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Did you know that even extremely obese individuals are 70% less likely to develop diabetes if they lose 5% of their body weight? Surprising, isn’t it? This is the effect of consistent physical activity and exercise on the body. Regular exercise will provide you with mental and physical benefits regardless of your age and gender. The only difference with diabetes is that you will need to monitor your blood sugar levels before and after exercise. Before beginning any type of physical activity, it is essential to consult a physician. This additional effort should not serve as an excuse to avoid exercise. In this blog, we will discuss the significance of exercise for diabetics and how to begin a workout regimen.

Inactivity may exacerbate diabetes.

The natural response to persistent fatigue and exhaustion is to cease physical activity. A large number of diabetes patients believe and feel that they have no control over their condition beyond taking medications and insulin injections. While it is understandable that diabetes makes it difficult to perform certain tasks, it is still possible to engage in daily physical activity, such as a 20-minute walk in the park, gardening, or performing yoga asanas. Physical inactivity can be the greatest error a person can make because it can exacerbate diabetes symptoms and lead to complications. It also increases the likelihood of developing cardiovascular disease, obesity, joint problems, hypertension, and depression.

Benefits of Physical Activity for Diabetic Patients

Putting these drawbacks aside, let us now consider the advantages of regular physical activity for people with diabetes. Regular exercise can:

increase your body’s sensitivity to insulin

help manage your blood glucose levels

keep your weight in check

make you feel healthier & energetic

reduce your levels of stress

reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and nerve damage

prevent diabetes complications

Here’s how diabetics can begin an exercise regimen.

Consult with your physician prior to beginning an exercise regimen. According to your sugar levels, the doctor can recommend a suitable exercise regimen. Following a personalised consultation at DRC, we will recommend yoga asanas, pranayama, an exercise routine, and a diet chart that are appropriate for your body type and condition.

Please do not launch into an intense workout routine or 30-minute cardio session on the first day of your exercise programme. Start slowly and maintain consistency in your exercise regimen. You can begin with a 5-10 minute walk and increase it to 30 minutes within a month. You can avoid using the lift by taking the stairs, walking to nearby locations, or walking your dog.

Checking your blood sugar levels before and after exercise is essential. Do not exercise if your blood sugar is below 100 mg/dL or above 250-300 mg/dL. If you experience dizziness, shortness of breath, disorientation, or pain, consume a snack. It is essential to warm up, cool down, and stretch before and after a workout session to prevent injury and muscle soreness, both of which can reduce motivation.

This may sound like difficult advice, particularly for those who dislike exercise, but trust us, it’s not that difficult. After establishing a routine, it will become an integral part of your lifestyle. Find a workout partner or enlist a friend or family member for assistance.

Do something you enjoy; a gym membership is not required to lose weight or be physically active. You can dance with your children at home, play with them in the park, go swimming, garden or cycle, or practise highly beneficial and relaxing pranayama (breathing techniques).

Contact our expert Ayurvedic physicians if you have any questions or concerns about your ongoing diabetes treatment, diet, lifestyle, or any other matter. They will gladly assist you in regaining control of your blood sugar levels. You can also begin Ayurvedic treatment in addition to your standard diabetes medication. Our doctors recommend an Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes that addresses the underlying cause of your condition and manages your diabetes with the aid of special herbs and rasayanas.

Not only does DRC’s Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes help rejuvenate the body from within, but it also prevents the disease’s progression and complications. Gradually, the treatment will reduce your dependence on insulin and diabetic pills while enhancing your quality of life overall.


Know More About Ayurveda diabetic Treatments.