Transforming Psoriasis Care with Ayurveda at EliteAyurveda


Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune skin condition characterized by red, scaly patches, often accompanied by itching and discomfort. The condition can affect various parts of the body, including the scalp, elbows, knees, and lower back. Psoriasis not only impacts the skin but can also affect overall health and quality of life. This article explores the Ayurvedic perspective on psoriasis, highlighting its underlying mechanisms, clinical implications, and holistic management strategies.

Transforming Psoriasis Care with Ayurveda

The Cause of Psoriasis

Psoriasis is primarily caused by an overactive immune system, where the immune system mistakenly attacks healthy skin cells. This leads to rapid skin cell turnover, resulting in the accumulation of dead skin cells on the surface, forming thick, scaly patches. Genetic predisposition, environmental factors, and lifestyle choices can also play significant roles in the development and progression of psoriasis (Lowes et al., 2007; Griffiths & Barker, 2007).

Relevant Shloka:
“प्रसिद्धि: सर्वरोगाणां, दोषेष्वेव न संशयः।
सर्वेषां हि विकाराणां, हेतुर्येषामसंशयम्॥”
(Charaka Samhita, Sutrasthana 20.4)
“All diseases undoubtedly arise from the imbalance of doshas. There is no doubt that they are the root cause of all disorders.”

The Importance of Treatment

Psoriasis is a chronic condition that cannot be cured, but it can be effectively managed to reduce symptoms and improve quality of life. Without proper treatment, psoriasis can lead to severe discomfort, emotional distress, and an increased risk of developing comorbidities, such as psoriatic arthritis, cardiovascular diseases, and metabolic syndrome (Gelfand et al., 2006; Davidovici et al., 2010).

Associated Comorbidities:

  • Psoriatic Arthritis: Inflammation of the joints associated with psoriasis.
  • Cardiovascular Diseases: Increased risk of heart disease and stroke.
  • Metabolic Syndrome: A cluster of conditions including obesity, hypertension, and insulin resistance.
  • Depression and Anxiety: Emotional and psychological impact of living with a chronic condition.

Ayurvedic Perspectives on Psoriasis

In Ayurveda, psoriasis is often linked to an imbalance in the Vata and Kapha doshas, along with the accumulation of Ama (toxins) in the body. This imbalance disrupts the skin’s normal functioning, leading to inflammation and the characteristic scaling and itching of psoriasis (Lad, 1990; Sharma & Dash, 2013).

Key Concepts:

  • Dosha Imbalance: Imbalances in Vata and Kapha can lead to various skin disorders, including psoriasis (Sharma et al., 2013).
  • Agni: The digestive fire, which is essential for proper digestion and metabolism.
  • Ama: Toxins that result from poor digestion and can cause blockages in the body’s channels (Srotas) (Lad, 1990).

Relevant Shloka:
“दोषा दोषसमुत्थानां, क्षीणे मार्दवमुत्तमम्।
ततो विकाराणां हन्ति, तत् कालं च स्वयं हरेत्॥”
(Charaka Samhita, Sutrasthana 28.47)
“When the doshas are balanced, it brings about the best of health. It then eliminates disorders and balances itself over time.”

Ayurvedic Treatment Protocols for Psoriasis

1. Body Detoxification

Detoxification is a critical aspect of Ayurvedic treatment for psoriasis. It involves cleansing the body of toxins and impurities that contribute to the progression of the illness. Detoxification can be facilitated through:

  • Ayurvedic External Therapies: Various specialized techniques to cleanse the body.
  • Herbal Ayurveda Medications: Herbs and formulations that possess cleansing and purifying properties to clear toxins and promote cellular rejuvenation (Sharma et al., 2013).

Relevant Shloka:
“सर्वे रोगा: दोषदुष्टा, दुष्टेष्वपि पुनः श्रुताः।
तस्मात्तेषां प्रलेपः स्याद्, दोषदोषहरेषु वा॥”
(Charaka Samhita, Chikitsasthana 15.106)
“All diseases arise from the imbalance of doshas, hence the application of therapies that balance these doshas is essential.”

2. Internal Herbal Medications

Internal medications are used to balance the doshas and address the underlying imbalances in psoriasis. Ayurvedic practitioners provide individualized herbal formulations based on the patient’s Prakruti (constitution) and Vikruti (imbalance). These formulations may include anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and immune-modulating herbs (Singh et al., 2011).

3. Ayurvedic External Therapies

External remedies play a significant role in Ayurvedic treatment for psoriasis. These applications help with wound healing, irritation reduction, and infection prevention. They include herbal pastes and medicated oils designed to soothe and heal the skin (Kumar et al., 2011; Thatte et al., 1993).

4. Lifestyle Adjustments

Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of lifestyle adjustments to support the treatment of psoriasis. This includes:

  • Dietary Modifications: Emphasizing foods that balance Vata and Kapha doshas and reduce inflammation (Lad, 1990).
  • Stress Management: Techniques such as yoga, meditation, and pranayama to reduce stress and improve overall health (Field, 2011).
  • Proper Hygiene: Maintaining cleanliness and using natural skincare products to prevent infections and flare-ups (Wong & Larrabee, 2013).

Relevant Shloka:
“रोगा: सर्वेऽपि मंदाग्नौ, क्षीणे तु बलवर्जिते।
बलस्योत्पादनं तेषां, हेतुर्मेध्या: प्रकीर्तिता॥”
(Charaka Samhita, Sutrasthana 18.49)
“All diseases arise from a weak digestive fire. Strengthening the body and intellect is the remedy for all conditions.”

Long-term Management and Remission

At EliteAyurveda, we focus on treating the underlying causes or triggers of psoriasis to achieve long-term remission rather than temporary relief. Our approach involves:

  • Identifying and Addressing Core Causes: Treating the root causes or triggers that led to the illness.
  • Regulating Body Response: Adjusting the body’s response to medications and lifestyle changes to achieve a state of balance.
  • Motivation and Support: Encouraging patients to adhere to lifestyle modifications and, in some cases, providing preventive medications to maintain remission.


Psoriasis can be a challenging condition, but with the right care, you can live a full and pleasant life. Public awareness and understanding of psoriasis are growing, which helps reduce the stigma associated with it. Although it might initially seem like a minor skin condition, untreated or poorly managed psoriasis can have serious consequences, leading to other comorbidities.

Ayurvedic medicine offers a holistic and personalized approach to managing psoriasis, focusing on restoring balance and promoting long-term health. At EliteAyurveda, we are committed to providing compassionate care and guiding you on the path to well-being. Connect with us to learn more about our treatment plans and to speak with our patients about their experiences with Ayurveda.

For more information, visit EliteAyurveda and embrace the wisdom of Ayurveda for a comprehensive and natural approach to health.


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Field, T. (2011). Yoga clinical research review. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 17(1), 1-8. Link

Gelfand, J. M., Neimann, A. L., Shin, D. B., Wang, X., Margolis, D. J., & Troxel, A. B. (2006). Risk of myocardial infarction in patients with psoriasis. Journal of the American Medical Association, 296(14), 1735-1741. Link

Griffiths, C. E. M., & Barker, J. N. (2007). Pathogenesis and clinical features of psoriasis. The Lancet, 370(9583), 263-271. Link

Kumar, N., Singh, B., & Kaushal, V. (2011). Panchakarma in skin diseases. AYU (An International Quarterly Journal of Research in Ayurveda, 32(4), 525. Link

Lad, V. (1990). Ayurveda: The science of self-healing. Motilal Banarsidass Publishe. Link

Lowes, M. A., Bowcock, A. M., & Krueger, J. G. (2007). Pathogenesis and therapy of psoriasis. Nature, 445(7130), 866-873. Link

Sharma, R. K., Dash, B., & Dwyer, A. (2013). Charaka Samhita: Sanskrit text with English translation & critical exposition based on Cakrapani Datta’s Ayurveda dipika (Vol. 4). Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office. Link

Singh, N., Nath, R., Lata, A., Singh, S. P., Kohli, R. P., & Bhalla, T. N. (2011). Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha), a rejuvenating herbal drug which enhances survival during stress (an adaptogen). International Journal of Crude Drug Research, 22(1), 29-35. Link

Thatte, U. M., Kulkarni, M. R., & Dahanukar, S. A. (1993). Immunotherapeutic modification of experimental infections by Indian medicinal plants. Phytotherapy Research, 7(4), 291-297. Link

Wong, H. H., & Larrabee, S. (2013). Skin care and cosmetology in the management of ichthyosis. Dermatologic Therapy, 26(3), 213-216. Link


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