Myths and Reality of Gallstone Treatment


Your gallbladder is a pocket that stores bile, a green-yellow fluid that assists with digestion. Bile carries wastes like cholesterol and bilirubin, which your body makes when it breaks down red blood cells. These things can form gallstones. Most gallstones develop when there’s an excessive amount of cholesterol in the bile. People often turn to natural processes or home remedies due to the phobia of surgery.

Misconceptions about Gallstones:

Sometimes after having a fatty diet for a long time, your body doesn’t know how to respond and begins making strong particles in your gallbladder. These particles can be the consequence of a lot of cholesterol or bilirubin.

It’s clear that gallstones are not going to dissolve in a day or two; it takes time, a strict diet, and the intake of some specific beverages and medicines. Therapy can be natural or medical; it is essential to utilize some more invasive procedures. 

Let’s check a few MYTHS and their REALITY:


Drinking more milk – is thought to be the ancient secret behind healing gallstones. 


There is no research or studies to demonstrate any impact of milk on gallstones. 


Apple Juice with apple juice vinegar – It’s believed that Apple juice softens gallstones, and the gallstones consequently go through the bladder with no requirement for medication or surgery. 


There is no indisputable proof to support this remedy. 


Becoming ‘Veggie’ to Avoid Gallstones – Some individuals believe that by turning out to be vegetarian, we can stay away from or dispose of the stones delivered by gathering cholesterol or bile. 


The truth is that this diet may assist with having a healthier liver and a more advantageous gallbladder by and large, but ‘Vegan’ diets can also be fatty. 


Removing the Gallbladder will settle Everything – Some patients like to take the more straightforward way and undergo surgery to remove the gallbladder. 


It is valid, but if this individual’s diet continues, the mechanism that set-in motion and the stones’ creation will continue to exist may damage other parts of the body.


Stone will pass in the urine – Some individuals think that drinking plenty of water will release the stone via urine.


Do not get confused with urinary stones developing in the kidneys; Gall stones form in the gallbladder below the liver. Drinking plenty of water won’t help but reduce your fat intake, and regular exercise is helpful.


Endoscopy will remove stones from the gallbladder – Some patients assume that we resolve the problem once we remove the stone via Endoscopy.


Endoscopy helps remove the stone, which has entered in bile duct from the gallbladder. Gallstones tend to recur. It’s clear that gallstones are not going to dissolve in a day or two; it takes time, a strict diet, and the intake of some specific beverages and medicines. Therapy can be natural or medical; it is essential to utilize some more invasive procedures. 

Symptoms of Gallstones: 

  • Fever
  • A yellowish color in your skin or eyes, which can show jaundice
  • Sickness or heaving
  • Clay shaded stools.
  • Pain in the right upper quadrant of your stomach
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Other stomach related problems

There are scarcely any different symptoms other than nausea or vomiting, and colic isn’t instigated by eating fatty meals. Flatulent dyspepsia, a symptom complex of obscure pain in the right upper quadrant, fatty-food intolerance, and bloating, is probably not related to gallstones in most patients.

How do you Dissolve Gallstones Ayurvedically?

Ayurvedic remedies improve your overall health, including the treatment of symptoms. The different Ayurvedic solutions for gallstone removal are:

  • Monitor Diabetes – ensure your blood sugar levels are in control.
  • Table Salt Remedy – take a table-spoon of table salt in a glass of warm water.
  • Exercise – swimming and running are useful for your heart and, by and large, your health.
  • Castor Oil – Apply castor oil pack over the organ – gallbladder.
  • Ayurvedic Remedies – Various Ayurvedic treatments use to remove gallbladder stones by following explicit Ayurvedic remedies.
  • Therapeutic Procedures – are generally instructed as a section concerning the gallbladder stone removal treatment.

Preventing gallstones:

Fast weight reduction may build your danger of gallstones and other medical conditions. A diet high in fruit and vegetables may mean an individual is less inclined to have their gallbladder removed. Nourishment that may cause gallbladder problems are – high-fat foods, eggs, and sugar. In this manner, deterrent strategies ought to include focusing on the factors that can be modified.

Since dietary factors frequently assume a massive part in gallstone formation, following a suitable dietary routine and lifestyle is of most extreme significance.

To help improve your condition and reduce your risk of gallstones, try these tips: 

  • Consume small meals, but several per day. Smaller suppers are more straightforward for the body to digest.
  • Drink an adequate amount of water. Around 6 to 8 glasses per day. 
  • Add fiber to your diet to make your bowel movements more solid. 
  • Reduce your intake of fats and pick low-fat nourishment at whatever point conceivable. 
  • Avoid nourishment and beverages or drinks that cause diarrhea, including caffeinated drinks, high-fat dairy products, and delightful foods.


Since dietary factors frequently assume a massive part in gallstone formation, following a suitable dietary routine and lifestyle is of most extreme significance. By following the above tips one can maintain a well-balanced diet, as a healthy diet is one of the critical measures to prevent gallstones.

Also, The most significant thing is to go to the specialist, especially when you feel inconvenient, to get analyzed on time.

“Ayurveda is a holistic system of medication that gets to the root cause of the gallstone rather than simply treating the symptoms. Gallstones can be as small as a grain of sand or as big as an apricot. Ayurvedic gallstone treatment includes the utilization of highly effective stone dissolving herbal formulae along with herbs to cleanse the liver and re-establish its function”. – Dr. Adil Moulanchikkal, Lead Specialist, Elite Ayurveda Services.

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