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Asthma is a prevalent chronic inflammatory airway disease marked by reversible airflow limitation, bronchospasm, and a variety of recurring symptoms. It is difficult for air to go in and out of an asthmatic’s lungs during this condition, resulting in symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness. 

Asthma, also known as Swasa in Ayurveda’s “Pranavaha Sroto Vikara,” is a common lung condition that causes recurring breathing difficulties. It affects people of all ages and often begins in childhood; however, it can also present for the first time in adulthood. 

Asthma is treated with classical Ayurveda, often known as life science, is a comprehensive, natural approach to addressing any medical problem. Ayurvedic treatments, unlike any other medical systems, concentrate on the root cause of the problem. It creates customized treatment plans for each patient based on a thorough examination, incorporating internal herbal medications and external therapy.

Asthma Classifications

Asthma caused by allergens

Allergic asthma is caused by exposure to an allergen, such as dust, mites, animal fur, or pollen.

Asthma that is not allergic to anything

Non-allergic asthma can be triggered by stress, exertion, illness, extreme weather, allergens in the air, and some drugs.

Asthma that develops as an adult

Asthma symptoms aren’t always obvious until a person is an adult. This type of asthma is known as adult-onset asthma.

Exercise-induced bronchoconstriction (EIB)

When exercising, healthy persons can develop asthma symptoms.

Asthma due to environment

Occupational asthma is caused by inhaling fumes, gases, dust, or other potentially hazardous compounds while at work.


Childhood asthma affects a large number of children and their families. The majority of children under the age of five suffer from asthma. Many asthma sufferers today rely on inhalers to treat their symptoms; however, there are holistic therapies that can help keep asthma symptoms under control so that they do not negatively impact your life.

Some Ayurvedic Best Practises for Treating Asthmatic Bronchitis

The primary goal is to eradicate Kapha and svasavarodha (respiratory route obstruction). The “Srotosuddhi” approach is recommended for removing bronchial obstructions caused by vata imbalance.

In addition, the Kapha should be dissipated by massaging the chest with medicinal oils and saindhava (rock salt). The patients were given medicines and food that had the kapha vriddikara dravya (mucolytic) property, which allowed the kapha blockage to be easily cleared.

“Shroto Shuddhi” helps to alleviate Vata-induced bronchoconstriction. The Kapha is adjusted by spreading medicinal oils and saindhava (rock salt) all over the chest.

We advise the patient to consume a diet rich in the Kapha vriddikara dravya characteristic (mucolytic). This will help with Kapha elimination and make breathing easier for the individual.

Ayurvedic Asthma Treatment

Asthma is caused by an unbalanced Kapha, Pitta Dosha, which causes symptoms such as wheezing, fever, discomfort, and coughing. Vata Dosha-induced asthma symptoms include wheezing, dry mouth, thirst, dry cough, dry skin, anxiety, and constipation.

Virechana and Vamana, both highly effective asthma remedies, are the two most common Panchakarma procedures in Ayurveda.


Vamana herbs such as liquorice, sweet flag, and emetic nut are consumed by the patient. These herbs induce therapeutic vomiting, which clears the imbalanced Dosha from the upper gastrointestinal system.


The patient is required to consume herbal cleaning preparations that expel pollutants via the anal channel, so ensuring the patient’s well-being.

Rasayana Therapy

Patients are given oral medications as well as food instructions following their Panchakarma treatments. Rasayana treatment increases immunity, decreases recurrence, restores normal body function, and aids in the long-term fight against the disease.

 Our outlook on Ayurvedic Asthma Treatment

Ayurvedic practitioners employ a variety of ways to restore the body to a healthy, disease-free state. It contains

Panchakarma treatments such as Vamana, Internal medications, Yoga, dietary and lifestyle changes, breathing exercises.

Ayurvedic practitioners emphasize nutrition, exercise, and deep breathing techniques to help reduce asthma symptoms.


Can Ayurveda Treat Asthma?

Ayurveda is an ancient practise that focuses on removing toxins and balancing the doshas in your body to heal the underlying cause of illness. Following the Ayurvedic treatment plan has helped many people find relief from recurrent asthma episodes and respiratory difficulties.

How can I get rid of my asthma naturally and quickly?

Although asthma cannot be treated instantly, its symptoms and breathing difficulties can be considerably reduced. Following an ayurvedic herbal therapy plan can help to reduce Kapha dosha in the body. This will help with attacks and allow the individual to breathe more readily. It is recommended that you consult with an expert Vaidya about your problem and obtain therapy that is tailored to your specific needs.

Is Ashwagandha Good for Asthma Patients?

Ashwagandha is thought to help asthma patients breathe easier by relaxing the muscles in their airways. It also has stress-relieving qualities and decreases inflammatory immune system reactions.


Know More About Ayurveda Treatment For Asthma.