Quick Facts About HS

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You may be feeling overwhelmed if you or someone you care about has been diagnosed with hidradenitis suppurativa (HS). This excruciating skin ailment can be emotionally and physically draining, but you should know that you are not alone. According to the National Library of Medicine, one out of every 100 people has HS. And we’re here to provide you—whether you’re a patient or a caregiver—with the most up-to-date science and expert-backed information so you can begin to understand the illness. Here are eight things regarding HS that you should be aware of.

HS is a chronic disease.

Hidradenitis suppurativa is a chronic inflammatory skin disease in which the sweat glands at the base of the hair follicles (called apocrine glands) become clogged and infected. The backup is believed to be initiated by an overabundance of keratin, a protein present in skin, hair, and nails. According to the Academy of Dermatology Association, as perspiration and germs grow trapped within the follicle, it can create what appears to be a deep pimple or boil-like mass (called a nodule), which can rupture to produce a beneath-the-skin abscess filled with pus. In women, HS is most commonly found in sweaty areas such as the armpits, groin, between the buttocks, and beneath the breasts.

HS evolves in stages.

A blood test as well as a culture test, which analyzes fluid from the nodules, can help your dermatologist diagnose HS. The condition can progress through three stages. You may detect a single deep red bump in your armpit or groin during stage I. In stage II, several, painful lumps may form in the same place. As the disease develops to stage III, these lumps can develop into abscesses that ooze odorous pus or blood. The damaged areas may heal and then flare up again, leaving scars or tracts under the skin.

HS Has Nothing to Do With Hygiene

First and foremost: HS is not the result of inadequate hygiene or an illness. “There are a few key risk factors associated with HS, including genetics, ethnicity, gender, smoking, and obesity,” explains Dr Adil, Lead Ayurveda Specialist, EliteAyurveda. Furthermore, he claims that smoking and obesity increase illness severity. According to research published in the journal Frontiers in Immunology, other factors can include genetics (one in every three people with HS has a family member who also has it) and immunological disorders.

HS Is Highly Individualistic

According to Dr Adil, no two patients with the illness will have the same experience. “Everyone is different,” she observes. “Some people have it predominantly in their armpits, whereas others just have it in their groin. Some people only have it beneath their breast.” Some patients may have minor HS, while others may have more severe forms. The number of HS patients with stage I (24% to 68%), stage II (28% to 54%), or stage III (2% to 29%) varies greatly, however a study published in the journal PLoS One reveals that stage III is the least prevalent for people with HS.

HS Flare-Ups Are Handleable

You can help manage your HS symptoms by making a few lifestyle modifications. If you smoke, make an effort to quit. You should also consider updating your diet: According to a tiny study, eliminating dairy, sugary foods, and brewer’s yeast may help improve HS. Stress can also induce inflammatory disorders, so include anxiety-relieving activities in your daily routine. “Heat and sweat can trigger a flare-up,” explains Dr Adil. Finally, if you have obesity, decreasing your weight will help.

Treat HS before stage progression

There are a variety of treatments and drugs available to help control its symptoms. 

Allopathic Treatments – Antiseptic washes, antibiotic lotions, and keratolytics, a type of exfoliator, are examples of topical treatments. “Your doctor may prescribe you a biologic, which is an injectable medication that works on the immune system to stop the inflammation, for example Humira is a biologic for HS. You may also be given oral drugs such as antibiotics , retinoids (to help reduce keratin overproduction), or hormone therapy such as birth control pills (since doctors believe androgen hormones play a role).

The degree of risk varies depending on the surgical treatment. Which is the greater danger. Because HS is a systemic illness, treating one area of skin does not prevent the disease from spreading to another. Outside of the treated region, new tunnels will frequently form. 

A recent study discovered a 35% recurrence incidence among HS patients who underwent surgery.

There are always hazards associated with every medical practice. According to Dr. Adil, all skin operations, for example, include a risk of bleeding or infection. “Scarring will also result from these procedures, and the appearance of that scarring will vary greatly,” he says.

Ayurveda TreatmentMedicines for HS involving biologics, antibiotics or hormone therapy come with their own set of side effects like impacting the immune system balance (Biologics), or impacting the microbiome balance (antibiotics), or leading to hormonal imbalance (hormone therapy)

In Ayurveda, hidradenitis suppurativa Treatment is to restore the body’s natural equilibrium by detoxifying it with potent herbal therapies. 

The treatment for Hidradenitis Suppurativa at Elite Ayurveda comprises balancing the Kapha and Pitta doshas, as well as providing harmony to the metabolism. The treatment comprises body detoxification, internal drugs to balance doshas, and external applications to heal scars.

The treatment involves combinations of herbs created based on individual Prakruti and Vikruti analysis. Visit our website to know more

According to Ayurveda, hidradenitis suppurativa is a cause of Kapha and Pitta dosha. When the digestive fire (Agni), or Pitta, is out of balance, the Kapha Dosha becomes vitiated, which slows down metabolism. Due to the disruption of fat molecules, they start to build up in muscles and impede bodily passageways, causing painful, swollen sores in the groin, buttocks, thighs, and armpits.

In Ayurveda, hidradenitis suppurativa Treatment is to restore the body’s natural equilibrium by detoxifying it with potent herbal therapies. 

HS necessitates daily upkeep.

Every day, clean and dress any HS-affected areas. “Use an antibacterial wash on the affected area to keep it clean” advises Dr. Adil. Wear loose clothing because rubbing and sweating might aggravate HS. Dr. Adil also recommends using wound dressing if your HS is leaking. Dr. Adil also recommends using a gentle and effective antiperspirant or deodorant that does not contain alcohol, baking soda, parabens, dyes, or fragrance: “These ingredients can irritate the skin and cause HS to flare.”

We’re Learning More About HS

Recent research has revealed that inflammation has a significant role in the illness. HS is most likely an inflammatory or autoimmune illness, or both, according to a study published in the Academy of Dermatology. So, why is this important? Better understanding of the causes of HS will lead to better treatment and care techniques over time. 

Our Outlook –

According to Ayurveda, hidradenitis suppurativa is a cause of Kapha and Pitta dosha. When the digestive fire (Agni), or Pitta, is out of balance, the Kapha Dosha becomes vitiated, which slows down metabolism. Due to the disruption of fat molecules, they start to build up in muscles and impede bodily passageways, causing painful, swollen sores in the groin, buttocks, thighs, and armpits.

In Ayurveda, hidradenitis suppurativa Treatment is to restore the body’s natural equilibrium by detoxifying it with potent herbal therapies. 

The treatment for Hidradenitis Suppurativa at Elite Ayurveda comprises balancing the Kapha and Pitta doshas, as well as providing harmony to the metabolism. The treatment comprises body detoxification, internal drugs to balance doshas, and external applications to heal scars.

The treatment involves combinations of herbs created based on individual Prakruti and Vikruti analysis. Visit our website to know more

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Medically reviewed by Dr Adil Moulanchikkal, Lead Ayurveda Specialist at EliteAyurveda Clinics. With over 15 years of experience in treating Neurological, Skin & Autoimmune Diseases.


Know More About Ayurveda Treatment For Hidradenitis Suppurativa.