That infamous source of a multitude of illnesses

When discussing health and disease, the Vedas describe the human body as “Vyadhi Mandir,” or a place where diseases inherently inhibit. You may be surprised that a medical science that is completely concerned with the health and wellbeing of all living things addresses the Body in this manner. This is a distinctive aspect of Ayurveda, as diseases never adhere from the outside; they are always latent within the body. As soon as an initiator is present, the disease process begins. These days, poor dietary habits and a sedentary lifestyle are the primary causes of disease. Inappropriate dietary practises directly impair the digestive system.

infamous source of a multitude of illnesses

Infamous source of a multitude of illnesses

The Roots of Poisons

If the digestive system is not functioning properly, it is impossible to live a healthy existence, as it is the only system that makes foreign substances compatible with the body, and only then can the body use them to replenish daily wear and tear, as well as for growth and development.

Typically, we have a healthy digestive system. The digestive system simplifies complicated dietary substances. And these less complex foods effectively nourish the organism. But when the digestive system is dysfunctional. The complex food chains do not exist in their simplified counterparts, or the simpler food chains produced are incompatible with the human body. “Ama” is the Ayurvedic term for these incompatible dietary chains.

What is Ama

According to Ayurveda, when the digestive fire is insufficient to digest and assimilate food adequately, the food is converted into toxic, undigested waste. “Ama” refers to this undigested refuse. There is no concept comparable to “Ama” in modern science. We can presume, for ease of comprehension, that when the digestive fire is not functioning properly, carbohydrates and fatty acids are converted into lactic acid instead of glucose, glycerol, and mono fatty acids. Similarly, proteins are converted into uric acid as opposed to amino acid. This correlation is merely intended to make the concept of “Ama” more understandable; otherwise, there is no similarity between these two concepts.

You can imagine what will happen to the body and its various systems if the poisonous substance is ingested. Without a doubt, the body will begin to decline and normal physiology will shift towards pathology. This is the beginning of the disease process in the organism.

How does Ama induce illness?

According to Ayurveda, “Ama” is responsible for the majority of our maladies. This “Ama” is sedentary by nature, so it attempts to settle wherever it can. This accumulation of waste in the body will obstruct the body’s micronutrient channels, which will further impair the body’s systems. In addition to impairing the normal body systems, ama is also the beginning of various diseases, such as kidney stones, which are always preceded by digestive disturbances. Consequently, the deposition of “Ama” in the urinary system and its subsequent crystallisation may be the cause of the kidney stones. Similar types of solid concretions are present in gallstones; the involved site is different, but the disease process is nearly identical.

Ama causing respiratory system disease

When “Ama” deposition occurs in the respiratory tract, asthma and respiratory allergies result. Due to the deposition of “Ama” in the respiratory tree, the immune system associated with the respiratory system is unable to distinguish between the body’s friend and foe. As a result, there may be spasmodic closure of the respiratory pathway upon the entry of a normal environmental event, such as pollen grains. Here, the problem lies deep within the alveoli of the individual in the form of “Ama” and not in the pollen grains. Imagine how harmful this “Ama” could be if it has the ability to alter the response of our defence system.

Ama causing joint disease

When “Ama” has the opportunity to deposit in joints, modifications of a similar nature occur. Rheumatoid arthritis refers to this deposition of “Ama” in the joints. It is the inflammatory response of the joints to the presence of “Ama” in the affected area. Particular to this deposition of “Ama” in joints is the fact that it is not permanently deposited in any one joint. With movement, its location may shift, and as a result, pain will spread to various joints. There will be pain and inflammation in the joint where the “Ama” remains.

This presence of “Ama” in the body may cause Rheumatic heart disease in the heart and cardiovascular system. The health issues associated with rheumatic heart disease vary from lethargy and anorexia to dysfunctional bicuspid and tricuspid valves. So that one may comprehend how perilous “Ama” can be.

The Last Words

Similarly, the presence of “Ama” can affect any organ or system of the body. As three of the Doshas serve as the foundation for all physiological and pathological aspects of the body. Once Ama is present in the body, it begins to combine with these Doshas, which can further disturb the body on a deeper level. In this condition, the Doshas are referred to as Sama Doshas, and they are always aggravated. These Sama Doshas will always cause problems within the body, regardless of whether they are excessive or deficient. This is primarily because these Doshas are always present.

From this, it is evident that optimal health can be maintained by maintaining the health of the digestive system alone. Therefore, if you have a perfect digestive system, i.e. timely hunger, proper digestion, and timely elimination of faeces, you can assume that the majority of diseases are absent from your body, as Ama is the sole cause of hundreds of diseases. 


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