Avascular necrosis (AVN), also known as osteonecrosis, is a condition that occurs when the blood supply to the bone is disrupted, causing the bone tissue to die. One of the most common areas affected by AVN is the hip joint, which can lead to severe hip pain and difficulty in mobility. While there are several conventional treatments available, such as pain medication, steroid injections, or surgery, they may have side effects and may not provide long-term relief. Ayurvedic therapies offer a natural and effective way to manage hip pain caused by AVN, and they have been used for centuries to treat a wide range of conditions. In this blog post, we will explore some Ayurvedic therapies for hip pain caused by AVN and how they can help you find relief.

List of Ayurvedic Therapies for Hip Pain


Abhyanga is a type of Ayurvedic massage that involves applying warm herbal oil to the body. It is a deeply relaxing and rejuvenating treatment that can help reduce inflammation, improve circulation, and ease hip pain. To perform abhyanga, warm up some sesame oil and massage it onto your hips and surrounding areas using circular motions. You can also add herbs such as ginger, turmeric, and ashwagandha to the oil for added benefits.


Panchakarma is a set of Ayurvedic therapies that involves detoxification and rejuvenation. It can help remove toxins from the body, improve digestion, and reduce inflammation, which can all contribute to hip pain. Some of the Panchakarma therapies that may be helpful for hip pain include Virechana (purging therapy), Basti (enema therapy), and Nasya (nasal therapy).

Ayurvedic Diet

Your diet can play an important role in managing hip pain caused by AVN. Ayurvedic medicine emphasizes the importance of eating a balanced diet that includes foods that are easy to digest and that have anti-inflammatory properties. Some of the foods that are recommended for hip pain caused by AVN include ginger, turmeric, and garlic. You should also avoid foods that can aggravate hip pain, such as red meat, dairy products, and processed foods.

Ayurvedic Herbs

There are several Ayurvedic herbs that are known for their anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties. Some of the most effective herbs for hip pain caused by AVN include Ashwagandha, Guggulu, and Turmeric. These herbs can be taken in supplement form, or they can be incorporated into your diet. Adding these herbs to your diet can help to reduce inflammation and provide relief from hip pain.


Yoga is a gentle and effective way to reduce hip pain caused by AVN. It can help to improve flexibility, strengthen the muscles around the hip joint, and reduce stress and tension. Some of the yoga poses that are particularly effective for hip pain caused by AVN include the Pigeon Pose, the Warrior II Pose, and the Triangle Pose. These poses can help to stretch and strengthen the muscles around the hip joint, providing relief from hip pain.

Lifestyle Changes

Making some lifestyle changes can also help to manage hip pain caused by AVN. This includes maintaining a healthy weight, getting regular exercise, and practicing stress reduction techniques, such as meditation or deep breathing. Avoiding activities that can exacerbate hip pain caused by AVN and using proper body mechanics can also help to prevent further damage to the hip joint.


Hip pain caused by AVN can be a debilitating condition, but there are many Ayurvedic therapies that can help to manage the pain and improve your overall well-being. Ayurvedic massage, diet, herbs, yoga, and lifestyle changes can all be effective ways to provide relief from hip pain caused by AVN. If you are experiencing hip pain caused by AVN, consider incorporating some of these Ayurvedic therapies into your treatment plan. They are natural, safe, and effective, providing long-term relief without any side effects.