Migraine is a neurological disorder that triggers extreme attacks that sound like headaches that are pulsating.

It is also associated with conditions such as nausea, anxiety, vomiting, and improved ability to hear or light. It’s recognized as a migraine attack at the moment where these signs appear.

Try these Ayurvedic powerful hacks to ease it!!

Migraine is typically treated with prescription medicines and dietary improvements in traditional treatments. In the event that certain medications do not relieve the indications or give you a chance of leaning into more frequent therapies, you might need to incorporate an integrative approach.

One alternative is Ayurveda, an ancient medicinal method. Ayurveda uses non-conventional therapies, similar to homegrown medicines, to relieve the symptoms. While a few people have experienced migraine relief through Ayurveda, there is not enough scientific evidence to endorse its utilization. A few drugs can even be unsafe.

In this blog, we will take a closer look at Ayurvedic treatment for migraines and how it contrasts with traditional treatment.

How does Ayurvedic therapy differ from traditional headache treatment?

Using a traditional form, headache is treated with:

  • Over-the-counter or prescribed pain relief
  • Drugs for headache (pills, nasal showers, or shots)
  • Medications to nausea
  • Anti-depressants
  • Pills for antiseizure
  • Injections of Botox
  • Changes in lifestyle
  • Remedies for self-care

Despite the fact that pain killers and migraine abortive drugs may support long-term use, overuse treatment can contribute to headaches. These headaches can lead to further complications.

On the other side, Ayurveda leverages:

  • Detoxification of the body
  • Homegrown healings
  • Lifestyle and diet changes
  • Relaxation process

Since Ayurvedic medicines do not require physician-supported drugs, there is no chance of migraine substance misuse.

What sorts of Ayurvedic medicines are used to support migraines?

In the treatment of migraines, Ayurveda uses natural methods to advance the doshic stability. An Ayurvedic expert will assist you in selecting which therapies are suitable for you. Your treatment plan can include a few combinations of the following:

Treatment of Panchakarma

Panchakarma therapy is meant to detoxify or sanitize the body. This is said to remove toxins that lead to the headache.

The purification of medicinal products shall include:

  • Filling up the cured oil in the nose (Nasya karma)
  • Whole-body oil rub/massage
  • Consuming a medical ghee
  • Sweating care


Yoga is an ancient practice that unites your psyche and body. It fuses different breathing methods and postures to advance and promote relaxation. By calming your psyche and body, yoga assists stress and anxiety and may also reduce sensitivity to pain, including migraine pain.

As indicated by a recent report, individuals who rehearsed yoga while following their regular migraine treatment diminished the recurrence and seriousness of their migraine attacks.

Specific yoga stances may help support your dissemination and increment bloodstream to your brain specifically.

Poses that might be particularly advantageous to migraine relief include:

  • Child’s Pose
  • Downward-Facing Dog
  • Bridge Pose
  • Regular exercise

yoga poses

Scientific evidence indicates that regular physical activity can contribute to the reduction of migraine attacks and assist in managing symptoms.

At the moment where you’re working out, your body releases endorphins, which are normal pain relievers. They would also improve your mindset and attitude.

This can be especially useful if you are inclined to anxiety and stress, which seem to be important causes of migraine.

You don’t have to exercise intensely to enjoy the benefits of physical activity. Reasonable exercise, such as walking fast, yoga, swimming at a relaxing speed, or water exercises, can help alleviate tension and improve general health.

Relaxing Treatment

Different unwinding techniques exploit the link between the brain and nervous system to help relieve pain and strain. Research has determined that these techniques can also help relieve the focus on conditions such as agony, migraines, and hypertension.

Some unwinding methods that might be particularly useful for lessening the side effects of pressure and uneasiness incorporate the accompanying:

Preliminary research trials to show the efficacy and viability of these drugs. Various calming strategies use the bond between the mind and body to help relieve tension and stress. Evidence suggests that these strategies can also help to relieve the effects of stress, such as discomfort, headaches, and elevated blood pressure.

Some relaxation practices that may be particularly effective in minimizing symptoms of stress and anxiety include the following:

Deep Breathing: Often described as diaphragmatic or belly breathing, this practice includes breathing heavily from the belly, not your chest. When you breathe more slowly, you can nourish oxygen into your body, creating a relaxing effect.

Meditation and relaxation. Meditation and other relaxation practices help you concentrate on the current moment instead of removing your attention from the past or even the future. This will lead you to think more deeply and modify the way you react to stress.

Progressive relaxing of the muscles. Often known as Jacobson’s relaxation technique, which involves contracting and then relaxing various muscle groups in the body. You usually begin with your head or legs and move up or down, working on one muscle area at a time. This can help to relieve stress, alleviate anxiety, and reduce blood pressure.

Mental Imagery. Often known as guided imagery, this method entails conjuring a vision in one’s mind of a place that really feels good and secure. These mental pictures can have a soothing influence on your body.


A decoction of Pathyadi is a liquid supplement prepared from different herbs. It is formed by boiling or heating plants to make a condensed liquid. Ayurvedic herbs with anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects may be used in the treatment of migraines. Examples of this are:

  • Myrobalan
  • Balearic
  • Neem
  • Amla Berry
  • Turmeric


Migraine, a systemic neurological disorder, begins in the brain but is often the result of instabilities in the body. A sustainable cure is key to a healthy life. Consult with the Ayurvedic Doctor to build a care plan as per your specific requirements. Many patients can treat their migraines well by treating the root cause through Ayurveda.

for the best treatment, always consult with a qualified physician.

here’s the best ayurvedic treatment for migraine in Bangalore@ EliteAyurveda