“On the second day following surgery, you’ll be walking normally!” With just this one sentence, thousands of people have decided to undergo joint replacement surgery. Those suffering from avascular necrosis often experience excruciating pain, so any glimmer of optimism is welcome. Every person with AVN wants to stop hurting all the time and walking with a limp.
I do hold the folks on the opposite side with a great deal of respect. Neither allopathy nor surgeons inspire any animosity in me. Never took advantage of the opposite side of the system since everyone there genuinely cares about the patients. Yet, it does upset me when people are so impatient and greedy. An individual’s acceptance of this in the name of the company is likely to be seen as normal. However, the boundary between ethical and just behavior should be very fine.
Honestly, if a joint replacement had been an option for Avascular necrosis, I would have been the first to recommend it. And I use Ayurvedic medicine on patients with a dismal prognosis due to Avascular Necrosis, just like I do with other chronic diseases.
Joint replacement is not a solution, and I do have a good reason for saying so. Reasoning based on empirical evidence and current study findings. Plus, I’m not talking about issues like post-operative pain or an infection.

The Potential for Cancer After a Joint Replacement
There was an unexpected increase in malignancies of the lymphatic and hemopoietic systems within the first decade after transplantation, but the rates of cancer of the breast, colon, and rectum were lower than expected, according to research published in The Bone and Joint Journal by WJ Gillespie.
This was also validated in 2001 by a study published in The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery. Cancer incidence after total hip or knee replacements: a systematic review. January 4, 1995, First Issue of Volume 87 of the Journal of the National Cancer Institute A Population-Based Cohort Study in Sweden Examines the Possibility of Cancer After Hip Replacement Using Metal Implants. “statistically significant increases in renal and prostate cancers and the decrease in stomach cancer require additional study,” the authors write in their paper.
But, your doctor has not read any of these studies. They solely inspected company-provided products and promotions.
Hence, eliminating pain and the need for limp assistance are not the only concerns. The focus is on what lies in store for the future. So, my aversion to surgical procedures is sincere.
Replacement of Many Joints: A Test of Your Genetics
Worse than cancer, if that’s possible?
Although it may sound strange, having a total joint replacement can actually cause alterations to your DNA. Cancer and autoimmune diseases are the results of this.
In a young child, “the surgeon does have an option between several materials to implant, but there is no clear indication as to which is the most biocompatible in the long run,” as one author put it. The editorial in The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery makes this claim.
Joint replacement materials have a funny “Price and Benefit” ratio, which doctors recommend and patients use to make decisions.
Joint Replacement Complications
Joint replacement may not always be the best option for avascular necrosis, but this does not mean that the issue should be ignored. A few of the reasons why are listed below.
Replacement of a worn-out joint is a big operation that can take a long time and has several dangers. Life expectancy is greatly shortened by avascular necrosis, and if the treatment fails, the situation might become even direr.
It’s hard to say how long a joint replacement will survive, and even the best-case scenario is uncertain. This raises the possibility that a patient who has already undergone this procedure will need to have it repeated at some point.
A person with Avascular Necrosis may be unable to afford a joint replacement or receive proper care after receiving one because of the high expense of the procedure and the subsequent physical therapy and medicines needed to manage any complications.
Because of the added weight and stress placed on the surrounding bone and tissue during the insertion of the implant, joint replacement surgery can sometimes have unintended consequences that worsen the condition of the patient.
Last but not least, there’s always a chance that a person’s body may reject a joint replacement and they won’t be able to have one. The results of this could be disastrous, and in the worst circumstances, fatal.
It is crucial to discuss the pros and drawbacks of a joint replacement with a specialist to determine whether or not it is the best course of treatment for avascular necrosis. Another treatment may be more appropriate, and a medical professional may help you weigh the pros and cons of each option.
When compared to Joint Replacement, why is Ayurvedic Therapy at EliteAyurveda preferable?
No one should point the finger at the other end of the line unless there is no other, safer way out. It’s a moral and ethical thing to do.
I hope I’ve been able to address your questions and convince you that it’s in your best interest to try to save your joint rather than get a hip replacement. Nonetheless, there ought to be benefits to this.
The use of Ayurvedic medicine guarantees the well-being of every joint. In the same way that Ayurveda can protect the rest of your body’s joints, no surgery or treatment can. Given that the goal of Ayurveda treatment is to reverse disease. In the hopes that it will bring everything back to normal. For me, this is the treatment’s biggest plus.
Joint preservation allows for a near-normal way of life. What Ayurveda has to offer that joint replacement doesn’t is evidenced by the selfies people send me after finishing a journey, after giving birth (in the case of women), and while dancing at a party.
Read more Completely Treat Avascular Necrosis