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Before verification and application, every field of study was a Philosophy. This also pertains to Isaac Newton’s Law of Gravity and Sir Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity. Philosophy is the result of acute observation and intuitive analysis; when both of these are demonstrated and applied, science is born. Consequently, at one point all sciences were philosophies. The majority of modern sciences have departed from their philosophical origins, but sciences such as Ayurveda retain the philosophical link of their roots.

For instance, Hippocrates himself stated, “Food is thy medicine” as the guiding philosophy of the modern medical sciences. But this Philosophy has been completely corrupted by the market and commerce concepts of modern medicine. Hippocrates’s philosophy cannot generate profit, which is the ultimate aim of the majority of physicians today. Consequently, they have developed alternative theories. In any case, the following are a few of the fundamental tenets of Ayurveda that demonstrate its practicality and applicability in the age of allopathy.

What is important is Energy:

This is the central tenet of Ayurvedic philosophy; according to Ayurveda, these are the energies that are always responsible for any action or process. Our human bodies are the consequence of the same energies. On the primary level, these energies are Triguna-Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas; on the secondary level, they become Tridoshas-Vata, Pitta, and Kapha!

These forces are not evident! These demonstrate their identity through their actions and executions.

Everything visible is not true:

Modern physical sciences consider what is visible to be their primary source of information. This thought is never recommended by Ayurveda. According to Ayurveda and other Indian philosophies, what is visible cannot always be true because, when we visualise an object, that object is interpreted based on our prior knowledge. Thus, there will always be some preoccupation with that specific object.

Difference between Treatment and Care:

According to Ayurvedic Philosophy, there is a significant distinction between the cure and management of a disease, whereas most allopath medicines use these terms interchangeably. Cure is eradicating a disease from its origins without leaving any scars, while disease management is the suppression of signs and symptoms. Because of this, Ayurveda eradicates diseases entirely, not partially.

We are products of our diets.

What we consume, we become! This is the central tenet of Ayurveda, which makes diet a primary concern for everyone and makes it impossible to ignore. Foods are about more than just nutrition; the correct or incorrect selection of foods can even alter the definition of life.

Treatment that never causes adverse effects

In allopathic medicine, it is deemed acceptable for certain heart disease medications to cause joint damage. Because the available conventional medical system believes that some negative side effects are acceptable so long as there is a positive effect! This makes Ayurveda a more desirable option in times when all types of pollution are at an all-time high!

All Natural products are not wholesome

Nowadays, everyone attempts to sell anything under the guise of Ayurveda because these products are of natural origin! As consistently asserted by marketers, this is not the case. A number of natural substances have been excluded from Ayurveda, despite their curative properties. Opium is the finest illustration of this concept. Opium has many medicinal properties and is used extensively in modern medicine and in the name of Ayurveda, but this herb has never been mentioned in Ayurvedic texts. If we speak of Genuine Ayurveda!

These are some of the fundamental philosophical principles that give Ayurveda its practical, result-oriented, and eternal character!


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