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Uterine fibroids, which are benign (non-cancerous) growths that can occur in the uterus, affect many women around the world. They are quite common, but doctors typically overlook them, hence they are dubbed the “silent health problem” of women. 

 What exactly are uterine fibroids? What are the signs and symptoms? What is the source of them? What treatments are available? – This blog post will answer all of these questions and more. 

 Uterine fibroids are firm, muscular growths that can be detected in the uterine wall. They range in size from pea to melon and are made up of smooth muscle cells and fibrous connective tissue. Fibroids can arise at any age in a woman, but they are most common during her reproductive years, which are her 30s and 40s. 

Uterine fibroids can produce a variety of symptoms. 

Uterine fibroids can cause a variety of symptoms, and some women may be unaware of their presence. However, these are some of the more common warning signs: 

  • Periods that are extremely heavy or last for an extended period of time 
  • Pelvic discomfort or pressure 
  • Urinary frequency rises. 
  • Constipation 
  • Back pain or leg cramps 
  • Infertility 

What Causes Uterine Fibroids in Women?

Although no one knows for certain what develops uterine fibroids, various factors are thought to have a role. Uterine fibroids can form when the female hormones estrogen and progesterone are out of balance. Because uterine fibroids tend to cluster in families, they have been connected to heredity. Fibroid risk increases with a woman’s age, particularly throughout her reproductive years. Women who are overweight or obese have an increased risk of uterine fibroid. 

Uterine fibroids are divided into the following types: 

  • Intramural fibroids form first inside the uterus’ thick lining. 
  • Submucosal fibroids, on the other hand, intrude into the uterine cavity. 
  • Subserosal fibroids, in third place, extend outside the uterine wall. 

Because of the severe anaemia, dysmenorrhea, pelvic pressure and pain, urine incontinence, dyspareunia, infertility, preterm labour, and early and recurring pregnancy loss caused by heavy monthly bleeding (HMB), uterine fibroids have far-reaching implications. 

Fibroid Conventional Treatment Methods

The size, location, and number of fibroids in a woman’s uterus all influence the optimum course of treatment. The following are some of the most commonly utilised treatments: 

Medications: Hormonal birth control pills, IUDs, and GnRH agonists can all be helpful in lowering the distressing symptoms associated with uterine fibroids due to their influence on hormone levels. 


Treatment for symptoms such as heavy menstrual bleeding and pelvic pressure often entails a focus on hormones that govern menstrual cycles in modern medicine. NSAIDs and progestin-releasing intrauterine devices (IUDs) are examples of surgical procedures; NSAIDs and progestin-releasing intrauterine devices (IUDs) are examples of oral drugs. 

Ayurveda and Uterine Fibroid

Gharbhashayagatha granthi or uterine fibroids are extensively discussed in the Ayurvedic Text. 

Fibroid is caused by a mixture of Kapha and the morbid Tridoshas, which results in a rounded protuberant, knotty or glandular and hard swelling in the uterus, as well as a range of menstrual cycle diseases (menorrhagia, metrorrhagia, dysmenorrhea, etc.) and infertility. Fibroids are further classified as subserous fibroids (vataja granthi), submucosal fibroids (Pittaja granthi), intramural fibroids (kaphaja granthi), and degenerative fibroids (Medo granthi and Sira granthi). 

Ayurveda, an ancient system of medicine, takes a comprehensive approach to fibroid uterus treatment. The treatment focuses on balancing the body’s doshas or energies and strengthening the immune system.

Our person specific, personalized treatments can assist to balance the doshas, which can help with fibroids control. 

Some of the classical Ayurveda  therapies that may be beneficial for fibroid uterus include:

Virechana: Virechana detoxification tries to eliminate poisons. 

Basti: This therapy entails administering therapeutic oils or decoctions via the rectum. It is thought to help balance the Vata dosha and can help with the pain and discomfort associated with fibroids.

Nasya is a therapy in which therapeutic oils or herbal powders are administered through the nostrils.

Shirodhara: This therapy involves the application of warm herbal oil to the brow. It can aid with stress reduction.

Swedana: This therapy uses herbal steam to induce sweating and detoxification.

It is critical to remember that Ayurveda therapies should only be conducted by qualified practitioners under the direction of an Ayurvedic physician. The treatment may not be appropriate for everyone, and a complete evaluation is required before initiating any therapy.

Ayurvedic herbal remedies for fibroid uterus management include:

Triphala: A combination of three fruits, Amalaki, Haritaki, and Bibhitaki, triphala is an effective fibroids treatment. It has anti-inflammatory qualities and aids in the elimination of pollutants from the body.

Ashoka is a herb that is commonly used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat menstruation issues, including fibroids. It aids in the reduction of fibroids and the regulation of the menstrual cycle.

Shatavari: Shatavari is a revitalising herb that aids in the balance of the body’s hormonal balances. It is also known to have a beneficial effect on the female reproductive system and can aid in the reduction of fibroids in size.

Ginger is a powerful anti-inflammatory drug that can aid in the reduction of inflammation linked with fibroids. It also aids in the improvement of blood circulation and the strengthening of the immune system.

Turmeric is a spice that is commonly utilised in Ayurvedic medicine due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. It can help reduce the inflammation caused by fibroids while also strengthening the immune system.

Ayurveda emphasises the need of a healthy lifestyle and food in addition to these therapies. A healthy diet, frequent exercise, and stress management techniques such as Yoga can all aid in the treatment of fibroid uterus. 


Fibroids of the uterus are common during a woman’s reproductive years and can cause a variety of menstrual problems such as dysmenorrhea, menorrhagia, and irregular periods. Conventional medical care for this issue is possible based on Ayurvedic classical concepts of treatment.

Avoid foods such as too much meat, fast food, processed foods, and canned or frozen meals. Our sages placed a strong focus on “avoiding etiological influences,” and went into considerable length about the importance of daily and seasonal regimens, as well as Rajaswalacharya, in the development of healthy women. So, we can assure ladies that Ayurvedic medications and lifestyle adjustments can help them overcome typical gynaecological issues such as uterine fibroids at EliteAyurveda with our expert Specialist Ayurveda doctors.


Know More About Ayurveda Treatment For Uterine Fibroids.