financial burden and health

An Overview

  • Parkinson’s disease (PD) is one of the most rapidly growing neurological diseases in the world. Most remain unclear about the economic burden associated with PD on patients in India. This report presents an overview of the PD’s economic burden and predictions for the next 2 decades. As there is not a single dataset that covers all PD-related expenses, we used multiple data sources to perform these evaluations. Multiple data sources, comprising public and private administrative claims data, recipients surveys, medical expenditure panel surveys, as well as the primary survey conceived for this research, were used to estimate the cost of PD.
  • Behind Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s is the second most prevalent neurological condition. After a diagnosis of PD, the average life expectancy is around 12 years, but patients can survive with full treatment for more than 20 years.
  • We use an approach of human resources to make monetary values the lack of health the loss of economic productivity due to sickness, injury, or premature mortality.
  • The goal of this analysis is to provide the most detailed evaluation of the overall economic burden of the PD in society and to eliminate information disparities in less well-intended cost components, including potential losses of revenue due to early death, lack of competitiveness in both the labour force and the social life, and caregiver burdens.
  • While most previous research largely focused on metrics available from secondary data sources for estimating indirect and non-medical costs, our review has been based upon a rigorous primary survey – the PD Impact Survey – primarily designed to analyse PD costs comprehensively. Although patients’ self-reported survey results are vulnerable to possible sampling or reminder distortions, the high sample size probably mitigates any of these problems.

Read More-The 5 stages of Parkinson’s disease|Elite Ayurveda

Prevalence of the PD

The prevalence is estimated at one million people living with Parkinson’s disease in 2019, with an overall economic cost of $43.6 billion. The PD’s cumulative liability includes $18.4 billion in direct medical expenses. The health claims scheme has the highest proportion of excess treatment bills as most PD patients are over 65 years of age. The PD incidence forecast to exceed 1,6 million, with a gross economic burden estimated above $79,000 billion by 2035. PD’s economic pressure has previously been underrated. Our results highlight the considerable pressure of PD on the population, payers, patients and caregivers. Interventions to reduce PD occurrence, delay the progression of diseases and relieve the burden of symptoms can reduce the potential economic burden on PD.

Economic Burden of PD

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a chronic neurological and degenerative condition associated with lifetime disabilities. Movement disturbances, such as slowdown, balancing deficiency, tremor, frostbite and rigidity, are typical of PD and are similar to non-engine symptoms, such as depression, anxiety, weakness and cognitive impairment. If the condition progresses, patients with PD become especially susceptible to crashes and falls.

Impact of Symptoms on Financial Burden

The number of symptoms involved with PD typically suggests that the burden of illness on the household (individuals and families), health systems and the population is high. Patients with Parkinson’s or PwPs suffer severe compounds such as tremor, bradykinesia, nausea, depression and neurological impairments such as elevated rate of illness and heart and gastrointestinal disturbances, and decay-associated accidents. PwPs have larger medical conditions, lose their opportunity to work, often lack jobs, and need help from paid and unpaid care partners. These indirect consequences generate enormous economic burdens. Studies have shown that family care members, particularly spouses, expend an average of 22 hours of PwP treatment a week. The PD’s direct and indirect economic burden would certainly be important.

PD raises the economic strain more than has been known and impacts PWPs, caring partners, clients, contributors and society in general. The figures are considerably higher in prevalence and annual direct treatment costs, and indirect and non-medical costs than many earlier Indian studies measuring the economic burden of PD.

To measure the total excess healthcare use as a result of PD, we compared the mean healthcare expenses of PWP to those of a matched reference group, with comparable features but without PD. 10 PwPs were paired based on age, size, race/ethnicity and insurance form for each PwP.

Direct treatment costs, indirect and non-medical costs

Medical costs include payment of the treatment plan, patient which third party, and are estimated by patient features and types of care, including hospital hospitals, residence, visits to the physician’s office, prescription medicine, durable medical faculties, outpatient services (e.g., outpatient care, physiotherapy, employment therapy, etc (including nursing home, hospice, and other similar services).

In the absentia of a population, less than 65 who are either unsecured or covered by insurance forms other than private insurance, this comparatively limited population paying the same age and gender from the private insured claims data is paid. Regardless of the absence of readily available statistics.

PD diagnostic codes

We used diagnostic codes that directly corresponded with PD diagnosis and other neurodegenerative disorders that could likely be assigned to PWP before or after the reception of a PD diagnosis to reflect the heterogeneous nature of PD. These involved Parkinson’s and  Parkinsonism’s, secondary Parkinson’s disease, degenerative basal ganglia abnormalities and cortical basal degeneration, striatonigral degeneration and gradual supranuclear ophthalmo-Legia.

The annual average estimate cost of PWPs is close to that of other chronic, debilitating neurodegenerative disease incidence figures in India. Past research and our findings highlight the need for prevention interventions or care to specifically minimize PD incidence and/or effects. Political efforts aimed at adequately serving impacted people and communities, enhanced disease control, support for the workplace, and improving opportunities and training. These results could guide decision-making in the area of investing in PD health resources and prioritisation of research.

Ayurvedic View Point

As many as 70% of identified PD patients never saw an Ayurvedic neurologist or a sub-specialist of Ayurvedic Movement Disorder. Ayurvedic non-neurologists are widely agreed to be indifferent in terms of PD diagnosis and weak in the detailed classification of PD and associated disorders. Precise diagnoses and classifications of PD and associated conditions are often difficult, even by modern neurologists, especially in the early phases of the disease.

Bottom Line

Parkinson’s disease’s economic burden (PD) has been a major health concern. From a modern neurologist’s viewpoint, the health economy can sound improper, but in most modern health care systems, it is an increasing subject. Accordingly, healthcare providers should have at least a minimum knowledge of how knowledge is derived in health economics. The major effect of the disease on quality of life and how resources are used for improving PD-related health conditions become critical for payers and clinicians to take into consideration. These actions are essential in the assessment and placement of ayurvedic drugs into treatment plan formulations, in particular for chronic diseases such as PD.

These steps are also critical in evaluating the value of herbal drug therapy. The economic ramifications of their choices, which contributed to increased demand for knowledge concerning diseases particular costs, are gradually being taken into account by physicians and other professionals.

Get more information on the disease and its Ayurvedic treatment here– COMPLETE AYURVEDIC TREATMENT FOR PARKINSON’S & RELATED DISORDERS