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PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) is a female endocrine hormonal illness that affects 10% of women in India and is steadily increasing. It causes female infertility and is related to Aarthava Kshaya in Ayurvedic words. According to several studies, insulin resistance may be a major cause of this syndrome. There are several PCOS treatments available, but the efficiency of Ayurvedic PCOS treatment has been demonstrated in numerous research papers and studies. PCOS Ayurvedic Treatment at ELiteAyurveda focuses on identifying the underlying cause of the ailment and developing a personalized treatment plan that includes both internal herbal medications and exterior therapies. It emphasizes taking a holistic approach to addressing illnesses and symptoms by modifying ordinary foods, massages, herbal cures, and treatments to enhance stamina from within. In Ayurveda, PCOS represents a Kapha and Vata imbalance.

What is PCOD / PCOS? How to recognise?

PCOS is a syndrome in which the ovaries produce excessive amounts of androgens (male hormones), mainly testosterone, resulting in elevated levels of luteinizing hormone (LH) and decreased levels of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). It stops follicles from maturing eggs, resulting in anovulatory periods and irregular menstruation. The ovaries expand and emit massive amounts of estrogenic and androgenic hormones in this disorder, resulting in a lack of ovulation and infertility.

Symptoms of PCOS

The symptoms of PCOS vary, but here are some frequent ones.

Period irregularity- PCOS causes a lack of ovulation, preventing the uterine lining from shedding monthly.

Hair growth – Excessive hair growth on the face and body.

Acne – PCOS increases oil secretion, making the skin oilier. It also causes outbreaks in places such as the face, chest, and back.

Weight increase entails gaining extra weight, which can lead to obesity or being overweight.

Hair baldness – Hair loss can result in scalp baldness.

Headaches – Some women experience headaches as a result of PCOS.

PCOS Ayurveda Treatment

PCOS treatment is determined by symptoms such as srotoshodhan, Kapha-Vata har, or pitta. The vata har therapy is administered after the results of the analysis. If there is too much Kapha aggravation, vaman is used. Vasti therapy is excellent for balancing Apana and focuses on hormone balance.

Lekhan vasti and Udvartanam help to balance Kapha and reduce weight. Uttar vasti is used to treat PCOS-induced infertility and to stimulate ovulation. There are a variety of ayurvedic formulations/medicines that can be used to treat PCOS.

In Ayurveda, PCOS is associated with Kapha and VataDosha, and Meda, Mamsa, Rakta Dhatu, and Panchakarma have the ability to provide the best benefits with their specific therapies.

Panchakarma is one of the first lines of treatment for PCOS since it addresses the fundamental cause by eliminating toxins from the reproductive system.

PCOS and Ayurveda Therapeutic Massages

Ayurveda offers some of the most effective methods for directing energy to various regions of the body, including the uterus, Fallopian tubes, and ovaries. Ayurveda Therapeutic Massages helps to maintain hormonal balance.

1. Basti (Vasti): 

The rectum is used to provide an enema of herbal oil or decoction. Vitiated “Vata” can cause a variety of health problems, and Basti removes obstructions to Vata Dosha, hence regulating the natural “Vata” phenomenon. In Basti therapy, various herbal oils, Ghruta, milk, or decoctions are used.

The Basti treatment assists in balancing the “Vata” Dosha. Shukra Dhatu (Semen) in males and Aartava (Ovum) in females are governed by Apana Vayu, a type of “Vata Dosha.” The reproductive system is controlled by ‘Apan Vayu.’

Females benefit from the Basti of “Sahachar Tail (oil),” which promotes ovulation consistency on regular days. By enhancing the thickness and quantity of sperm, the Basti therapy improves total sperm count and motility in males.

2. Vasti (Uttarbasti):

Uttarbasti (Vasti) appears to be the most effective treatment for gynaecological issues. Because of its activities on the uterus and ovaries, it destroys the cyst in the ovaries more effectively than oral medications. It also helps with Aartava Vaha Srota cleansing and flushing, soothing vitiated Apana Vayu, and boosting follicular maturity.

3. Virechan 

As ‘Pitta’ is vitiated, it removes poisons from the body. The small intestine and other Pitta organs clean themselves. In this case, drugs that facilitate intestinal flow are good for dosha elimination via the rectum. It employs the same hormonal balance as ‘Vaman Karma.’

4. Vamana

The cleaning method was primarily intended to remove the vitiated ‘Kapha.’ This is a non-painful, drug-induced emetic treatment that is most commonly used in Vasant Rhitu.

5. Fertility Massage

A gentle and strong massage of the lower abdomen in a specific pattern can help the uterus operate normally. Fertility massage also increases pelvic blood flow and lowers lower abdominal pressure.

 Ayurveda offers the most effective PCOS medications and therapies, with an emphasis on reproductive care that aids in natural conception.

Hormone treatment using natural remedies is really effective. Panchakarma is an effective detoxification procedure that prepares the body for future treatments or medications. After finishing panchakarma treatments such as Uttar Basti (vasti), follicles burst naturally without hormonal injections.

Yoga and PCOS

Yoga positions, also known as asanas, are ideal for treating PCOS. Among the positions are:

Supta Baddha Konasana (Butterfly Pose with Reclination)

Bharadvajasana (Bharadvaja’s Twist) is a yoga posture.

Mill Churning Pose (Chakki Chalanasana)

Shavasana (Corpus Christi Pose)


How do you get rid of PCOD for good?

There are no permanent cures for PCOS, but the symptoms can be mitigated by keeping a healthy weight, restricting carbohydrates, and exercising to lower blood sugar levels.

Is PCOS curable?

Ayurveda can treat PCOS, but it is a lengthy procedure. Ayurveda focuses on determining the fundamental cause of an issue in order to eliminate it.


Know More About Ayurveda Treatment For PCOS.