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Sooner or later, you will need to get a new joint. Every doctor you see will tell you the same thing, and it will make your life more difficult. Modern medical facilities and the impoliteness of doctors make it impossible to ask follow-up questions about why there is no treatment for avascular necrosis. Here, I’ve decided to address some of the universally unresolved questions that patients have. And you, the patient, wind up wreaking havoc on your articulation. Last but not least, the dreaded “joint replacement” actually occurs. A long-held conviction that it is better to replace a broken bone than to heal it has led them to keep certain things hidden.

I figured it might help if I clarified certain things for people about how to manage avascular necrosis, so I went ahead and answered all these questions. With an increasing number of people suffering from post-covid avascular necrosis, this is an absolute necessity. Because false information only serves to further complicate matters and make patients’ lives more difficult overall.

Don’t believe everything you read. It is a patient’s “right” to have access to accurate information.

Avascular Necrosis – A bone disease

The expression “your bone is dying” directs a patient’s attention in an orthopaedic direction, specifically the bone. In the end, you visit an orthopaedic surgeon in the hopes that he or she can save your bone.

However, did you know that avascular necrosis is not a bone disease?

The afflicted tissue is bone.

Skeletal tissue is not to blame. Bone is merely a bystander.

We’re the ones attempting to teach the victim a lesson, huh?

The blood supply is to blame.

The bone undergoes two processes, both of which are ongoing. Bone remodelling describes this process. Bone constantly deteriorates and regenerates. Bone begins to die when there is a disruption in its blood supply. In addition, the accumulation of “toxic” substances in bone results from the same process that causes tissue death.

This unplanned appointment to the orthopaedic surgeon, however, is the result of false information.

This is information you won’t get from your doctor. No respectable orthopaedic doctor would ever suggest you see someone else for treatment, but it is not his area of expertise. Your orthopaedic surgeon is probably trying to convince you to get new bones or joints.

This is your agony: according to your orthopedist, you are not a helpless victim. You’re simply another patient who needs their joint fixed, and your doctor wants to replace it ASAP.

Treatment with biphosphonates or alendronate does not help AVN.

Before your surgeon gives you the “doomsday-decision” of joint replacement, ask him or her these questions. They keep trying to give you medication.

The first and most widely used of these medications, after calcium, are alderanates.

Bisphosphonates are a class of drugs used to treat bone loss because of their ability to inhibit osteoclast action. Bisphosphonates like alendronic acid and risedronic acid have been the subject of research on their effectiveness in treating osteoporosis. Both risedronic acid and oral treatment of alendronic acid once daily have shown promise in reducing bone loss1.

What this suggests is that osteoclasts are not the sole culprit in avascular necrosis. Bone fractures need to halt immediately. In addition, we must guarantee that the new bone growth will initiate in tandem.

The calcium analogue holds true as well.

The one million dollar question for me is how you provide medicine to an area without a blood supply.

The truth is that these medications have nothing to do with the therapy of avascular necrosis, but your orthopaedic surgeons will never tell you that. Because there is no way for these drugs to get to where the illness is.

They think the pills are just sugar pills. A stopgap measure to make sure you limp slowly and eventually give in to joint replacement surgery during a medical emergency.

Our initial focus in creating Ayurvedic remedies for avascular necrosis was on improving bone circulation.

Does Core Decompression aid in the treatment of Avascular Necrosis?

“We will use a drill to remove the dead tissue from your bone, which will aid in the treatment of Avascular necrosis.” Don’t worry, you’ll be able to walk within a week.”

This is highly compelling to many patients, and they choose Core decompression.

Avascular necrosis is treated by core decompression surgery, according to what they claim. The goal of this procedure is to remove the dead bone and tissue from the bone’s centre. This aids in the relief of Avascular Necrosis-related hypertension. This procedure can also help to increase blood flow to the Avascular Necrosis-affected area.

This operation is typically performed on the hip, however it can also be performed on other parts of the body affected by this ailment.

So, for the time being, I do have some questions-

On the one hand, every allopath continues to scream that it is impossible to correct Avascular Necrosis. They believe that CDR can aid with Avascular necrosis by crushing the tissues.

After destroying the interior environment, new tissue should grow. But if someone talks about reversing Avascular Necrosis with evidence, they can label them as quacks!!!

But your doctor never tells you that they are aware of the core decompression failure. They say, “Let’s postpone the THR.” Because they are well aware that CDR will eventually and swiftly lead to Total Hip Replacement!!

Is Joint Replacement the sole treatment option for Avascular Necrosis?

Is Joint Replacement the sole treatment option for Avascular Necrosis?

A solution is joint/bone replacement. However, if you have a problem with blood flow, you should focus on that rather than replacing the tissue-where blood is not reaching.

This is similar to when your electric appliance stops operating due to a power outage, and the engineer advises you to replace the device. Does that make sense?

No one in their right mind would recommend such a solution.

The solution is not easy, as there are benefits and drawbacks to joint replacement surgery for avascular necrosis. On the one hand, joint replacement can relieve pain while also restoring mobility to the afflicted joint.

The issue is that if the original implant fails, revision surgery may be required. Furthermore, joint replacement is a significant procedure that carries the risk of infection and other problems. These hazards may be too great for some people to justify the benefits of surgery.

They seldom warn you, however, that it takes months after surgery to recover muscle and joint normality. And when doctors replace one joint, it puts other joints at danger of Avascular necrosis.

What about the – repeated trauma of surgeries?? They never notify patients about this.

AVN is curable

The estimated value of the joint reconstruction devices market in 2020 is $16.8 billion.

Given the financial stakes associated with the “incurability” of avascular necrosis, who would risk telling you that there is hope for a treatment?

The healthcare market is under time pressure to generate revenue. Both you and I are more to them than mere patients. We are nothing more than a moneymaking machine.

If you choose CDR, you will eventually need a total hip replacement. And once you’ve had the THR, your only alternative option is “repetitive surgeries.” You should expect to receive edits and alterations on a periodic basis.

This is why every system will tell you that your condition is hopeless and that surgery is the only option for treatment.

AVN is reversible, but you’ll never hear that from anyone.


Know more about Ayurveda Treatment For Avascular Necrosis