Hyperpigmentation & Melasma: What’s the difference, what causes it, and how do you treat it?

It will be difficult to know whether there is hyperpigmentation or melasma in the skin whether there are dark spots since they are very normal. Hyperpigmentation and Melasma can look and behave alike, but they are two separate dermatological disorders, and both are caused by similar things.

 Here, Dr. Adil Moulanchikkal, an expert dermatologist at Elite Ayurveda Clinic, examines the differences and similarities of hyperpigmentation and melasma uniquely, so that each can be distinguished.

Hyperpigmentation and Melasma

What is Hyperpigmentation?

The concept of hyperpigmentation covers a range of conditions in which one skin patch is distinctly darker than its surrounding skin. A variety of more complex disorders including liver spots, freckles, and melasma are addressed in this concept.

Causes of Hyperpigmentation?

Hyperpigmentation can be triggered for two main reasons:

  • Concentrations of melanocytes that contain melanin in the skin are very high
  • Melanocyte hyperactivation

What Tiggers skin to develop hyperpigmentation?

  • Hyperpigmentation is a specific skin condition that causes some parts of the skin to darken.
  • This is mostly caused due to the overproduction of a skin pigment ‘melanin.’
  • This disease affects both men and women of all ethnicities, but it is more prevalent in ethnic groups with light complexions.
  • Hyperpigmentation is normally an unsafe disorder but, in some circumstances, it can also be condition or illness symptoms of any other disease.
  • The majority of people fear this disorder due to its aesthetic effects that annoy them and induce discomfort and anxiety.
  • While many causes, such as acne scarring, therapy, or inflammation from other diseases can cause different kinds of hyperpigmentation.
  • Sun exposure is the main cause of hyperpigmentation.
  • REASON: Untreated, toxic UV rays from the sun destroy our skin. This injury happens in several forms, from mild freckles to serious diseases such as skin cancer. Most of these conditions belong to the hyperpigmentation group.
Many hyperpigmentation disorders are harmless and a combination of options of Ayurvedic beauty therapies can readily be handled in several shapes. For the most time, the patient has to focus more on the physical image and doesn’t need to think about more severe, prolonged health consequences.
However, it is still necessary to get every area examined by a dermatologist, just to ensure.-Dr. Adil Moulanchikkal

Different kinds of Hyperpigmentation

Different forms of hyperpigmentation rely on their causes fall into one of the following categories:

Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation: skin damage caused by burns, psoriasis, acne lesions, skin friction, and often even by application of such skincare treatments are caused by this kind of hyperpigmentation. This state normally eliminates the regeneration system activation, although it can take several months. Ayurvedic therapies for this kind of hyperpigmentation work very well.

Generalized Dullness of Skin: The usual UV sun exposure is responsible for this hyperpigmentation type but not very evident in the shape of spots. The overall dullness of the skin on the whole face emerges. Compared with other areas of skin, the skin tone becomes dull and dark. Often women mask this facial weakness by using masks and facial foundations that serve to enhance their skin tone.

Melasma: Melasma, a form of hyperpigmentation that occurs due to excessive secretion of melanin resulting in irregular patches of skin discoloration that may be a result of melasma. A disease that affects over 5 million people globally, is one particular example of hyperpigmentation. While Melasma is also a kind of disease with darkened skin spots, it is largely because of its origin, rather than being solely associated, that it is affected in part by hormone changes in the body. It also is the same thing as other causes of hyperpigmentation. This is why melasma is also called a “pregnancy shield,” since pregnant women have this problem far more likely. Indeed, in women – pregnant or not – melasma is far more commonly seen, partially because of this hormonal issue.


Causes of Melasma

  • This form of hyperpigmentation is typically caused by hormonal imbalances. This is usually affected by thyroid dysfunction, hormonal replacement therapy, melasma, and hyperpigmentation associated with pregnancy.
  • Melasma is known as a “mask,” since often the face of a person is targeted, leading to dark skin stains on the jaw, cheek, nose, top lip, or other cranial parts of a person.
  • Other sections of the body, usually sunshine-prone areas, such as the shoulders, can also have Melasma. The position of these dark areas will lead to public embarrassment, although not dangerous.
  • You will start to develop extra melanin for several reasons. There are just a few of them who get so many heat, hormonal, or scarring shifts. Whatever the source of the irregular tone of your skin, there are a now few incredible ways to reverse as well as rectify it.

How complex is it to treat melasma?

Apart from its causes, its complexity in therapy is another characteristic aspect of melasma. Although certain cases of hyperpigmentation can be handled with Ayurvedic, the hormones contributing primarily to its origin make melasma less likely to be treated.

While most medication options have the same hyperpigmentation solutions as some, the success rate of Ayurvedic Panchakarma therapies is usually significantly improved. As hormones are an individual series of chemicals, the melasma of each person answers to therapy differently, making it notoriously hard to handle.

How long it takes to clear up /cure Melasma?

The melasma can be easily removed in some cases. While It could take longer in other cases. Some patients have to repeat procedures or return the melasma a few times. Just like each person’s hormones are different, so it is virtually difficult to determine who reacts well which will take more effort and time to respond to every person’s medication.

Can Melasma be cured completely?

So far, there are no cures for the condition, but the appearance can be helped by many several therapies.

Note: Sun exposure is the most important common feature between hyperpigmentation in general or melasma in particular. Today we know about the adverse consequences of sunlight, but people nevertheless expose themselves to them for no apparent reason.

Earliest care for Hyperpigmentation and Melasma

Different forms of hyperpigmentation, including melasma, all occur partly from long-term sun exposure. To make it worse, we can’t tell how much sunshine is too much until it’s too late and the damage was done. If you want to prevent this uncomfortable circumstance at any time in your future it is not too necessary to wear the right clothes and use sunscreen.

Ayurvedic Care at EliteAyurveda

” Hyperpigmentation and melasma-like symptoms of skin are better treated with ayurvedic therapy like panchakarma and ayurvedic herbal remedies. It can take some time to see effects, but improvements are more apparent and recurrences are few.”- says Dr. Adil Moulanchikkal.  It can take some time to see effects, but improvements are more apparent and recurrences are few.

Elite Ayurveda provides a special configuration designed to enhance and even improve the tone of your skin. We deliver a range of corrective therapies, including herbal facials and ayurvedic milk treatments, to correct poor skin tone. Regardless of the approach you use, Elite Ayurveda provides tips and remedies to make your skin look clear and even.


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