Probably the most common misconception about infertility, this absurd myth has been thrown at each individual who has ever battled with infertility. At the core of the legend is an irritating feeling of fault, disgrace, and blame, particularly for women.

“Every healthy woman ovulates – one egg each cycle during her reproductive years.”

Awarded Infertility Treatment

Concerning pregnancy ‘just happening,’ focusing on ovulation cycles and staying alert and in contact with the most fertile occasions enables couples to build their chances of getting pregnant.

There are some pretty unhelpful myths out there that don’t make matters more precise. And some of them are so far and wide, never mind about what your anxious mother-in-law would have told you, your closest friend, and every one of those frantic Google searches.

The possibility of pregnancy relies on that one microscopic cell. While different variables can matter a ton, for example, sperm quality and health of the uterus and Fallopian tubes, the main decider of whether a woman gets pregnant in any given month is her age. 

Understanding Fertility Myths:

  • Fertility is a woman’s concern. – FALSE.

Ecological and lifestyle decisions can likewise affect male fertility. A few physiological components can contrarily affect sperm creation, motility, and delivery. 

  • Have intercourse consistently, and you’ll get pregnant. – FALSE.

Fertility isn’t as much about recurrence; all things considered about planning. Every day, sex won’t hurt anything; however, it’s not going to help, either. 

  • Relax, and it will happen. – FALSE.

At the core of the myth is a sense of blame, disgrace, and blame, particularly for women. Concerning pregnancy – only occurring, focusing on ovulation cycles, and staying alert and in contact with the most fertile times enables couples to increase their chances of getting pregnant. 

  • Generally, healthy couples conceive quickly – FALSE.

Regardless of whether everything is excellent – intercourse occurred at the ideal time; the sperm is there; the egg is there; there’s no issue; the possibility of that resulting in pregnancy is around 20 % in any one month to month cycle.

  • Fertility drops off a bluff at 35 – TRUE.

Each woman should know her vital fertility measurements. In any case, the facts demonstrate that fertility decreases with age. 

  • You need to time your ovulation to get pregnant – TRUE.

It’s genuinely essential to realize that there is a window of around 24 to 48 hours for intercourse to happen either previously or after ovulation. You mustn’t have sex at the specific snapshot of ovulation to get pregnant.

Do women fall off a ‘fertility cliff’ 35 years and above?

An unhealthy egg implies it is genetically abnormal and consequently unequipped for turning into a baby. The one egg ovulated each month is chosen haphazardly from the pool of available eggs. Age is a quick pointer of the level of healthy eggs or capable of turning into a baby.


Ayurvedic Treatment for infertility:

Cleanse with detoxification through Panchakarma for hormonal balance. In females, along with classical detox, different treatments like nasya, Basti, Uttara Basti exclusive treatment for infertility, weight loss, de-stress, and so on are arranged according to the individual need. 


Support with a blend of herbs’ Ashwagandha’, ‘Shatavari,’ ‘Kumari,’ ‘Lodha,’ ‘Asoka,’ ‘Kapikacchu,’ to improve the quality of egg and sperm revitalize the reproductive system for successful ovulation, fertilization, and conception.


 “As per Ayurveda, a healthy conception takes place in the presence of healthy sperm and ovum in a healthy womb at an appropriate time with proper nourishment. Any discrepancy among these factors results in infertility. Hormonal Imbalance, related conditions like PCOD, fibroid, tube block, Low AMH levels, Poor quality Ovum and sperm, indigestion, mental and physical pressure, are considered the root causes of infertility”. – Dr. Soumya Hullannavar, Lead Consultant, Elite Ayurveda Services.

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