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Wouldn’t it be great if acne disappeared after our adolescence? Unfortunately, many people have outbreaks well into their adulthood, and even later in life. While pimples are common, cystic acne requires special care and attention.

The role of hormones in cystic acne

Cystic acne is a severe form of acne in which pores in the skin become closed, causing irritation and infection. The ailment most commonly affects the face, upper trunk, and upper arms, but it can affect other parts of the body as well. “Cystic acne refers to deep inflammatory pockets of acne beneath the skin’s surface.” It causes more painful acne lesions, which might result in more aggressive scarring. “Hormones are a common cause of cystic acne and can sometimes aggravate things along the chin and jawline in particular,” dermatologist Jennifer Adams, MD notes. “There are several types of acne, ranging from mild comedonal bumps to papulopustular acne to the most inflammatory type known as nodulocystic acne.” Acne that is more aggressive tends to create more inflammation and affect deeper levels beneath the skin. Cystic acne usually refers to deeper-seated zits.”

A lot of variables can contribute to cystic acne.

It’s crucial to emphasize that the illness is rarely associated with nutrition (yes, you can keep your chocolate on the grocery list) or poor hygiene, and that it can affect both men and women. Several factors can contribute to the development of cystic acne, including: 

Hormone imbalance, notably estrogen and progesterone fluctuations

Certain diseases, such as polycystic ovarian syndrome

Acne can be exacerbated by medications such as testosterone, lithium, and steroids.

Environmental dangers

A higher chance of having cystic acne is linked to genetics.

Many skin problems and rashes, including acne, have been linked to stress.

How to prevent Cystic Acne

Lesions in cystic acne are deeper than those in whiteheads or blackheads. These things rarely “come to a head.” Patients may try to squeeze them because they are tender.

There are various theories about what causes cystic acne. Hormonal changes and endocrinologic illnesses such as polycystic ovarian syndrome, or PCOS, an increase in androgens, and an increase in serum cortisol are those with the most direct relationships.

Stress has been linked to the aggravation of cystic acne, but it also causes behavioral changes. Maybe the pimple on your cheek isn’t bothering you, but it’s been a hard week, and now you’re squeezing it. Squeezing increases irritation and aggravates the acne lesion.

The most effective way to prevent cystic acne is to follow a tight skincare program. 

Cystic acne in teens and adults can clear up on its own, but some adults deal with it for the rest of their lives. 


Ayurvedic medicine believes that cystic acne is caused by a Kapha imbalance. When Kapha (water and earth) is elevated, it can cause increased sebum production, which can lead to plugged pores. When bacteria gather in these pores, we can develop an infection in the area that becomes trapped beneath layers of dead skin, which is why cystic acne rarely appears. 

Hormonal changes might induce an increase in sebum production. While we often associate acne with adolescence and adolescents, hormonal changes during menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause can all contribute to cystic acne. Furthermore, disorders such as PCOS can cause cystic acne to occur on a frequent basis. A person’s diet can also affect their skin; as Dr. Zeel Gandhi points out, “a diet rich in kapha foods like milk, curds, and oily foods can trigger cystic acne.” 

Ayurvedic cystic acne treatment focuses on anti-inflammatory, detoxifying lifestyle and beautification techniques. Here are 5 all-natural cystic cures to try if you have regular breakouts or are coping with a painful, troublesome pimple for the first time.



As previously stated, eating items that enhance Kapha, such as milk, sugar, greasy foods, and processed foods, can cause skin inflammation. Avoid these items and replace them with foods high in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory characteristics, such as berries, green vegetables, garlic, and nuts. This can help you address the imbalances that are the fundamental cause of acne while also improving your general health. 

What we eat is incredibly personal, and there is no one diet that fits everyone, so it’s crucial to consider seasonality as well as your own constitution. Try to eat sweet, bitter, and astringent foods that are also Pitta-pacifying throughout the summer. Consider your personal doshic constitution while creating a diet that eliminates Kapha foods and caters to your specific demands.


Using these acne-fighting Ayurvedic herbs is a nice and easy method to add anti-inflammatory substances into your diet. Many of these herbs can be sprinkled into recipes to add taste, eaten as tea, or taken as supplements.

Turmeric: Turmeric is acclaimed in Ayurveda as an anti-aging and acne-fighting salve due to the extraordinarily powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of curcumin, turmeric’s principal active ingredient. Turmeric has been found in studies to decrease the body’s inflammatory reaction, as well as lighten hyperpigmentation and scarring in those with cystic acne. Turmeric has numerous applications, ranging from tea to face treatments. Check out our blog to discover more about how to incorporate turmeric into your daily routine.

Hibiscus: The astringent, sweet, and cooling properties of hibiscus make it a great Pitta and Kapha balancer (ideal for the summer season!). It has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant characteristics that allow it to improve circulation, purify the blood, counteract hyperpigmentation and unevenness, and many other things. Our UMA Ultimate Brightening Rose Powder Cleanser incorporates these remarkable properties into a product that combats dullness and hyperpigmentation for bright, even skin.

Triphala is a well-known Ayurvedic polyherbal combination composed of three Indian fruits: bibhitaki, amalaki, and haritaki. It is well-known for its anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and healing capabilities, which allow it to reduce inflammation and improve your body’s capacity to heal cystic acne wounds and scarring. Our proprietary triphala product, the UMA Digestive Detox Herbal product, not only promotes healed, vibrant skin but also increases immunity, brain function, and more—making it a health and beauty powerhouse. 

Coriander: Coriander is made from the seeds of the herb known as cilantro. Coriander is high in antioxidants and has numerous health advantages, including improved digestion and heart health. It also contains linalool, which aids in liver detoxification, as well as high quantities of vitamin K, which work together to strengthen the skin and balance hormones. As a result, it can help to alleviate some of the hormonal swings and excess sebum production that create cystic acne in the first place.

We recognize that dealing with acne can be emotionally draining and add to the stress in your life. If you feel you have cystic acne, please contact us to schedule an appointment with us. We’re here to assist you.


Know More About Ayurveda Treatment For skin conditions