What is prediabetes?



Prediabetes is a condition in which the blood sugar level is greater than average. While it is not currently high enough to be classified as type 2 diabetes, children and adults with prediabetes are much more likely to experience type 2 diabetes if no lifestyle changes are made. Individuals with prediabetes have a 50% risk of having diabetes over the next five to ten years.

If you have prediabetes, the long-term risk associated with diabetes — especially to the heart, blood vessels, and kidneys — may have already started. However, there is some positive news. It is not necessary to progress from prediabetes to type 2 diabetes.

Treatment for prediabetes will help you avoid developing more severe health problems, such as type 2 diabetes and problems with the pulse, blood vessels, eyes, and kidneys.

Consuming nutritious meals, implementing physical exercise into your everyday schedule, and maintaining a healthy weight will all help restore your blood sugar level to usual. The same dietary changes that may help adults avoid type 2 diabetes can also help children regain natural blood sugar levels.


What are the signs and symptoms of prediabetes?

There are usually no signs or symptoms of prediabetes.

The darker skin on some areas of the body is a possible symptom of prediabetes. The neck, armpits, shoulders, knees, and knuckles can be included in the affected areas.

If you are having symptoms, you can notice that:
  • You’re significantly more thirsty than normal.
  • You urinate frequently.
  • You are Extremely Hungry.
  • You are Fatigued.
  • Your vision seems to be blurry.
  • You’re significantly more tired than normal.

What causes prediabetes?

Prediabetes has no clear cause. However, it appears that family history and genetics play a part. A lack of daily physical exercise and being overweight and having extra fat across the waist seems to be significant causes.

Obviously, individuals with Prediabetes are no longer able to efficiently absorb sugar (glucose). As a result, instead of providing energy to the cells that make up muscles and other tissues, sugar builds up in the bloodstream. Food provides the majority of the glucose in the body. Sugar reaches the body when food is digested. Insulin is a hormone that helps sugar move from your bloodstream to your body’s cells. This insulin is produced by your pancreas. Insulin enables blood glucose in your cells to be used as storage for your liver. Your cells do not respond as appropriate to insulin in prediabetes.

In the cycle of prediabetes:

  • Insulin resistance develops in cells. Their insulin reaction becomes slow or nonexistent.
  • The pancreas produces more insulin in an attempt to elicit a response from the cells.
  • The excess insulin compensates for the poor reaction for a bit. The levels of blood sugar remain normal.
  • The pancreas will eventually be unable to keep up with demand. Glucose that isn’t used for your cells remains in your blood.
  • The blood sugar level continues to rise. A blood test can reveal prediabetes at this stage.

If you don’t get medication, you might develop Type 2 diabetes.

What factors contribute to insulin resistance?
Researchers aren’t sure what induces cells to become immune to insulin. It’s likely, though, that being overweight and physically inactive play a role:
• Belly fat can cause the body to become inflamed, which can lead to insulin resistance.
• Exercise induces physiological modifications that aid in the control of blood sugar levels. It is impossible to preserve the equilibrium while there is a lack of activity.


Who is at risk of developing prediabetes?

As risk factors for prediabetes are common, make sure to get the blood sugar levels monitored frequently. More thorough diagnostics are required for prediabetes because prediabetes tends to be asymptomatic. Often, all it takes is the removal of an outmoded negative belief to create a new and valuable one.

The same factors which increase the probability of diabetes type 2 also increase prediabetes risk. The following considerations include:

Obesity:  Obesity is a major contributor to the development of prediabetes. The more fatty tissue you have around your belly, mostly within and between the muscle and skin, the more insulin resistant your cells become.

Waist size: Insulin resistance may be shown by a wide waist circumference. Insulin resistance is more likely in men with waists greater than 40 inches and women with waists greater than 35 inches.

Maintaining a diet: The consumption of red and refined meat, as well as sugar-sweetened drinks, is linked to a higher incidence of prediabetes. A diet rich in fruits, berries, almonds, whole grains, and olive oil has been linked to a reduced chance of developing prediabetes.

Lack of physical activity: The less healthy you are, the higher your chances of developing prediabetes. Physical exercise helps you maintain a healthy weight, burns sugar for energy, and improves insulin sensitivity.

Individual’s age: Even though diabetes can strike at any age, the likelihood of prediabetes rises after the age of 45.

Family history: If you have a parent or relative that has type 2 diabetes, you’re more likely to develop prediabetes.

Ethnicity or race: While the cause is unknown, some ethnic groups, such as Black, Hispanic, American Indian, and Asian Americans, are more likely to experience prediabetes.

Gestational diabetes (is a form of diabetes that occurs during pregnancy): You and your child are more likely to experience prediabetes if you have diabetes during pregnancy (gestational diabetes). If you’ve had gestational diabetes, the doctor will most likely monitor your blood sugar levels every three years at the very least.

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS): Prediabetes is more likely in women with this common disorder, which is marked by irregular menstrual cycles, excessive hair development, and obesity.

Sleep: Insulin resistance is more common in people who suffer from obstructive sleep apnea, a disease that causes sleep disruptions regularly.

Smoking: Tobacco smoke is one of the most dangerous substances on the planet. Insulin resistance can be exacerbated by smoking. In addition, smokers tend to be heavier in the stomach area.

The following are some of the other conditions linked to prediabetes:

• Hypertension (high blood pressure)

• Low levels of “healthy” cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol

• High triglyceride levels (a form of fat found in the blood)

These factors are linked to insulin resistance as they develop in conjunction with obesity.

What are the complications of prediabetes?

You’re more likely to have Type 2 diabetes if you have prediabetes. However, it places you at a higher risk of: Progression to type 2 diabetes is the most severe result of prediabetes. This is because type 2 diabetes will lead to the following complications:

  • Hypertension (high blood pressure)
  • High cholesterol levels
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Acute Stroke
  • Kidney problems
  • Limb amputations
  • Nerve Damage
  • Vision issues, including the possibility of vision loss

Prediabetes has been attributed to unidentified (silent) heart problems and will affect the kidneys, even though diabetes of type 2 has not advanced.


Is it possible to prevent prediabetes?

Speak to the healthcare provider if you have diabetes or other metabolic disorders in your family. According to the researchers, precautions are recommended for prediabetes to be prevented.

A healthy choice of lifestyle will help avoid prediabetes and their advancement into type 2 diabetes — even though the family has diabetes. Try to do this:

  • Eat nutritious foods
  • Get moderate aerobic physical exercise for at least 150 minutes a week or for most of the week for about thirty minutes.
  • Reduce weight gain.
  • Don’t smoke
  • Check the cholesterol and blood pressure.


How is prediabetes diagnosed?

Your doctor will use a blood test to test for prediabetes. You may have:

  • A fasting plasma glucose test is a blood test performed after an eight-hour fast (had nothing to eat or drink except water).
  • Oral glucose tolerance test: First, you’ll have a fasting plasma glucose test. Then, you’ll drink something sugary. Two hours after that, a technician will take and test more blood.

  • An A1C test will determine the average blood glucose level for the last two to three months.

You would be diagnosed with prediabetes if:

• Your fasting plasma glucose level is between 100 and 125 mg/dL (normal is 100; diabetes is 126 or more).

• Your Oral glucose tolerance test is 140 to 199 mg/dL after the second test

• Your A1c test is 5.7% to 6.4% mg/dL (normal is < 5.7%); diabetes is 6.5% or higher).



How is prediabetes treated?

Healthy lifestyle changes are the most effective way to treat diabetes. Type 2 diabetes can be prevented or delayed by eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly. Even minor improvements will reduce the chances of getting Type 2 diabetes.

  • Weight loss: Reduce weight by eating a balanced diet. Even losing 5% to 10% of your body weight will make a significant impact.
  • Regular exercise: Aim for 30 minutes of movement five days a week, for a total of 150 minutes. Try walking or another enjoyable sport.

Lowering your prediabetes risk factors will also help you get your blood sugar levels back to normal. You could:

  • Consult a therapist or dietitian to develop a long-term healthy eating strategy.
  • Look at ways to relieve or manage tension.
  • Stop smoking and Reduce
  • Recognize and address sleep problems.
  • Manage comorbid conditions including elevated cholesterol and blood pressure.
  • Join discussion groups to find individuals who are going through similar situations.


Prediabetes is a disease that affects a large number of people. It indicates that the blood sugar levels are elevated, but not high enough to be diagnosed with diabetes. It’s possible that you don’t have any signs of prediabetes. If you’re at high risk for diabetes, it’s important to speak to a doctor about having routine blood Tests.

The good thing is that prediabetes can be reversed and the ayurvedic approach has shown excellent results in treating people with diabetes by providing effective medications and therapies. Also, your blood sugar levels will be brought up to a healthier range by providing dietary and exercise protocols and help you in managing your weight, as well as other lifestyle improvements. Consult the doctor on ways to avoid or delay the onset of Type 2 diabetes.

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Disclaimer: This article is intended to provide treatment and medicine knowledge. This knowledge is not intended for diagnosis, medication, treatment, or disease prevention without a piece of expert advice. Please contact a qualified healthcare professional if you have severe acute or chronic health issues.