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When your joints start to hurt, why not rub some oil on them? This is the commonest misconception concerning joints. Everyone agrees that this is Ayurveda’s final word, and that it makes sense. No way! Certainly not true in the slightest!! The oils flavoured with herbs and predominantly irritants like camphor are sold by nearly every manufacturer and brand. may result in discomfort in the joints followed by temporary relief.

We discuss the positive effects of joint massage as well as its potential drawbacks. Joint massage is not only contraindicated but harmful under certain medical situations.

Do massages help aching joints?

Yes! The flexibility and range of motion of your joints can be preserved with regular massage. Vata will always be aggravated in the joints due to movement. The greatest way to counteract Vata is with high-quality joint oil. This is the single most critical thing to keep Vata from aggravating if you want healthy joints. In addition, it is crucial that their Kapha levels be kept at a healthy equilibrium.

Secondly, joint massage is beneficial because it increases blood flow to the joints. As a result, the poisons in the joints are flushed out. Joint mobility is also enhanced by a healthy blood supply.

Therefore, it stands to reason that massaging the joints on a regular basis with specific Ayurvedic oils is crucial for joint health. Keep your oils handy, and spend five minutes massaging your joints before you shower if Vata is a factor in your body type (either as a secondary or primary Dosha, it doesn’t matter).

Who wouldn’t benefit from massaging their joints?

The majority of us opt for joint oils and lotions when our joints begin to hurt and swell severely. What a terrible turn of events!

Ayurveda, the branch of medicine concerned with oils and their applications to the human body, classifies joint disorders as either “full of toxins” or “without toxins.” When a joint is full of toxins, it occurs because harmful substances are still present at the site of the injury despite the body’s best efforts to flush them out. In this state, swelling of the joints is inevitable. In general, we should apply oil/cream when the weather is like this, but when the weather is like this, we shouldn’t. Reason?

The reason for this is crystal clear: the joints and surrounding tissue need a lot of oxygen to generate energy and fight off pollutants, and if oil is applied to the area, it will be more difficult to obtain this oxygen from the environment, further exacerbating the joint problems.

When white blood cells (WBCs) breakdown toxins or the blood carries them away, joint swelling naturally decreases. In this case, applying an Ayurvedic oil or balm to the affected area may provide temporary pain relief.

What is the best oil to use?

Knowing your body type is the first factor for choosing the right oils for you. Finding the ideal oil for your Prakruti (Ayurvedic Body Type) is simple once you know what it is. 


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