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Whether these swollen, pimple-like bumps appear out of nowhere or are a recurring issue for you, here’s professional advice for finding relief.

You’re going about your business when you notice that your bra band is chafing you. You jump in the shower only to discover the source of your discomfort: a large reddish bump beneath one of your breasts that is painful and tight to the touch. It does not appear to be regular acne because it is tougher and larger than a typical pimple. What you may actually have is a breast boil, which is a medical term.

What Exactly Are Breast Boils?

Breast boils are a rather frequent ailment produced by an inflamed rogue hair follicle. This can happen for a variety of causes, including excessive sweating or constant garment friction, as well as a persistent skin problem (more on that later). Breast boils are most typically caused by the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus, also known as a staph’ infection.

Bacteria on your skin isn’t rare in and of itself: Bacteria, both beneficial and bad, cover the body. An infection can emerge when a harmful bacteria, such as staph, remains in a follicle for an extended period of time, according to Dr Adil Moulanchikkal, Lead Ayurveda Specialist at EliteAyurveda Clinics. Dr. Adil points out that staph can induce infection in a breast cyst (rather than a hair follicle) and create a boil in some situations.

“When you look at a cyst, it is like a sac or a balloon with an opening to the skin’s surface,” she says. These cysts are usually harmless, and they “may contain proteins and oils and can be present for months or even years.” However, when bacteria enters it, inflammation occurs, and a boil develops.”

While breast boils generally grow in regions of friction, such as beneath the breasts or between the breast and armpit, wearing a sports bra does not inherently produce a breeding ground for breast boils. In truth, perspiration does not contain bacteria.

But here’s the catch: sweat is a food source for naturally occurring germs on your body. So, the longer you wait to shower after a workout, the more likely germs will clog your pores, especially in areas where your skin is cut (like when you shave) or where there is a lot of friction (hello, bra band).

How Do Breast Boils Appear?

A boil often begins as a red or purple bump that may be mistaken for a pimple—except that a boil grows larger, becomes firmer, and typically contains more pus, according to Dr Adil. It can be difficult to distinguish between the two at first, but a boil can span more than two inches.

 Symptoms could include:

Skin swelling surrounding the boil, Itchy skin surrounding a boil or area, Tenderness or pain on the breast skin, Fever, Chills


When Boils Are Actually Hidradenitis Suppurativa

Some patients have breast boils caused by hidradenitis suppurativa (HS), a chronic, inflammatory condition that develops boil-like lumps and scars on and under the skin. In this scenario, the lumps are technically not boils, but rather nodules.

The specific aetiology of hidradenitis suppurativa is unknown, however it develops at sweat glands surrounding hair follicles, most commonly in the armpits, under breasts, around the groyne, and between the buttocks.

“People tend to get HS in the skin folds, and it can occur underneath or between the breasts,” explains Dr Adil Moulanchikkal, Lead Ayurveda Specialist at EliteAyurveda Clinics. But, unlike breast boils, which are caused by bacteria entering an infected hair follicle from the outside, HS is caused by chronic inflammation from within. It is also believed to have genetic, hormonal, and environmental factors.

Severe HS can result in open wounds, scarring of the skin, and deep scar tissue.Dr Adil recommends seeing a specialist if you have boils on a frequent basis.

A specialist is skilled to distinguish between HS and other skin disorders such as boils. There is no single test that can rule out HS. However, your specialist will examine your skin and inquire about the location and frequency of the boils. They may also sample the pus from your boil and send it to a lab to rule out any other skin disorders.

If you have HS, you may require more specialized treatments. “Severe boil-like nodules may necessitate surgical drainage, which should only be performed by a doctor to avoid exacerbating the infection,” Dr Adil advises.

How to Treat Breast Boils Correctly

According to Dr Adil, the sort of therapy you receive for boils is totally dependent on the underlying reason. “For example, an uncomplicated breast boil can be treated with topical medicines, warm compresses,” he explains. Boils typically open and drain after a few weeks, although some require expert draining.

When you see a boil, the first thing you should do is avoid irritating the region by picking it or shaving the hair around it, advises Dr Adil.

Next, make certain that it is clean. “The best treatment is to keep the area as cool and dry as possible, and to wash with a antibacterial or neem soap,” explains Dr Adil

Then, thoroughly dry the area to ensure that it remains clean and dry. adds Dr Adil.

Meanwhile, “warm, moist compresses (made with warm water and a washcloth) can help reduce swelling, and anti-inflammatory medications can help treat pain,” Dr Adil notes.

Because the staph infection that causes boils is highly contagious, wash your hands frequently and keep your towels and clothing clean—especially if you have a history of boils.

When Should You See a Doctor?

Keep an eye on the boil. If the boil does not go away within a week or two, if you feel sick or have a fever, or if additional symptoms appear, you should contact your doctor or a dermatologist. They can also determine whether the boil is the result of another problem, such as HS.

In the end, most breast boils are just irritating and uncomfortable. However, if they do not heal within a week or two or are a regular concern for you, you should see a doctor.

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Under one roof, we at EliteAyurveda Clinics have a panel of specialists in numerous dimensions of medical domains such as endocrine, autoimmune, gynecology, and so on. We are well-known for taking a multifaceted and root-cause approach to treating chronic and difficult-to-treat disorders.

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According to Ayurveda, hidradenitis suppurativa is a cause of Kapha and Pitta dosha. When the digestive fire (Agni), or Pitta, is out of balance, the Kapha Dosha becomes vitiated, which slows down metabolism. Due to the disruption of fat molecules, they start to build up in muscles and impede bodily passageways, causing painful, swollen sores in the groin, buttocks, thighs, and armpits.

In Ayurveda, hidradenitis suppurativa Treatment is to restore the body’s natural equilibrium by detoxifying it with potent herbal therapies. 

The treatment for Hidradenitis Suppurativa at Elite Ayurveda comprises balancing the Kapha and Pitta doshas, as well as providing harmony to the metabolism. The treatment comprises body detoxification, internal drugs to balance doshas, and external applications to heal scars.

The treatment involves combinations of herbs created based on individual Prakruti and Vikruti analysis. Visit our website to know more

Connect with us to get our patient testimonials and also to speak with our patients directly about their experience in getting their disease treated by us and by Ayurveda as a whole.

Medically reviewed by Dr Adil Moulanchikkal, Lead Ayurveda Specialist at EliteAyurveda Clinics. With over 15 years of experience in treating Neurological, Skin & Autoimmune Diseases.


Know More About Ayurveda Treatment For Hidradenitis Suppurativa.