: Ayurveda Therapies, Diet, and Lifestyle.

Ayurveda Therapies

Ayurveda has been used to select a wide range of remedies and formulations based on the IBS itself and the patient’s overall health. 

Ayurvedic medicine: 

Ayurvedic formulations are given to patients based on their body type and disease nature in order to correct GIT (Gastro-intestinal tract) disorders and boost metabolism. 

Treatment with Panchakarma (Bio-Detoxification): Patients are encouraged to do treatments such as Virechana, Basti, Dhara, and others based on the type of Grahani (IBS) they have. 

These treatments help to increase gut motility, improve and rectify digestive fire, maintain and restore healthy bacteria in the gut, and ensure normal bowel evacuation. Customised therapy are supplied to patients in order to fully restore their health.

Diet and way of life:

IBS is a lifestyle disease; it is mostly caused by a poor lifestyle and a poor diet. We can cure IBS by adopting a healthy diet and lifestyle.

Avoid junk foods, foods to which you are allergic or intolerant, and those that are difficult to digest. Everyone has a distinct physical condition. Ayurveda advises a diet that is most suited to each individual on this premise. Such diets improve digestive enzymes, digestion, the restoration of normal gut flora, and the elimination of nutrient deficiencies. More significantly, they help to maintain regular and typical bowel movements.

Stress, for example, might cause the early symptoms of IBS or Grahani. Stress and despair affect the digestive fire’s function. Meditation, Yoga, and Pranayama are all good for the mind and help you cope with stress. Ayurveda offers a system of regulations, such as seasonal rules (Ritucharya) and daily rules (Dinacharya), for various conditions. In order to protect themselves from diseases caused by a poor lifestyle,

Treatment Perspective

A full examination by a skilled Ayurvedic practitioner and an assessment of the Prakriti, or overall health, is performed at EliteAyurveda, and treatments are prescribed based on one’s body type. The doctor recommends a customised treatment.

 Ayurvedic therapy focuses on the individual rather than the condition. Ayurveda focuses on how people might avoid sickness and deal with the effects of an unhealthy lifestyle. 

IBS home remedies:

  • Consume buttermilk.
  • Serve water flavoured with cumin and ginger.
  • Select healthy practises. Consume a well-balanced diet. 
  • Get enough sleep and exercise on a regular basis.
  • Whole wheat bread or brown rice are both wonderful choices.
  • Avoid soda, coffee, and carbonated beverages.
  • Adopt smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day.
  • Choose physical activities such as walking, cardio, or zumba.


Know More About Ayurveda Treatment for Irritable bowel syndrome.